Legend of the Asura

Vol 8 Chapter 368: Broken flame sword

"Ah... Little days are dangerous."

"No!" The wind shook his head. "In this case, the ice can't attack through the ice wall. The ice wall built by Binger has 200,000 lives per unit, but it can't be trapped. Xiaotian is too long, and Binger... She should have known for a long time, what exactly does she want to do?"

When destroying an ice wall or a building that can be destroyed, unless the group attack skill is used, it can only be destroyed by one unit per unit, and one unit is about one cubic meter. Xiao Tian frowned for a while, finally stood in front of the ice wall on one side, waving the sword in his right hand, and the hand and the sword seemed to disappear completely together, only to hear the sound of ice and the faint sword wind. He did not know that Chen Binger, who was separated from his ice wall, had teleported to the ice wall he was destroying, his eyes closed, his hands holding the ice sword, and the tip of the sword pointed to the ground.

Shot nine times a second, the fine numbers floated at an incredible speed on an ice wall. In just five seconds, the ice wall on the right side was destroyed by a huge hole, and Xiao Tian’s body jumped out suddenly. With a large dark blue light shining from the foot, a very cold feeling instantly swallowed all his nerves.

"Extremely frozen!"

The sound of the ice condensed sounded loudly, and it was incredible. In just one moment, most of the competitions centered on Chen Binger were completely blocked in a thick layer of ice.

"Binger... defeated." Looking at the illusion of shooting from the vast ice array into the air, the wind has already known the next ending.

Most of the arrays are supported by the ground, and the extremely frozen array is no exception. This also determines its wide range of lateral effects, the range of sixty meters. And the vertical... is far behind, only five meters. Xiao Tian, ​​I understand this very clearly.

Just out of the ice wall's containment, Xiao Tian, ​​who is completely unprepared, can't get rid of this 60-meter ice blockade even if he uses "instant" in the first time, but if he uses "zero" sprint to In the air, you can safely avoid it in the millennium... Because, what Chen Binger doesn't know is that he also hides a special ability that she doesn't know. This ability is only known by the wind.

The moment when he successfully pulled up five meters, the ice under his body almost formed on his toes. Xiao Tian couldn't help but feel a cold sweat. If the night was so little, he would be completely frozen.

Chen Binger’s face did not reveal the slightest unexpected color, and the cold and sturdy ice sword still pointed to the ground. The effect of the extremely frozen array is 5 seconds. Even if he leaves with "zero", he will still be frozen without any suspense.

However, her eyes flashed quickly in the eyes, because Xiao Tian's body actually stopped in the air.

"Small days not only move, but also attack very fast, and can... Yu Jian flying!"

The foot is chasing the stars, and Xiao Tian’s face floats in the air leisurely. The silver sword is as if it is completely integrated into the ice under the radiance of ice, making it easy to ignore his existence. What the players can see is that he is safely standing above the ice thorns at his feet.

"Ice, hey, you are defeated." After a second of time, Xiao Tian stepped on the foot and jumped up nearly two meters high with the chasing star. At the same time, the chasing star under his feet became a silver mans in his hands, just in him. When the body landed close to the ice thorn, he sipped: "Zero!"

Extremely frozen for 5 seconds, Chen Binger can't defend with the ice shield, and the recruiting is completely out of reach. Under the "zero" attack like an electric phoenix, she may have lost even when she reacted.

"Zero" is as fast as a teleport, and even the freezing effect of the extremely frozen array is too late to freeze him before the skill is completed. Xiao Tian’s body disappeared into the ice layer and rushed to the location where Chen Binger was located. At the puncture point, a large red number appeared on the ice thorn.


After the "zero" exhibition was completed, Xiao Tian was also frozen in the extremely frozen array, and his life fell quickly. The ice sword in the hands of Chen Binger waved, and the ice was released. At the same time, it quickly moved backwards, and the next second disappeared on the arena. She knew that if it wasn't for Xiao Tian, ​​she suddenly changed direction and she was already spiked.

In the doubts of almost all players, the prompt of the end of the game sounded: "The player 'ice' gave up, and the player 'screams and screams' wins."

Ignoring the whispers of the audience, Xiao Tian returned directly to the seat, while wiping the cold sweat on his head due to tension.

"Small days, the performance is good." Feng Xiao nodded to Xiao Tian.

"It’s just luck... I didn’t expect the ice to show up in the mountains. It’s so terrible to be serious. I almost planted her in several times.” Xiao Tianxin had a slap in the chest.

"It is no accident that you can win her." The wind did not continue to discuss with him on this issue. He said with a serious look: "The next game is a game of hate and red burning. If nothing else, Your next opponent will be hateful, so watch his skills."

"Well, I understand." Xiao Tian's eyes became sharp, and he was happy and distracted, staring at the stage and waiting for the start of the next game.

"Brother, go to comfort the ice sister, and be defeated in front of you, she must be very lost." Feng Yao swayed his arm. Chen Binger’s personality, she knows very clearly.

"Well!" Nodded, he was still thinking about how to comfort her.

When returning to the wind building, Chen Binger was leaning on the pavilion. The face of the ice and snow was indifferent, and her eyes stayed in the pool that was completely frozen by her.

“Is it disappointing to myself?” The wind came to her and looked at her eyes.

Chen Binger nodded lightly, but some did not dare to look at his eyes.

"Actually, when it comes to heads-up, you are really not an opponent of Xiaotian, with the ability he has shown. Even the whole world can hardly find a few opponents that can compete with him. And if you don't have that layer of cold. You may have lost it long ago."

Chen Binger bite the ice and lips, and the wind said that she knew it.

"But, there are many aspects that you are far behind." The wind smiled and smiled: "His advantage is only in the heads-up. And Binger, you are extremely powerful and even perfect, regardless of attack and defense. The attack and defense will be merged, the attack mode will be unpredictable, and the scope and effect of the attack will not be fully possessed by Xiaotian. In the previous game, Xiaotian played all his specialties, and Binger’s advantage was not revealed at all. However, there are times when you almost forced him into desperation. Therefore, your overall strength is actually far better than that of Xiaotian. There is no need to feel lost."

Seeing the stretched expression on her face, she looked at her blue hair in front of her face: "In my heart, Binger is always one of the most important people around me. If you are not happy, How could I be happy... I will go back first, Binger, come on."

When he just turned around, Chen Binger’s face showed a slight smile, and at that moment, the spring blossomed.

Did not immediately return to the arena, the wind went to the hall, picked up a boring baby: "The baby's game is about to start, let's go now."

"Yeah!" The baby retracted his body into the warm embrace, his arms wrapped around his neck.

When the wind smashed the baby back to the arena, countless cattle were covered with cows and their eyes were red. The angel Lolita on the goddess list is actually so intimately held in her arms... It’s so delicate and delicate as an elf-like body, I really want to hug it. But why the person holding her is... Shura!

The sixth game of the top 16 pk, start!

Killing God against the blasting mad warrior, hiding the profession to hide the profession, will it be a protracted war? still is……

Separated by more than 20 meters, Chi Yan burned the sky and suddenly screamed, the flame sword in his hand ignited a strong flame, and then the body jumped at a rapid speed, and actually jumped to the hate sky at such a long distance.

"Boom!" With the explosion of a burst of flame energy, the bombardment of the flame sword was on the ground that stood before hating the sky. And the body that hates the sky moves a small step like a ghost, just right to avoid this trick "explosive madness," and then the end of the day, Huang Quan slammed into the body of the red burning.

The hateful attack is the same as Xiaoke, and the red-burning sky has just landed, and it is impossible to make an escape. He quickly raised the flame sword, and a thick fire dragon began to hover over the sword.

"Real block!"



The success of the "real inflammation block" blocked the hateful attack, but the next scene made the heart of Chi Yan burning the sky slammed into the bottom.

His body was shaken back more than five meters by a huge impact, and the half of the blade flew farther, eventually falling to the edge of the arena, and the flame above it was completely extinguished. He was staring at the broken sword that also lost the flame color in his hand. Why didn't he believe that the sword he was proud of was cut off...

The wind was so shocked that I didn’t expect that in addition to my own Xuanyuan, the end of the day, Huang Quan could also trigger the "break" effect of terror.

(The flame sword is broken......... This episode is very important, don't ignore it.)

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