Legend of the Asura

Vol 10 Chapter 484: Snow, snow, blue

The windy hands held her tighter and tighter. Whether his feelings for her are deep and shallow, ** or pity, if you live up to such a woman, don't say heaven, even he himself will not forgive himself.

On the same day, that night, the wind blew down the other side of the heart and the other, and quietly accompanied her in the palace of the ice.

All the feelings and ** of the two people are ignited, and the body hits and fits again and again. The air-filled palace was cold, but the ice and snow seemed to feel the burning red flame in the air, and the soul seemed to fly on the clouds of nine days.

"My man... I... I can't do it..." After a chilly, chilly, the snow-white body glowed with a layer of enchanting pink, and finally climbed again in the incomparable happiness. The top of the line.

Outside the thin gauze, there was always a petite figure standing. They are only a few steps away from them. Their movements, sounds, were almost unobstructed into the ears of her eyes. Unconsciously, her face floated with a faint pink color, and the exquisite body twisted slightly. She tried to escape several times subconsciously, and then clenched her teeth tightly, her eyes looking at the action that made her heart beat across the almost transparent gauze.

Ice and Snow's strength has already been fully exhausted. She is panting and holding the wind, and the body is still combined with him without any gaps.

The peek of Ice Blue’s peek can not be overwhelmed. But he wouldn't worry about the snow, knowing that her arrangement must have something... evil intentions, so she always pretended not to know. Moreover, being looked at by a girl who is equally pure as snow, the stimuli caused the flames of his body to boil to the extreme.

"Blue children... Come in." In the infinite satisfaction of Ice Cher, with a lazy call, he suddenly broke the weird balance in the palace. Ice blue children's body, the expression of the snow surface with a touch of pink, slowly opened the gauze, went to the two people still combined.

She first saw the body of a man, and the man’s body also entered the body of the most respected and favorite Snow Queen. The visual impact made her heart beat faster. The pink color on the face is getting deeper and deeper.

Although the wind faintly guessed the meaning of the ice, but now this position is exposed to others, and is still a pure white snow-faced fifteen-year-old girl, even if the skin is thick like the wind, adults can not help but a heart jump.

Ice Snow smiled and looked at the expression of the wind, smiled softly, and gently said in his ear: "My man, she is the Qinglong Holy God and my choice of the Snow Maiden, the future will be the Emperor of the Ice City, now also My sister. I can't watch her and follow others... Don't deny it."

The ice blue heart is like a deer, and her eyes are still confused, but she knows what to do. She went to "": "Blue is willing to serve the owner forever, listen to the master's words."

The sound is crisp and beautiful, like a jade bead. Looking at her with enthusiasm, I don’t know what to do. In the face of this snow and ice girl who has only seen three times, he has no preparation.

"Blue children, come to serve the owner now." Ice Cher propped up his body, and slowly moved away, crouching behind his back, looking at the ice blue child with encouragement.

A wind in front of the flower, a faint sweet sweet body scented from the face, secreted heart and lungs, the wind squinted his eyes, when he opened again, the eyes had stood a touch of tenderness. The light blue clothes on Ice Blue have completely faded, revealing the delicate body like snow. Light blue long scattered on the shoulders of the snow. The skin of the whole body is as smooth as snow jade, so tender that people can't bear to touch. On the chest, two piles of snow are tender, such as the jade bowl, and the pink tip is as tender as a bamboo shoot. Even the tight legs are smooth like snow jade. Two white tender feet lightly step on the cold ground, and the toes are like freshly peeled petals, crystal clear.

At this time, she lowered her pink neck, her cheeks were red and faint, but she did not hide it. She looked at him and showed him his beautiful body.

The breath of the wind is getting more and more urgent. The tender snow muscles and jade bones are pure and not like human things, but the black smudges that are smeared to pure are almost compelling to death.

"Blue's body is very beautiful." The snow and ice that crouched behind him was equally stunning. Together with her as a woman, she has a moment of disappointment because of the beauty in front of her eyes.

"Blue, remember what I taught you?"

Ice blue nodded, and the jade feet took a step forward with care, the delicate chest undulating, and the rich lips slowly open and close together slowly.

The four lips meet, and the slightly twitching cool lips are sweet and greasy. There was no movement in the wind, let her gently touch the lips with his lips, and the small tongue sticked out, carefully swaying on his lips, and the tremors were very greasy.

The popular hands stretched out and tapped on the two pieces of snow on her chest to shake the tender milk, and the pair of snow grease was continuously smashed into various shapes, and the feel was extremely smooth. The five fingers seem to fall into a group of smooth and delicate cheese. The body of the ice blue child is more and more fierce, and the two ** are also unconsciously pondering. Finally, he took her hands apart and held her two threats, picked her up like a doll, and separated her slippery legs to let her sit across her waist.

Ice blue children subconsciously hold the man in front of him, the small snowy hips are swaying between his legs. After recovering a little bit of strength, the ice and snow moved to the ice blue, and looked at the wind with a wink, and stretched out the jade hand to exaggerate the delicate thighs of the ice blue, then picked up her little sweet buttocks and felt her Trembling, she whispered: "Blue children don't be afraid, your master will make you very happy."

As her hands slowly relaxed, and then a fierce pressure, Ice Blue gave a screaming scream, and the sweet voice of the sobbing was very delicate, but it increased the man's conquest.

The windy and cool eyes closed, and could not help but take a long breath. Seeing a bright flower slowly painted under the ice blue, he did not dare to have any movements, gently licking her body and kissing the tears of her eyes. Until she slowly adapted, the pain on her face faded, and the pink little hips began to move slightly...

This night, there is no temptation. Ice and Snow, regardless of the early break of the ice blue body, guide her delicate body like ice and snow to make various movements, in various ways to please the wind. Until she can't bear it. A woman made up of one big and one small ice makes him crazy, or forced to ask again and again.

For Binger, as long as she can please her man, she can use any method, even at the expense of the ice blue child carrying the future of Ice City.

I don't know how many times he was holding in and holding a small snowy buttock. In addition to the pain at the beginning, Ice Blue didn't have the slightest struggle, but instead worked hard to meet him to please him. At the same time as the mouth, the eyes are always watching him tightly, as if to remember every feature of his. Because... everything in her future will belong to this man alone. Including life.

She is also a woman with a body of ice. The snow-like body is contaminated by him, and his body and mind will only belong to him.

(cough, insert one), brothers who want to continue to follow Mars may wish to register for the collection brush, 嘘~~)

Three days later, the hall of the wind city.

Facing the "old man" who was indifferent in front of him and had no humanity, the wind was equally expressionless and listened carefully to his report.

"Maniac, how old are you this year?" asked the wind suddenly.

"Thirty-nine." He replied mechanically.

The old face, like a bark, with a small body, a messy white head and a beard, only those eyes scattered like a knife. However, who can believe that this old man who seems to have been dying is only thirty-nine years old.

The wind sighed in silence and patted him on the shoulder: "You should have been sleeping for a few days in a row? Don't force yourself so tired, many things can be done to others. If you want revenge, you must first Raise your body."

He almost provoked the whole "popular world" and continued to expand and infiltrate into various industries. Together with the "Dragon Group", which began to take over the real world, it is now taking over the city of the soul. The financial power, like a machine-like madness, is indeed a complete madman.

"I know." The madman still replied with a cold face.

"According to the current trend of the exhibition, if everything is as smooth as expected, you can start your plan in a year or so." Feng Feng looked at him and said. The old, thin and thin face seemed to be a little thinner than before.

The heart is dead, and only the obsession with revenge supports him. Except for the goal he is chasing, there may be nothing in the world to wake up his dead heart.

The madman nodded. He is busy every day, but he never forgets the more crazy revenge plan.

Sniper Dong Hao coins!

"Maniac," although the wind is not very eager to call him by this name, but he agrees that it seems to have only this title. The wind said earnestly: "In addition to revenge, you still have a lot of reasons to live. For example, you didn't want to look for the daughter you lost 20 years ago?"

The madman still stood there like a fossil, and his expression did not change at all. He said with a stiff voice: "Dead, all dead."

The daughter who had not been born for a long time was lost. After searching for unsuccessful results, he did not despair. Two years later, he had a pair of bright and lovely sons...

However, two years ago, when his wife and the sons of two of them had died in front of him... his heart was torn. He ran wildly, and the nerves that were completely numb did not feel the pain of the blood that was bleeding. He fled into a dark place at the bottom of the ship, and as the ship returned to his home country, the whole body's blood was almost drained, and his breath was almost nothing. He was thrown into a deep pit by a group of people as a body... until the wind He rescued.

The wind shook his head and sighed and said: "I didn't find her whereabouts, and I didn't see her body. You are a father. Why do you think that she has been killed? Maybe she is somewhere now. Struggling to wait for her biological father to find her, to make up for the fatherly love she has lost for more than 20 years."

At that moment, he saw a slight tremor in the body of the madman.

The wind sighed gently. If his heart is already dead, after the success of revenge, he must be bent on his death. The power of his own chaos can no longer save a person who is desperate for death. Therefore, he must give him a motivation and hope to live.

"I think she should be as old as I am now. Maybe I will call her a sister." Feng said with a smile.

The madman nodded and looked gazeless.

"Your hatred will surely be reported. Your daughter must not give up looking. Remember my other surname. This is my promise to you."

"Thank you, the wind is less..."

Repeat it too many times and say it from the madman's mouth. He slammed and turned and left.

The wind slammed his eyes and leaned back on the wide seat. For a long time, he muttered to himself: "Intuition, sometimes it is a terrible thing."

(There will be no pure love festival for a long time, hehehe~~~~~~~~)

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