Legend of the Asura

Vol 9 Chapter 394: Self-investment

"Boss, don't be excited! Don't be excited!" Xiao Tian waved his hand and then said with a sigh of relief: "I... I never lie! My sister actually liked you from a long time ago. It’s just that she accidentally knew the relationship between you and Yao’s sister. Because of his age and the gap between you, I have never dared to show it. I dare not say it... My sister is very good to others... ...oh, but she is always in front of you, and my heart has always been very fragile."

Xiao Tian’s words made the wind stunned for a while, and the strength of his hand was lighter and unconscious. Xiao Yuying likes him... There have been many vague vague ideas in his heart, but he has forced himself to veto immediately.

"Boss, you know, my dad is anxious to marry my old lady every day. He had not daring to peek at her diary some time ago, and then she knew that the person she liked was actually you, so ……and so……"

"So your dad finally found a way to marry your sister, and then your sister agreed!" The windy forehead sweating, this sudden news is more than just Xiaotian said, "My dad wants to see you." It made him more scared.

"Hmm... my sister agreed to Dad at some time, maybe because she also felt that she was a bit too old, so I should consider it for myself. And the most important reason is..." Xiao Tian sneaked The face of the wind changed, and whispered: "She knew you and the eve of the night."

"What is the relationship with this?"

"Amount, I think, the reason why the old sister suddenly changed her attitude may be that... Since the boss can have so many women, it seems that it doesn't matter if she has one more. She has never dared to express her feelings because of you and Yao's sister. Feelings... Boss, you still can't see how deep her feelings for you are! With her temper, she is willing to give up her dignity only to be one of your women, and the other consequences are ignored!" Xiao Tian’s expression and gaze at that time, Xiao Tian was a little bit distressed.

The wind sighed and sighed silently. For a moment, my heart was mixed and disordered. I started playing back in the brain with her in the pool yesterday... Yes, if she didn’t have feelings for herself, how could she be? Make such a move. Why do you always deliberately try to find reasons to avoid this problem?

But when she thought of her character, the wind was fierce. He finally knows why... Because it is like a woman who likes it, it is really not a good thing! That unpredictable temperament, the means of the whole person...

But her charm, as well as the charm that she only reveals in front of her, is such a sneak peek, so that every time he thinks he wants to indulge and can't resist.

"Boss, no matter what, whether you like my sister or not, give her a chance." Xiao Tian's face is full of pleading, although he grew up in her allegations, but also in her Growing up under the protection of her, she never let any outsider bully him. Therefore, he was afraid of her sister, but she also relied on her faintly and did not want to see her hurt. Between the two, but the **** sister-in-law family.

"But..." The expression of the wind blew and hesitated for a while. When he reached the mouth, he finally did not say anything. Xiao Tian didn't know that Xiao Yuying didn't know, but he knew very well that this thing was just an excuse that Xiao Ying just used to attract him.

The hesitation on the face of the wind made Xiao Tian completely anxious. He grabbed the windy arm and looked extraordinarily serious: "Boss! Count me for you! Whether you want to accept my sister's feelings, I must come tonight!" My sister has been stupid since the beginning of this morning. I am sure that this is the most daring thing in her life! If you don’t go, it’s really cruel to her. Be strong and good again. A woman, in front of her feelings, will be extremely vulnerable... Boss, I beg you!"

Every word of Xiao Tian is stimulating his heart. This expression of pleading has not been seen from Xiao Tian’s face for too long. Perhaps only for the sake of his loved ones, he will show such expressions. For a long time, he sighed helplessly: "Okay!"

Xiao Tian took a long sigh of relief and felt relieved. "Good! Boss, that's it! I will send you to Phoenix Street at 7:30 in the evening to pick you up... I don't want to have dinner! Tonight, my daughter will come to my house to cook!"

Looking at the back of Xiao Tian’s departure, the wind was silent.

Ginger is still old and spicy. God is a god, a good emotional card, and there is no false emotional card. I counted my son and daughter in the boat.

Soon, he suddenly realized that the baby didn’t go online all day... It’s going out with her mother, or...

In the afternoon, the wind rushed back and forth between the Imperial City, Leicheng, Bingcheng and Huodu, and arranged the construction of the city. Nowadays, the "permanent portal" has been connected to the new city center and the imperial city and the city of Lei, and in two days, the ice city and the fire city can be connected, and the time can be realized between the three main cities and the imperial city. For the first time in tens of thousands of years. After the subdivision of the work, you can start real work.

With the most powerful forces in the entire Tianlong continent, it is absolutely possible to open up a huge new city in a short time!

When I was off the assembly line, it was already more than six in the afternoon. He followed the sound to the kitchen, and the three beautiful figures were busy inside. Duanmu Yiren studied cooking with Fengyao. Her movements were still careful and unfamiliar, but her expression was so serious. When she saw him coming in, her heartbeat could not help but speed up, and the movements on her hands became more serious.

Looked at the wind and smiled for a while, whispered: "Yao, if Ruo, I have something to tell you." Then turned and left, back to the room.

Feng Yao and Yang Xiruo looked at each other and quickly put down the things in their hands and went out. What can make him show such a serious expression, what he has to say is definitely not simple.

There is only one person in the kitchen, Duanmu Yi, who bites her lips. At this time, she is still an "outsider" in his eyes. Soon, her gaze was firm and she began to study hard for dinner.

I will definitely walk into his heart and get his approval!

The wind screamed Xiao Tian and all the original books he had told Feng Yao and Xi Ruo, what they got was their silence.

"Big brother, do you really want to go?" Yang Xiruo asked with a worried look. She and Feng Yao know the hidden essence behind this thing.

Feng Feng said: "I have promised Xiaotian. And, if I don't go... As Xiaotian said, the woman may be a big blow to Xiao Yuying. I have to say Xiao Xiao’s move in this move... is enough!”

"Brother... come back soon."

She buried her fears deeply in her heart. She knows that he has decided, and the only thing he has to decide is to not let him worry, and then wait for him to come back safely.

"Reassured!" The wind smiled confidently. "If I am really unfortunate, I am not in fear of asking me to enter, I don’t have to worry about it. If I want to escape, I really can’t pull anyone. Live me. Don't forget, more than a month ago, the famous Chinese three gods failed to take me."

The surface is relaxed, soothing the hearts of the two girls, but his heart is unprecedentedly dignified. Because this time may be exactly the same as self-investment. And to live with their own people... But China is the closest person to God.


The moon is thin, and the sky at 7:30 in October is still bright, and the wind is wearing the most common dress and slowly walking on the street. The passing vehicles brought a burst of wind, but it did not seem to cause him to pay attention. In the half-eyed eyes, flashing complex light seems to indicate that something big will happen tonight.

At the corner of the street, a seemingly old military car parked on one side, but the number of license plates hanging on the car was frightening, and the passing vehicles were not far from the subconscious. Next to the car, a calm and focused man stood there quietly, and his constantly turning eyes swept to every pedestrian passing by. When he looked at the wind, his eyes flashed, his body continued, and he greeted him far away.

"Hello! Are you Mr. Feng Yan?"

The voice has the solemnity and pride of the military, and the respect of the silk. Although the man in front of him is surprisingly young, he does not dare to have the slightest contempt. Because it allows Xiao Ying to repeatedly explain that it must be treated with "moderate, respectful" treatment, and even personally send people to meet, so many years have been unique.

As if I didn't hear what he said, the footsteps of the wind did not stop for a moment, and the expression was dead and passed by him.


In front of the door, he faintly dropped two words, opened the door and went in, and then slammed the door.

After a moment of misunderstanding, he immediately returned to the car and returned to the car as quickly as possible. From the windy body, he felt something called "importance."

Cross the downtown and cross a ridiculous land. Half an hour later, the windy and light eyes opened slightly. Just a moment ago, he clearly felt the two sharp and extreme eyes swept over his position.

This time, I really voted for myself. There are some self-deprecating smiles.

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