Legend of the Asura

Vol 3 Chapter 286: The hint of the nephew (below)

"Hey, when are you coming over?" The face of the proud moon Iraqi showed only the gentleness and love that would appear in front of him. At the same time, she was very embarrassed. She knew the savvy of this little emperor very much. If he had been hiding in the room before, it would be easy to hear some clues from her and her brother's words.

"Why did the aunt cry?" Duanmu did not answer, staring at her with a small head.

"My aunt didn't cry, but she just had a little uncomfortable eyes." She smiled hard and smiled, with a smile that could not be erased, and her eyes moved to other places. She knew that her little emperor could easily see that she was lying, but she had no choice.

"Aunt..." Duanmu looked at her and suddenly smiled innocently: "Aunt has someone you like? The one who wants to spend the whole life together."

She gave a slight glimpse, wondering why he suddenly asked this question, and some shook his head.

"What kind of person does the aunt like? Tell the nephew to listen well, and the nephew wants to know." Duanmu's brow bent and smiled mischievously.

"Aunts like people..." The eyes of the proud moon are somewhat blurred, and whispered: "The one in the aunt's dream, strong, lonely, standing tall at the top of humanity, has the strength of the world... can bring My aunt’s greatest sense of security, so that my aunt no longer tastes the warmth of the world, no longer deliberately disguised..."

"Is that aunt who has encountered such a person?" Duanmu licked his mouth and looked at her with a sly look.

"No..." Ao Yue Yi people shook their heads. How can such a person appear in her life, her dreams. Destined to be only a dream.

In the meantime, a faint figure appeared in her mind, slowly overlapping with the person in her dream. She was shocked...

"Aunt..." Duanmu suddenly laughed, laughing very mysteriously, with the innocence of the juvenile, and with confidence that is completely inconsistent with age: "Mom often said to me, many things that I dreamed of, in fact, already Inadvertently appearing around you, but the forms they present are not the same as those in their dreams. It is easy for people to ignore them unconsciously. Some of them are very subtle, some are weird, others are strange. It will be...very cruel..."

"God never puts a person's dream into his hands, but gives him an opportunity. Whether or not to seize this opportunity depends entirely on that person's determination, attitude, and effort...嘻嘻These are all my mother told me, my aunt, I am going to find those cute monsters to play, goodbye!" Duanmu waved, the small body ran out of the hall lightly, and soon, the hall came out The farther the laughter.

The proud moon and the Iraqi people looked at the front, and the world suddenly turned over in her eyes. The heart that was almost desperate and desperately ignited some inexplicable warmth and hope...

"Hey, you have to tell your aunt what it is..." She thought quietly, and suddenly she laughed, and the dark clouds in her heart slowly faded.


Still at a glance at the marginal green. Relatively speaking, there are few towns in the western part of the Tianlong continent, and most of them are weedy areas. These are the traces left by the sacred beasts of the Five Sacred Beasts 50,000 years ago.

The baby who leaned in the arms of the wind gently yawned, and the soft body twisted a few times, found a more comfortable position, and continued to sleep sweetly. Although every day is a repeated windward flight, but only to be able to stick to him, she feels happy every moment.

"Hey..." The baby's cute eyelashes moved and then opened her eyes.

"Baby, what's wrong?" The wind blew his head down and said softly.

"Mom... Mom came out from the novice village!" The baby's sleepiness was swept away, and the excitement shouted out. Two small hands covered his ears and seemed to be secretly talking to his mother.

"Oh?" The wind was moving. He has already prepared for this day, or he is looking forward to it.

"Auntie has called us."

The baby didn't answer, squinting at what the ear was listening to, and the delicate face was red with the excitement. After a while, she put down her little hand and looked at him happily: "Mom said that she is waiting for us at our house."

"Our home?" The wind slammed a little, and then relieved. Since the wind building is exposed, as long as it is a little capable, you can easily find the location of your home. He observed the surrounding environment and kept this position in his heart.

"Let's go, let's go home." The ring of space flashed, and the bodies of the two disappeared into the air and returned to the wind building.

"If we, we are back!" There is no eve in the hall, the wind shouted loudly, and then took the baby's little hand to the backyard.

Among the flowers, the delicate body is graceful and gentle, and the plants and flowers that suddenly appear are carefully identified. Under the utmost vitality of Shennong Ding, the flowers and plants here not only grow at an incredibly fast speed, but also many exotic flowers and plants that have never been seen grow spontaneously from all corners, although they are now too fresh and discernible. Out of their grades and genus, but if they still can clearly see their extraordinary from their leaf shape.

The familiar voice let her glimpse, then reveal the surprise of the face, gently put down the flower leaf pinched between the jade fingers, and hurriedly walked to the front yard.

"Big Brother, you are back." Yang Xiruo just ran out of the backyard, and saw that he smiled and took the baby to come over, she hurriedly greeted him, getting used to ** close to him.

"Well, the baby's mother is coming over, let's get ready to entertain the guests." The windy right hand snorted in her hips without a trace, smirked.

"Ah...well." Although he has been intimate with him many times, this little action still makes her face reddish, and she sneaked a glimpse of the baby, and she sighed softly after seeing her not found. "I am a It’s good to be prepared, and the big brother is taking a break here.”

“Hey, the player’s ‘Shadow’s woman’ requested to enter.”

The wind and the look of a stiff, slightly helpless, said: "She has come."

If I nodded, I turned and entered the hall.

Shadow Girl... What does this name mean? The wind flutters and thinks. He has always believed that the identity of the baby's mother is absolutely unusual, and her name may be related to her identity.


"Baby, Auntie is coming." The wind did not let go of her little hand, and gently pulled her to the door. As the baby's mother, she has the qualification to let him personally welcome. And he can easily see that the baby's feelings for her are not generally good, very attachment.

"Well, let's pick up the mother!" The baby cheered with joy and ran back against the windy hand.

The door was pushed open silently, and a tall figure slowly stepped on. Her whole body is the most common, or the most novice 0 level equipment, plain to no trace of gorgeous, covered with a layer of system to give a white scarf, does not seem to let others see her face. Her gaze stopped for a while, then looked at the luxurious courtyard, and then stopped for a moment in the hands they held together, the eyebrows moved, and finally fell on the wind.

The windy face flashed awkwardly, and as she slowly approached, a graceful and graceful breath came to the forefront, and the most common dress could not hide her half of the dignity and nobleness. And her gaze, sharp as if with a cold, sharp blade, made his heart violent.

This temperament determines that she must stand at the highest point of humanity. And such a look... In reality, she is definitely a master of high hands.

Her footsteps stopped at three meters from the wind and the baby, standing there quietly, looking at the wind. As she stood, her hair, her clothes, and her whole body were not completely still, and the cold and suffocating momentum filled the surrounding space.

The image in front of the wind suddenly stunned. He seemed to see a sharp-edged blade standing in front of him. He was covered with a sharp cold light, which made people dare not look at it.

"Mom!" The baby ran up cheerfully and rushed into her arms and smiled happily.

In an instant, the cold and silent momentum disappeared without a trace. Her gaze moved away from the wind, and she looked at the baby gently, gently leaning down her body, caressing her hair, and her face was loved.

"Mom," the baby looked up from her mother's arms and still smiled happily: "The baby really saw her mother here, so happy... Mom, this is my brother Shura."

The baby ran back to the wind with a small step, and gently pulled him to her, and there was no hint of their darkness in their hearts.

The closer she was to her, the more noble her temperament. He looked at the baby with a squint and said with a slight smile: "Hello aunt."

This title makes him feel quite awkward. Although she couldn't see her face, she gave him the feeling that it didn't seem to be much bigger than him.

The wind screamed in the dark and endured! Who made her a baby's mother?

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