Legend of the Asura

Vol 8 Chapter 383: Cold heart

As if by the sword, the body of the Duanmu was stiff and stiff, and both hands were pressed at the heart, and the whole body trembled with pain and pain.

"Tonight, is it the full moon night...but why come so early..."

On the screen in front of him, there was a game in which the atmosphere changed significantly, but he had no way to continue watching it, and he knew that Shura would win.

Difficult to level the face that had been completely distorted, he turned his body and gently walked back to his room, gently locking the door. It was only a dozen meters away, and he did not make a slight noise when he bit his teeth. A little bit of sweat that ran down because of bitterness and patience fell to the ground.

At the moment of closing the door, the expression on his face was completely deformed, and the body could barely stand because of the extreme pain. The little body huddled in the squash.

From half a year ago, every month, he will experience such a pain, the painful pain of the bone marrow sometimes lasts for ten minutes, sometimes even for dozens of minutes, and this thing, Duanmu home up and down, except him Only one person knows.

In the vagueness, he once again remembered what he said about the "medical god" Huang Grandpa of Duanmu's family six months ago.

"Grandpa Huang, tell me, how long can I live?"

"One year..." The kind-hearted old man sighed in the sky and did not dare to touch his eyes. Perhaps, it is really a talent. His internal organs, every minute and every second are being destroyed by a strange force. On the full moon night, the power will become more and more violent.

He is powerless.

"One year..." He silently read these two words, his eyes filled with water.

"Yellow Grandpa, don't tell anyone about this thing? Mom, Grandpa, can't."

The tears of the stars fell, and Huang Yishen painfully wiped his tears and nodded with his eyes closed. The gaze that didn't have any impurities made him understand what he wanted to express. Since he has been weak, instead of letting the whole family suffer from this bitterness, he would rather bear it all alone in the last year.

From that day on, Huang Yishen rarely walked out of his room, but it was almost no longer in front of the current raft, because he had no face to see him... He could heal everyone, but he could not cure this little one. Heaven and the Wizards. Every time I think of him, I think of the pain and despair of a young boy who is less than three years old with a tender shoulder. He always tears.

Consciousness, the body is gradually torn and swallowed by the extreme pains of squally showers. Before fainting, he once again mourned the oath that was engraved into the soul...

I will make everyone I like... happy...


Cold-blooded heart: the exclusive skill of the **** of killing. Once opened, it will temporarily annihilate all emotions in the heart. The only belief is the ruthless killing. Effect: Attack +100%, defense +100%, attack range +100%, the enemy and the enemy are not divided during the attack, all the creatures in the line of sight will become the target that must be killed, and automatically get rid of all the team. Skills cannot be closed by themselves, until the death.

His immortal...good metamorphosis skills. The windy hands clenched. At this time, hate the sky, you can kill him with a skill. And his defense at this time can offset more than 8,000 injuries.

The blood of battle, but it is boiling.

At this time, the whole body of Hate was shrouded in the light of the blood, and even the face could not be seen clearly. Only the eyes with the red light were so clear and terrible. Under the horror of the cold bone marrow, there was a slight shudder in the heart of the wind.

"Sura... beat him, I beg you to defeat him."

A voice with panic and crying was introduced into his ear, and he clearly remembered that it was the sound of enchanting rain. At this time, her ten fingers were tightly twisted together, and almost undistorted due to unconscious exertion. She knows that if she hates heaven, then his next move will be the ruthless slaughterhouse... Then he will rush out of the arena and slaughter every player he sees...

"I understand... you can rest assured."

I dare not have the slightest intention, hate the additional state of the day, the effect is almost comparable to his Xuanyuan Shengyan, and it is a state of horror that will never disappear unless it is killed.

It was a surprising attachment. For victory and dignity, he even displayed such a terrible crazy skill.

The **** gaze finally had a focal length and locked him in the first place. The wind was cold, no hesitation, and the first shot, suddenly his eyes flashed red, and a **** sword wind swept to him. In the face of a strike that can definitely kill him, the wind immediately took over, the soul wing retracted, and the body slammed into the ground.

The original five-meter sweep turned into ten meters, what a shock of the huge red arc. With a nearly crazy roar, a hit in the hate of the sky instantly found the target, the end of the day Huang Quan violently lifted up, when the air hit, smashed.

As soon as he gnawed his teeth, the wind did not retreat, and greeted the body that hated the sky. A blazing flame stabbed the past.

"The guardian of evil spirits!!!"

The huge bombardment sounded at the top of the head. Although it was perfectly resisted, it caused a fierce tremor in the windy body. It was too late to shock the terrorist attacking power of this sword. The blazing flames of the wind have already stabbed in hate. At the same time, when his feet fell to the ground, the right-handed Shura spurs out and nails the shadow of hate on the ground.

Finally, a long sigh of relief, the windy body slammed back, and then retreated to 30 meters in the blink of an eye, Xuanyuan sword illusion to do Xuanyuan bow, storm-like arrows shot to the fierce struggle of the sky.

Six arrows a second. With the addition of Shura's magical attack, each arrow can inflict more than 7,000 damage. The life of the God-killing barrier is reduced rapidly. However, what surprised the wind was that it took only three seconds to hate the day to get rid of the fusing bond, and five "death sorrows" flew to him.

The storm arrow is still going on, and the body that hates heaven is constantly repulsed. The cicada just issued was also interrupted. At this time, hate heaven lost all reason, but only did not lose the sense of fighting. After being unable to break through the storm of the storm, he flashed red all over his body, and his body appeared on the top of the wind, and it was a sword.

boom! ! !

The ground where the wind was originally stationed was bombarded with a large hole that was two meters deep. The windy bow that jumped in the thrill was a stick, and the right hand gently circled a circle, then the finger flicked. Only he knows that this is actually the shape of a clock.

A small clock formed on the top of the hateful sky, disappeared in a flash, and hardly caught anyone's attention. No one even noticed that the only pointer on the clock appeared in the opposite direction.

The situation that surprised and puzzled everyone happened. Get up, step up, raise a sword, attack... People clearly see every movement that hates the sky, because his movements... have become surprisingly slow, as if they were slowly slowed down deliberately.

The wind easily escaped his killing curse, and the same clock appeared on his head, but the direction in which the thin pointer walked was positive.

The world in front of us seems to have undergone tremendous changes. The sprint of hatefulness, the movements of players waving and turning their heads are much slower than usual, and even the sounds become longer and longer than usual. Even the flow of air seems to be very slow.

However, in the eyes of all the players, his movements suddenly became very fast in an instant, almost to the extent that they could not accept them. Because that is definitely not just the speed of movement, but... just like the quick release when watching a movie.

The feeling of manipulating the time flow rate is really curious.

The first time I used the "Time Finger Wheel", the effect was much better than the winds expected. One is slowed down and the other is speeded up. He can now see every small movement of hate. He is very convinced that he does not attack his own possibilities as long as he does not want to.

The pressure disappeared without a trace, and the wind rushed straight up. In a flash, two blazing flames slammed on him. When the end of the day, Huang Quan was about to attack him, he jumped away and then escaped. Rushing, in the gap between the seemingly "extraordinary" collection, there are two blazing flames.

There is almost no suspense in the battle. In the eyes of the wind, the hate of the sky is like a child with a weapon of the gods. Although it has a powerful attacking ability, it seems that it can no longer hurt him. A minute is enough for him to break his barrier and kill him.

In just a few seconds, the red barrier was completely broken in a group of red and yellow traffic that accelerated to almost unrecognizable damage.

Perhaps just reacted from the sudden change of the outside world, feeling the broken of the body barrier, a dull cry as if crying from the hate. Let the action of the wind rushing forward to stop, and my heart is uncomfortable.

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