Legend of the Asura

Vol 3 Chapter 289: World Fighting Congress?

The whole hall was silent for a moment, and the two silently looked at each other. The air that was suppressed by the atmosphere seemed to stop flowing and condensed together.

"Is it very unexpected?" Long Wei broke the silence and fixedly looked at him.

The wind nodded and shook his head again: "Unexpected, but not unexpected."

Not surprisingly, he finally found himself because of his "Sura" identity. The surprise is that he found it so quickly.

Long Wei smiled lightly and said calmly: "You can be the first person who can keep such a calm person in front of me. Is it the Shura, who is famous for being in the middle of the day, can you let me see the true face?"

The wind has long known that he will have such a request, and shook his head: "No."

For the first time, it was so neatly rejected. Longwei’s face did not show the slightest disappointment, but the smile was even more intense: “Sure enough. Dare to talk to me, you are the first one in these years.”

"I will treat it as a compliment to me." The expression of the wind was light and did not show any emotional fluctuations. This made Long Wei, who kept paying attention to his expression changes, nodded secretly.

Long Wei’s face was positive and he smiled. “You are a smart person. If so, I will go straight to the theme...”

"If you want me to sell for the country, then you still don't want to say it." The wind squinted, not salty and not light. He has heard too many similar rumors. But in his world, no one can bind his freedom - no matter who.

Long Wei smiled helplessly and sighed: "You are wrong. I don't have any coercion or ready to control you. The purpose of my coming here is to represent the country to make a request to you... a request related to the future of the country. ""

"Request?" The wind slammed, the tight nerves relaxed a little, and Longwei did not have the slightest anger to make him feel a little guilty in his heart, and the tone was no longer cold: "Since it is a request, it means that I have Do not agree to the right."

"Yes! You really can't agree." Longwei looked at him and looked straight at him. "But if you really don't agree, it means that I misread you, I will find someone else instead."

The condensed gaze made the pressure on the wind violently aggravate a bit, and it also evoked his curiosity. He looked up and looked at him, waiting for him to say his "request."

It is related to the future of the country... What is the request to be qualified to wear such a big hat.

Longwei stood up from the seat and took a few steps back and forth. This is meaningful: "What do you think of "Reincarnation"?"

The wind also followed, and the highest head stood. After he sat, he couldn’t say it. He thought about it and replied: "Before, I used it as a simple game. Now it seems that "reincarnation" has Completely out of the concept of the concept of 'games', it is no exaggeration to say that it has become the second world of all mankind."

“Yes.” Long Wei turned and looked at him: “The average online time between the ages of 15 and 50 has exceeded the actual time. If the game of “Reincarnation” suddenly disappears, I believe it will trigger the whole World-wide chaos. This was something that no one thought of at the time. It should be said that no one ever thought that a simple 'game' could be so realistic and so attractive."

"The popularity and sensation of "Reincarnation" far exceeds my expectations. This is related to the reputation and popularity of '璎珞', but the most important reason is its charm. Such an epoch-making game for all walks of life Even the social pattern has had a huge impact, and the impact on the entertainment industry and tourism industry is even more devastating. But... So far, no country has ever come forward to curb the development of this game. Do you know why? Long Wei said as he watched his reaction.

In the heart of the wind, I frowned and asked: "I have also vaguely thought about this problem. Is there any hidden feeling in it?"

"Yes!" Longwei nodded, his face dignified a few points: "Everything comes from the root cause of the reincarnation, which is related to the future of China and the whole world."

The wind slammed and looked at him with gaze, expecting an answer. If you say this in the mouth of the highest leader, there will be no falsehood.

Seeing his own words has fully evoked his interest. Longwei’s face flashed a faint smile, then turned and went silent for a while before he said: “According to our original agreement, The reason for this cannot be told to others. Unless... you can promise my request."

"Agreement with you?" The curiosity on the face is even stronger. There are too many surprises and hidden secrets that he does not know in "Reincarnation", and he always remembers his original intention to enter "Reincarnation" - following his father's death, he became the first person standing at the peak. Therefore, he is eager to know all about "reincarnation", because after this period of intentional and unintentional ** and adventure, "reincarnation" has long been no longer a mere game in his heart.

He vaguely felt that "Reincarnation" contained a cause and effect that determined his life.

"Tell me, what do you want me to do?" asked the wind.

"It's very simple, and it's very difficult." Long Wei sighed with a sigh of relief and turned around. He said, "I want you to represent China, and participate in the World Reincarnation Fighting Competition ten months later."

"Oh?" A sigh of relief, his face was puzzled.

"This is one of our agreements with you. One year after the reincarnation, each country has to send two players to participate in the World Fighting Competition. The final result of this competition is related to the world!"

"I understand, I promise, now, please tell me the answer I want."

"Oh?" Longwei's face was slightly surprised, his sharp eyes swept across his face, and said faintly: "You don't feel that you promised too fast. In that game, we only won in China, not to lose. If you win, you are the hero of China, if you lose..."

"That is the sinner of China?" The windy face of the light interface, slowly walked back to the seat and sat down: "I want to participate, just because I want to participate, other, but secondary. ”

"You never thought about the consequences of failure." Long Wei also sat back opposite him, looking at him with a burning gaze.

"I believe in myself." The wind is right: "And the leader, if you don't have confidence, you won't come to me personally."

Long Wei looked at him silently. He suddenly looked up and laughed aloud: "Ha ha ha ha, it is my Shura in China. This is self-confidence and courage, and it is not something that ordinary people can have." He stopped laughing. Sound, but there is still a smile in the corner of the mouth: "You are like me when I was young, I am as energetic, frivolous, arrogant, confident, and with so little emptiness, but under your arrogance, I hide the original me. No wisdom and calmness."

The wind shook a little and didn't speak. The heart is full of twists and turns.

Winning the champion of the World Fighting Congress, isn’t it the sign of the peak of the reincarnation? And the “slaughter” must also appear... the hands of the wind are slowly tightening.

It is your own opportunity, it is also a challenge, and it is the motivation that you must become stronger.

"I have privately studied the powerful players that have emerged in various countries. Each of them is strong enough to break the balance. They all have their own areas of expertise, and some even have special terrorist abilities, most of them are strong. ......" Long Wei glanced at him and continued: "Not even behind you."

The wind is silent. Ever since he suffered a fiasco in the hands of "Scrapping the World", he will never be the first in the world with a heads-up ability, and will not despise any player who can become an enemy.

"I just want to know, what is the agreement between you and you, and what is the reason for the reincarnation?" asked the wind.

Longwei glanced and sighed softly. "Now you have the qualification to know."

He believes that since Shura promised to go to the World Fighting Congress, he will certainly not repent. A powerful man with such eyes, courage and momentum is not a generation without words.

"Everything comes from the world summits of more than a year ago." Long Wei looked up at his reaction, but did not find the slightest change on his face, nodded secretly and continued: "I Huaxia Guohe Due to the fault of history, the Dongpu country has always had hatreds that cannot be removed. And between I and the Tokugawa Tokugawa Tokugawa, there is hatred that is not shared with the world... Hey, private hatred, not to mention it.” Tokugawa Ito, the painful color on Longwei’s face is fleeting.

There was a sympathy in the heart of the wind, and he generally understood his entanglement with the Emperor Dongpu. The hatred between them is indeed enough to describe it as "not wearing the sky."

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