Legend of the Asura

Vol 9 Chapter 432: Dragon wind

Xuanyuan's voice is getting lower and lower, because she clearly heard the gasping of the wind and the confusion.

"What exactly is this chaotic body!"

The movements on the hand of the wind began to rush, and both hands groped up and down the stars. For the first time, I was surrounded by people. The stars only felt that every inch of the skin was hot, and the body was about to burn up, and it was involuntarily pulled out and it was hot. The face was red and the calf was soft, and there was no strength in the whole body.

Can't go wrong... she is a dragon...and it's a little kid...

The wind licks the bite of the teeth, but the movements on the hands do not stop at all. From small to large, he never knew what it was. So... he quickly slammed his teeth... no matter what! !

The wind slammed his head quietly, gently kissed the tender cheeks of the stars, and then caught her pink tender lips in her sly look, and constantly teased her hot clove tongue. The hands that groped her small size suddenly fell down, easily separating her legs, and her right hand stroked her legs, gently stroking her wet and lubricated, smooth and tender, without the feeling of velvet. Such as floating milk fat.

... The stars are tight and the legs are slamming at the same time. They hold the hands of the wind and keep moving, and they squeak, and the throat sounds like a jaundice. Her unconscious shouting made the wind almost collapse.

Can't help it, don't want to endure it!

He moved his mind, recalled the little and white, and then sat up fiercely, separating the soft and tender legs of the stars with his hands...

"The wind brother has a chaotic body... ah... wind brother... you, you are so bad!!"

Xuanyuaner finally noticed the action of the wind and exclaimed.

"Hey, it’s not good to peek." The wind smirked and both hands touched the whole body of the stars.

"Who... who peeks!! Wind brother, you are a big bad guy, big color wolf! Even such a small child is not let go!!" Xuanyuan children are anxious and shy, no longer making a sound.

There is no such thing as a stoppage because of Xuanyuan, or he can't stop. Both hands grasped the palm of your hand, and the touch was silky and sticky.

The stars dazzled, fainted, and the face was blushing, and the unconscious whispered in the mouth. The inexplicable comfort made her whole body tremble slightly.

The hands that ravaged the stars finally loosened, and the stars fell on the wind and sighed, gently gasping. The hands all the way down, holding two **** of the buttocks. With the scream of the stars, the wind ran through her body without much effort.

The stars grabbed the windy arm with a small hand and screamed: "It will... it hurts..."

The wind is completely unable to understand what she is saying, he began to hold her body to move quickly.........

"Stars! Take away this layer of light on your body... hurry!"

"Ah... is..." The stars are short and crisp and greasy, and the sound of tenderness echoes in the faint night.


"You are the star, are you?"

The baby looked at the stars with his small head, and the stars were full of love. In addition to the butterfly, she can finally have a (looking) partner of the same age, and ... is still a little sister.

The stars nodded lightly, but their eyes looked from time to time.

"My brother said that you are a dragon. Is it true? Hey, my sister is like a butterfly. Is your name a dragon star? Hey... I am also a dragon!"

The baby smiled and looked at the stars, and the innocent smile made the wind addicted. The unique temperament of a young girl is not a luxury for an adult woman. It is not just a kind of innocence, but a kind of innocence. When she grows up, this temperament will turn into another. Kind of appearance, or delicate, or glamorous, or a variety of styles ... but in any case, the wind will always remember the baby's childish day, will not forget.

From time to time, the stars look at his eyes pure and innocent, but let the wind dare not touch.

Obscenity... He secretly licked himself... How did you stop to eat her yesterday, she is still a child.


Xiao Tianru ran to the wind like a gust of wind, and looked at the stars with a strange look. This said: "The test results came out... The results surprised the experts. The ingredients of those potions are unheard of, at least for now. Synthetic, even, they suspect that this should not be something on the earth. However, the vitality of those ingredients is amazing, and it can restore people's physical strength quickly. It can be refreshed, prolonged, and even longer. ... It is possible to return to the old age. And these ingredients have no side effects."

The result was not unexpected. He nodded with satisfaction and began to think about how to start his own plan.

The first is production...oh, or processing and packaging. Due to the particularity of the syrup, these processes must be under strict confidentiality measures. Otherwise, if you accidentally discover the clues, it may cause a lot of turmoil.

“In what form does it appear? Is it processed into a form of high-grade candy, or a drink, or something else?” The wind whispered to himself.

"I think it's okay. Moreover, the effect of this kind of thing is too amazing. It should be diluted to many times and then go to the market. It is better to go to the high-end route. After all, for the real rich, there is nothing better than energy and health. Life is more important. I believe that as long as they use it for the first time, they are absolutely reluctant to leave this thing."

The popular idea was exactly the same as Xiao Tian. He thought about it for a while and suddenly said, "I want to buy an island in the south."

Xiao Tianyi squatted and pondered for a while, suddenly and cheerfully, and said casually: "Boss, don't say buy, you want that the island dragon head and dragon aunt are not immediately giving you all kinds of formalities. I have done it."

Thinking of the change in the status of the wind, Xiao Tian is quite a bit stunned. The two were once the best friends and brothers, but the relationship is much more complicated now. The duties of the four gods of China are superficially guarding China. In fact, only they know that their primary mission is to protect the dragon family. The wind is the only descendant of the Dragon family, destined to become the future of the sword god, and is destined to be one of his guardians.

Fate, it’s a wonderful thing. The embarrassment between them may have been cut in this life.

However, following his footsteps, this is not what he has been insisting on and wanting! !

The wind shook his head and said: "You should know me. I don't really want to rely too much on them now. So, now I really don't have the ability to buy a small island. How can you help me with this account?" Within ten years, I will pay off all my money!"

"Good! Packed on me!" Xiao Tian said with a smile.

"In addition to this problem, transportation, site construction, production processes, these must be guaranteed to be foolproof. Otherwise, once you are suspected that the origin of those bottles is difficult to clean up. After all, the shape of those bottles almost everyone has seen, and the world of reincarnation It's exactly the same."

"Hey, boss, you don't have to worry about it. All of them are good for me. I promise that once I start, there is no fly on the island." Xiao Tian patted his chest and looked confident. Who else can do this kind of thing is better than the people from the Huaxia Supreme Military District compound.

"But it's ......" Xiao Tian's face is weird: "These things add up to a few billion dollars in preliminary calculations. Are you sure you want to pay off within ten years?"

"Cut!" He looked at him with a dissatisfied look: "I still have this confidence. If I can't do it, I can pay it back within three years. What I think now is where the group headquarters should be located, and why. Who is the president. This person must have strong business abilities and leadership skills. More importantly, he must be someone we are familiar with and can trust. Xiaotian, do you have such a candidate?"

"Yes! I have already thought of a person." Unexpectedly, Xiao Tian did not hesitate to answer.

“Oh?” The wind looked at Xiao Tian and said, “Who is it? If it’s a madman, then he’s too much to put all his energy into operation.”

Xiao Tian shook his head and smiled awkwardly: "Of course not a madman, but... oh, my sister!"

"What?" The windy legs were soft and almost stumbled. He wiped the cold sweat on his head without a trace: "Small day, you are not kidding. Your sister will kill and tease people... I have never I have heard that she has commercial talent."

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