Legend of the Asura

Vol 9 Chapter 424: Death (3)

Another heavy kick was kicked on the demon wolf-mad body. The moment Shura touched his body, the feeling of satisfaction was that the barbs that grew for more than a dozen centimeters pierced the body.


The pain tore the devil's wolf-mad nerves, causing his expression to be twisted to the extreme. Perhaps it is the pain that covers up the fear, and jumps from the ground fiercely, and the spurs of the mountain are madly stabbed.


"This sword is not bad, it should be able to sell a good price, I want it."

The wind licked the corner of the mouth, and in the devil's arrogant eyes, the right hand waved, forcibly took the sword of the mountain in his hand.

Looking at the empty hands, the demon wolf - the mad brain is blank, how can you not think of why his one-handed sword suddenly appeared in the hands of Shura.

"The sneaky killing wheel is not something that you stupid wolf, take it."

A dragon explores the cloud, and the devil in the devil's backpack is in the hands of the wind.

"You have a good shield and you can sell a good price. I am sorry, I took it."

"You are also a good armor, it is a waste of your stupid wolf, take it."

"Oh, this earring is actually a piece of spirit, hey, take it."

"This hand armor..."

"This headband..."


"you you……"

A few times, the dragons flowed down the clouds, and the devil wolf-mad body struggled to make up the high-level equipment that was smashed. Devil wolf

- A maddening wolf is white and scary, and the footsteps are constantly retreating, but the words of the mouth are not dare to say anything. Because he is Shura... the invincible Shura. After the Wudou Conference, he became the "unbeatable" recognized throughout the Huaxia Theater. It is tantamount to ask for words in front of him.

"You can rest assured, I won't kill you." The wind looked at his pale face with a look of pity, and suddenly the cold light of the monk floated in his eyes: "Because... soon after, one day someone will personally take you a thousand knives. Wan Hao, broken corpse 10,000 paragraph!!!"

I don’t bother to look at him more, the windy soul wing is gorgeously opened, and at the same time, Yang Aotian, who grabs the face like a stagnant water, pulls him to the sky.

"The wind of the spirit, the wind of the spirit!"

Fierce acceleration, the windy body turned into a black spot in the sky, and he flew in the direction of the West.

Going in the wind, neither of them talked along the way. The wind is like a power, and countless possibilities are filtered in his mind.


After flying over the Tianlong Imperial City, I continued to travel west for about half an hour, and finally came to the forbidden place where all the creatures were discouraged.

Death cemetery!

"This is the burial site of the burial god. Although the death is dead, but the soul still exists, its horrible death force is not weakened by half." Looking at the entrance to the cemetery of the dead **** in front of him, the wind said slowly. "So, if ordinary creatures force themselves into this place, they will slowly devour their lives by the terrible power of death until they die. But... you are safe and sound when you stand here, do you know why?"

Yang Aotian’s expression is dead.

"Because, you are already a dead man! And..." The windy glance looked at him strangely, pushed the door of the cemetery of death, and took Yang Aotian and walked in.

Pass through the dead layer and through the more deadly second floor until the narrow five floors. The space on the sixth floor is empty. It would be an extremely long process to re-form a new patron saint with the power of death.

"Do you want to become stronger? Want to kill Simon's madness by yourself?" Standing in front of the entrance to the bottom of the cemetery of death, the wind looked at Yang Aotian's eyes and said.

Yang Aotian nodded silently.

"So, jump, this may be your best chance."

The sound just fell, Yang Aotian has jumped without hesitation.

"Oh... oh... oh... oh..."

The peace and deep laughter sounded at the bottom of the wind, but there was a faint delight in the laughter. The wind sighed and smiled back: "The body that still lives without life, the predecessor of death, perhaps no one is better suited to inherit the power of your death than him."

"Year...light...man, thank you...thank you...he...he...body...body...he...the heart...he...the gas...the interest...the end...beautiful...no...hey."

The wind sighed with a sigh of relief. "In this case, my brother will hand it over to you. I hope he can become a new **** of death!"

Yang Aotian’s body has a death scent at the same time as reality and reincarnation. This is really a coincidence after the mutated power of chaos, or... his body inherently hides such talent.

However, these may not be important anymore. Because what is certain now is that on the day he comes out, he will be another Yang Aotian, a terrible powerhouse. And his power is definitely not only in this world, just like Chen Binger and Xiao Tian in the two-way growth of reincarnation and reality, and himself... He has always vaguely felt the sudden surge of chaos and the reincarnation of the world. The second odds can't be separated.

The last words of the righteous father were brought to the ancient artifacts of the past, the singular changes of Chen Binger, the end of time and space, and the words of the old man who let his heart stir up... Countless times of incredible proof that the world of reincarnation is definitely not a simple game world. Even if it is a fool, I should have understood it all.

Aotian, this may be the road you are destined for.

"Year... light... people, thank you... thank you... you... this... yes... I... yes... you... report... answer... oh... oh... oh... oh..."

Before the heavy voice of the **** of death disappeared, a scroll of gray light flashed slowly from the sky above the wind and fell to his hand.

The wind was so excited that he took it, because the familiar feeling is clearly... the anti-day scroll! !

Death Scroll: The gray death volume of the anti-day scroll, after use, the user will be in the state of "Death possession", and the attack will be accompanied by a 99% chance of death for three days.

99% is dying! The wind sighs and **** in a cold air, carefully taking the scroll of death into the refining pot. The anti-day scroll is the anti-day scroll, and sure enough, each one has the effect of against the sky.

Solving the problem of Yang Aotian, the wind is a lot easier, he proudly opened the rankings, and smiled. The second place in the ranking is still Feng Yao, 60. The first place he has been 65, and he has risen to five levels overnight. He doesn't even have to think about it. In the next period of time, the entire reincarnation forum will boil.

Putting aside the rankings, the wind is a little thought, and the space door is coming to the city of ice and snow.

The 60-level Shura level has risen five levels in a moment, alarming the whole world. For ordinary players, the upgrade speed after the 50th level is extremely slow. If the level is normal, it will not be upgraded once a week. After level 60, The speed of the upgrade can be imagined, and Shura, his existence is simply a big bug!

As a result, more than a dozen countries have raised "questioning" about Shura's excessive power and rapid growth.

Feitian Group, several men with different skin colors look forward to standing in front of the big screen, waiting for the appearance of that image.

Soon, the screen flashed a pale yellow light, and a white silhouette gradually became clear on the screen. She was all white, and even the entire head was covered under the white gauze, and no trace of skin was exposed. At the moment she appeared, the bodies of several people were all short and the same, although they had already communicated with "璎珞" more than once, but every time, the strange but the real pressure of the existence always made them The heart is involuntarily wanting to surrender.

A blond man spoke first: "The great goddess, I think you can do everything you know."

"Yes..." The beautiful sound of electromagnetism floats in everyone's ear. "And my answer, I think you already know it."

The blond man quickly bowed his head: "The great goddess, we absolutely can't doubt your fairness, and we won't believe that there will be loopholes in the world of reincarnation under your jurisdiction. It's just a question from so many countries, if we don't take it We can't explain them to the actual evidence."

"No need to explain!" The sound of the cymbal is still beautiful, so that people can't judge the mixed feelings in her voice:

"Everything that Shura has come from is his luck and strength. It is by no means an abnormal way. Tell them that this is my original words. If they don't believe it, they can immediately get out of the world of reincarnation."

The sound disappeared with the white silhouette on the screen. Several people in the Feitian Group looked at each other. The simple sentence of “璎珞” was enough to block everyone’s mouth. Get out of the world of reincarnation? What a joke! "Reincarnation" is now fully integrated into the whole world, fully integrated into people's lives, and disengagement means giving up another wonderful space for survival. In another sense, it is equivalent to giving up half of life, and the fool will do it.

The colorful and unknown space, a faint sigh: "Fair... There is no fairness in this world... not even fair."

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