Legend of the Asura

Vol 3 Chapter 279: God's discovery

When I quit the game, it was already more than seven o'clock in the evening. If I had already finished the dinner, I was waiting for him. Seeing him coming out of the room, she quickly stood up to help him sort out the wrinkled clothes in the game compartment, and then succumbed to his favorite porridge.

"If so, tonight..."

"I know." If the little hand holding the bowl swayed slightly, his face was a little white. But soon, she smiled softly: "I believe that Feng Brother will be able to come back safely as before, will definitely."

Since his last serious injury, he almost died, he told her all his past - a girl who is willing to give up her life to save him, what reason is there to hide her.

It was only that night, he didn't dare, and no one told Feng Yao. Otherwise, he couldn't imagine what the consequences would be.

"Well!" Feng Li distressed and grabbed her hand, said with a firm face: "If you feel relieved, I will not be as reckless as I was last time, I will definitely come back safely, believe me."

"I believe... Feng Brother will come back safely." My heart is still worried, my heartbeat has not stopped, but she smiled hard, she did not want him to be distracted because of her, but did not want to be a drag on his progress.

The night always comes inadvertently, swallowing less and less light.

The time is approaching midnight, and if I am in the storm, I can't bear the feeling of powerlessness after a few times. The wind swayed gently to push her soft body and put on the night clothes and jumped down the window.

He doesn't like to kill, but he has to kill because it is the only vent of hatred in his heart. When the killing gradually becomes a habit, harvesting the life and pulling out a hay like no feeling, no fun.

I don't know how long it took, the same black shadow jumped back from the open window.

The time of returning this time was much earlier than last time, but it was much later than usual. Re-holding the body of the eve, but there is no drowsiness.

His footsteps are accelerating. I believe that the scene of this evening is enough to make all the families in the South uneasy.

This time, three people are waiting for him, but he did not pay attention to it. With the lessons of the last impulse, he will not put himself in danger and let the people who care about him feel sad. Under their eyes, he harvested more than two hundred lives in the target range! One does not stay!

This time, there was no murderous and bloodless spirit blade Feiyu, and his body still did not stain the blood of the upper half. No one can keep the life of the darkness of the scorpio, and there is no scream. Silent midnight, the wait of the Chinese three gods turned into silent irony.

They were completely miscalculated, and they were so arrogant in the eyes of the **** actor, but this time they ignored them. Like a shadow like a raging under their protection, and then grow away.

They are silent.

For the first time, they were unable to detect the clues of a person. Because his speed is too fast, it is almost impossible to capture all the surveillance on the streets of Jinghua. Let them start, there is no way to check.

For the first time, they were unscrupulously provocative by one person. For the first time, they combined with the power of three people but they were helpless for one person. For the first time, they were completely defeated.

"Old Xiao, ready to smash the bomb." Ye Huangtian sighed and turned and left. Although his left arm is free to move, it is still faint. He knew that if his internal force was as vast as the sea, the ordinary wound left by the Scorpio would be enough to completely ruin his left arm.

"It can only be like this. Although it will hurt your arms, if you don't confront us, we really can't do anything." Chen Yan patted him on the shoulder.

"I am ready! If he dares to appear next time, I will not give him the opportunity to escape." Sharp eyes like the desert goshawk, it is these sharp eyes, has made countless people's nightmare.

“Oh?” Chen Yan glanced at him and turned his head. He overlooked the night lights of the Jinghua neighborhood, such as a little starry night, and said: “He will kill the lowest level personnel, then the assassinate middle-level people, then the high-level... Last time, it was the killing of the two masters of the Shangguan family and the younger owners of the future...and this time." Chen Yan sighed softly, his look dignified: "There is a killing!"

"Yeah, I don't know what amazing action he will make next time. If you want to come, the four great families will be restless. The four unsettled families have done what they have done, and they have made him so hateful." His means are enough to make them more trembling and more and more fearful..."

"The blade of the blood emperor's shadow, cutting the economic lifeline of the country. If you want to come, the pressure on the head of the head will be great. After all, there is no way to let a person raging in Beijing for three years."

"Indeed, if we can't succeed next time, our dignity will be gone, and the four great families may also make a move to jump the wall..."

"If he chooses not to face us next time, we still have no choice. Everything can only be seen by your scorpion."

"No!" Xiao Ying turned around and the light in his eyes flashed through: "We are not the only way to stay in the road. It is enough for me to find out where he is hiding."

"Oh?" Chen Yan's look dignified: "Are you looking for any clues?"

"It can be said. Although Xiaotian is now indulging in "Reincarnation" and refuses to come out, but one month is enough for me to find out what he did last month today!"

"What! You mean..." Chen Yan was shocked.

"In the early morning of the 8th of last month, he and your family Binger suddenly drove out in a hurry. I received a report from the guards, thinking that they had an urgent matter, they went to the investigation room to find out. In all the streets of Jinghua City. On the surveillance video, I couldn't see their parking spots, but I vaguely inferred the location where they parked. Near the location, there was just a bloodshed. After testing, the blood remaining on Ye Xiongjian belongs to the same person. Then, in the back seat of the car, I found the same blood, although they cleaned up very cleanly, but the remaining one and a half points, it is indeed a **** shadow."

Chen Yanwei’s eyebrows with fire color are tightly locked together. Xiaoying’s words, he never doubts. He did not expect that the second heir to the future of the four gods of China, actually had an unusual relationship with the **** movie.

"Is it unexpected?" Xiao Ying’s mouth showed a bitter smile and sighed: "I am also an accident. But they are definitely not the kind of child, which must contain hidden things that we don't know. So I didn't go directly. Ask them, otherwise, they will be shocked by the **** movie."

"Old Xiao, where are you going to look up?" Chen Yan pressed the waves in his heart and asked in a loud voice. He knows more about Chen Bing than anyone else. This child who refused to be thousands of miles away was willing to risk the danger of saving the country with his country. Then his feelings for that person... He was quite upset in his thoughts.

"From the surveillance video, I can't judge where he finally got the car, but the route that I might pass, I have all sorted out. Just follow these complicated routes step by step, I will always find clues... Hey, night Let's go."

Chen Yan was silent for a long time, did not speak again, silently followed Xiao Ying behind him, and his heart was extremely upset.

If it wasn't because Chen Bing's room still released the cold that he couldn't access, he might not be able to ask him directly.

Ten minutes later, the headquarters of the four major families received all the news, all shocked on the spot, the look of fear spilled on everyone's face.

Being able to be the owner of a large family, the toughness of his heart is very comparable, but immersed in the shock and fear brought by the **** shadow of the wind for three years, the name has long been deep in their hearts, bringing them endless panic, waving A nightmare that can't go.

Now, the **** fangs are deeper and their fears are deeper. Even if it is possible... they would like to give the **** movie the answer he wants to get rid of this endless nightmare.

But even if they are, no one knows where the Duanmu family hides, as if this huge family disappeared like Huaxia in the air.

Trembling with both hands, they can think of it, only dial the secret phone, dial the wrong again and again, press again and again...

In the office of the highest head, Long Wei, who was tired for a day, pressed the temples to drive away the exhaustion. He must be awake at all times, because he has too many things to do, and the burden on his shoulders is too heavy and too heavy. Resting is too extravagant for him.

Right now, what he needs to start most is to get rid of the **** movie as soon as possible, and settle down the four great families in the South.

The first light of the morning sprinkled, adding a bit of light to the dark room. On the eve of the eve of the star, after waking up, she hurriedly reached out to touch the warmth of the desire.

A pair of arms held her tight and made her heart completely quiet. She yawned lazily and shrank into his arms and continued to sleep.

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