Legend of the Asura

Vol 3 Chapter 310: despair! Super god-level evil atmosphere (below)

*** Source of this chapter. Please read the latest chapter ***

A number of -12355 appears on the stars, causing its life to drop to almost completely blank.

The windy and tight heart finally let go, and quickly took back the stars. If it weren't for the physical attack of the King of the Capricorn, it would be offset by the stars with the dark power. Just then, it is absolutely easy to kill the stars.

The king of konjac wakes up from the vertigo. The first thing he sees is a bit of glare red light, which makes it stiff, and then responds quickly. In the violent day, countless dark meteorites fall from the sky.

"Oh, your skill ‘the evil eye of Shura’ failed...”

Still no retreat, the wind completely ignored the boulder falling in the sky, continued to circulate his guerrillas, just sprinted to half, his heart was shocked, because his "shadow" effect has disappeared, the light of "sacred light" also began Weakened and will soon dissipate.

However, his sword still stabbed.

"The guardian of evil spirits!"

The omnipresent boulder was on his head, without the protection of the light barrier. He shook his whole body and stressed that he was going to break his body into the ground, but he did not suffer any real harm. Then, the king of the konjac's heavy punches came with a strong wind, and the windy legs slammed on its body, leaping through the rebounding force, avoiding it, and landing The "Dragon Roll Dance" of the completion of the force rang out and took away nearly 20,000 lives.

The white light on the body finally disappeared, and the full attribute of the wind fell back to normal. He looked at the white potion with a dignified face - although before the powerful attack power of the King of the Capricorn, this reply was just a drop in the bucket.


The king of konjac did not attack him. In its screaming sensation, six black shadows appeared in front of it - six, all the same as the "violent konjac" just killed, the only difference Yes, there is no description of "task boss" in their data.

"Finally... summoned!" The wind has already known every skill of it through "Eye of the Eyes". He has been waiting for its summoning skills for a long time. This is why he has been reluctant to use the "storm arrow", because once besieged, coupled with restrictions on the replacement of weapons, the archer is destined to become a tragedy.

There is no trace of worry in the eyes, and the Xuanyuan, which is ready to go, begins to shine with color. With Xuanyuan's lifting, a round of colored moon with a diameter of more than ten meters is formed on the head of the wind, and the surrounding space becomes white, and the king of the konjac and the cruel konjac are all smashed. there……

"Drink... Moonlight!"

Xuanyuan waved out, the silent moon in the top of the wind, the silent explosion, the color of the light vented out, shrouded around, the seven series of energy traversing, completely engulfing the surrounding darkness.

Yuehua Tianzhu: Advanced Magic Wu stunt, the elements of the explosion of the seven-line energy formation Yuehua attack all the enemies within 30 meters around itself, the attack power is 1500% of the normal attack, and add 500 water damage, 500 fire damage, 500 wind damage, 500 lightning damage, 500 soil damage, 500 light damage, 500 dark damage, 100% probability with a silent effect, consume magic 5000, cooling time 1 hour.

The beautiful colored radiance dissipated, and the six cruel konjac that had just been summoned all fell silently in the moonlight, and the body turned into a dark energy dissipated. The king of konjac stood with his eyes fixed, and a red number of 52800 on his head slowly faded.

Without the "sacred light", the popular attack can only cause more than 3,000 damage to it. He gasped for two breaths, and his eyes swept his blood trough and found that his life was still 180,000, and he was recovering at a rapid rate.

At the same time, a sign of "silent" status appeared on top of its head, but soon disappeared. The level difference between them is too large, and the "silence" of more than ten seconds lasts only three seconds on it.

"The evil eye of Shura" was launched again, but the information that was still obtained was the message of failure. He sighed and did not have a shadow. He did not dare to rush forward. With his present life, he could only hold it.

The behemoth's footsteps are getting closer and closer, and the windy brain is circling rapidly to find a way to win. Suddenly, the sound of a gas venting sounds, it is particularly clear in the quiet atmosphere, horror... windy eyes Suddenly it was dark.


Unprepared, his body was slammed, and the blood trough almost became blank... In the dark, strong winds came from his left side, and he evaded a "phoenix sneak" and quickly understood: he was already The "dark day" of the king of konjac, this is a special "darkness" state, the world he is in will become completely dark, and the other party can clearly see him.

The reply of the white potion can hardly be said to work at all. He faces a dilemma. One is to take the "infinite gate" away... but he is not reconciled. In order to prevent the player from going back and forth between the boss area and the safe area. Intermittent play cheating, set the hatred within the scope of the boss once there is no enemy, the lost life will be filled immediately. If he walks away, the previous efforts are all in vain. If you fly high, you must be hit by its dark meteorite...

There is another option...

"Shu Luo Ming Wang Bo!"

The "dark" effect is different from the "blindness". Although you can't see the surroundings, the hitting ability will not drop. The king of the konjac has both the "freezing" and "petrochemical" attributes, and the body is stiff there.

"Yaoer... help me!"

Feng Yao, who was full of nervousness, suddenly trembled and his body disappeared into a group of blue rays. He didn’t have time to say a word. Only leave the Xuanyuan brothers face each other.

He closed his eyes, a weird sign appeared on his head, and his blood tank was almost blank. Feng Yao’s heart was anxious, and he panicked to display the “Holy Healing Technique”, which filled the life of the wind, and “Sacred Purification” was followed by casting, which restored the world of the wind.

"Yao, I am fine..."

The wind slammed the wind Yao, and the konjac king suddenly recovered. When he just stood up and stood up, countless dark shreds were spinning around, overwhelming, making people nowhere.

boom! boom!

At the same time, Feng Yu and Feng Yao were hit. The last layer of the “Light Barrier” on Feng Yao was broken up. She quickly moved to the side of the wind and filled the life he had just lost with “Holy Healing”. But he found that his forehead seemed to flash a little **** light.

"Oh, your skill ‘the evil eye of Shura’ succeeded...”

A group of faint red awns wrapped the body of the king of konjac, and the corner of the wind finally smiled.

"Little white! Chong!"

No more scruples, the wind flashed in the eyes, rushed to the king of the konjac whose defense fell to 0, and the right hand slammed.

"Death! Blaze the flames... the soul is broken... repair the thorn!"

The huge number of 26 red and yellow superimposed at the same time emerged on the head of the king of konjac, and instantly cleared its blood trough! The huge punches that were thrown in the air stopped, and the huge body fell heavily, not even before the end of the roar. This powerful 80-level gold boss finally lost to the 57-level hand of the wind, ending its career as the king of konjac. After death, it did not explode any items, but instead turned into dark energy dissipating like a cruel konjac.

The battle lasted only less than two minutes. The experience of the 57th grade has increased by 70%.

"Brother... it's amazing." Feng Yao's heartbeat finally settled down and teleported to his side. Suddenly, her outstretched hands were there because she found...he was shaking and his body was shaking.

"Brother... What's wrong with you?" Grabbing his arm, he realized how fierce his trembling was, and her heartbeat began to speed up.

"Wind brother... flee... flee... this is the power you can't fight, this is... this is the power of super god!"

"Escape? How to escape? Where to escape?" The wind trembled and laughed. "Don't you feel that you can't feel it? This dead soul swamp must be laid by that person, unless you kill him, there is no way to escape from here!"

"Oh... I know, I know, but... it’s impossible to defeat such a person..." Xuanyuan’s voice is also shaking, she can clearly feel the power of the evil power, that is a Even the stocks that she feels trembled!

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