Legend of the Asura

Vol 10 Chapter 494: Inconvenient fat man

The next morning, the auction hall was just opened and immediately filled with countless players. Most of them are to watch the lively, and those who are really capable of taking this building city token do not need to know that it is definitely a real cow.

When the madman walked to the auction floor with no expression, the auction hall was still filled with smoke, but they were all quiet, and countless pairs of eyes gazed at the madman of a dead face.

The name of the madman, no one knows, no one knows. But no one has ever been able to find out his true details.

“Building a city token, the reserve price is 30 million gold coins, and the auction begins.”

The madman never said a word more. A small brand, a skyrocketing price. None of the people present felt that the price was outrageous and there was no exclamation. Watching the hilarious players frequently look up and look at the few people who are most likely to get this building token.

"300 million gold coins!!"

After a short silence, a somewhat awkward voice rang from the front row, and a big fat man with a bright face held the number plate in his hand. Ten times the reserve price was quoted at one time, and his face did not show a smug expression, but swept it around.

Huaxia Guofu, the big fat man who has never been on the money list, "see the money to open." He can already say that the money is just a bunch of numbers for him, and the status and glory of the emperor is what he once dared to think in his dreams. Therefore, this building city token, he is bound to win. Once you lose this time, you may never have another chance.

300 million gold coins! For the qualification of a city, he did not hesitate to go out for 300 million! The scene was finally a bit confusing. Countless players watching the live broadcast were shocked by the chin.

The sky is high... This is the real price. In contrast, the building aid tokens that used to set off a smoke war at the auction were no different.

"300 million!" This time the price is Maple Haoran. His appearance made the hand of God frown, and he was even more convinced that this building token was not from the hands of the Windy City.

"350 million!!" After the calm hand of God's hand, he lifted the sign in his hand.

"360 million!"

"Three hundred and eighty million..."


Undoubtedly, this is the world's first auction of the city's tokens, and the horror of its price has shocked the whole world. That outrageous price can be described as incomprehensible.

"Huaxia people are really rich."

"But this price... my god."

"Oh, these money don't know how many poor children can be saved..."

"When can I have such a building token, God, that is a huge treasure."

The price is still tumbling, and it is still the hand of God, seeing the money and opening the maple leaf. Seeing the money to open the quotation directly over ten times the reserve price directly scares away most people who want to try it, keeping silent and watching.

Finally, when the price rose to 450 million, the Maple Leaf rushed out of the competition, leaving only one face that was bound to see the money and the same must-see field.

"500 million gold coins!!"

The sky that has been silent has stood up fiercely. This price also represents a quote in the field of the gods. His eyes swept over the four weeks, and finally settled in the eyes of the money, and the gaze of the yin was barely shot.

"520 million!!" Seeing the money as if he did not see his warnings at all, he still looked flat.

"530 million!" The eyes of Tianzhu are getting colder and colder, and even looming.

In terms of financial resources, seeing the money is absolutely beyond the sky, and even more than the Scorpio and the Duanmu. As Hua Xia Fu, his power is not simple. Therefore, he is not afraid of the threat of Scorpio.

At the auction floor, a corner where almost no one noticed, the wind frowns and looks at the inevitable money, and coldly said: "The fat man who is in the way."

During the speech, his eyes were fierce, and the strange, colorless ray was shot from both eyes, and the direct eyes saw the money.

Just about to raise the brand quotation, seeing the money, suddenly the whole body is stiff, the eyes become blank, and the movements are still fixed, and it seems to be lost.

The wind regained his gaze, and he left the auction hall with a cold smile. What he had just displayed was the soul-based curse of the soul that he had never used before. He successfully erased the memory of seeing the money for a while. . The whole process did not attract anyone's attention.

"530 million for the first time..."

"530 million for the second time!"

All the eyes were brushed to see the money, but now he is magically half-lifting his right arm, looking at the front. The expression seems to be lost, and it seems to be hesitating.

"530 million third time! Deal!"

The madman knocked the hammer in his hand, and the golden sign flew to the sky. At the same time, the 530 million gold coins without deducting any system taxes were automatically transferred to the madman.

The hand of God has a long sigh of relief. This price is barely within their tolerance. The Jiancheng token has already arrived, and it is no longer important to see the abnormality of the money. He nodded to the sky and left the auction hall.

Seeing that the money is open has kept the action for a long time, until the crowd is almost the same, only a whole body, such as being awakened from sleep. He looked around in confusion and quickly recognized that it was an auction hall. He couldn't help but say to himself: "Weird, how can I be here."

The 530 million gold coins that had just arrived were immediately put out by the madman. Not only do all kinds of officials and guards need to pay salaries, but the millions of people who originally belonged to Leicheng also need money to do the foundation of life and exhibition. While grateful to Dade, they vowed to return the gift of the Emperor of the Wind ten times in the future.

After seeing the wind, the madman said a lot more difficult.

"There will be too many gold coins in the future, I can't manage it."

The maximum amount of gold coins a player can carry is one billion. This is enough for ordinary players anyway. But for the entire windy city... Once it is on display, it is not enough. Even yesterday, the amount of gold coins earned from the transmission array alone was several million, and this number will only increase over a long period of time and will not decrease.

"First, let's talk about it later." The wind waved and the madman nodded.

Did not think about the problems raised by the madman. He slowed down his breath and made his voice as soft as possible: "Well, is your mood better?"

Yesterday, his brain had been screaming with deep sadness. It’s only a few minutes until today.

"Well," Xuanyuan whispered softly.

"Hey..." Feng said softly: "No matter how difficult the difficulties we are about to face, even if it is really a condition that cannot be completed anyway, at least let me know what the conditions are? ?"

"No... no... don't ask again, don't ask me anymore."

The weeping sounded again, and she seemed to taste a desperate again, shaking her head desperately, and then shaking her head.

I couldn't help but sit down on the emperor's chair. "Well, I don't ask any more. When my little fairy girl wants to say it someday, she will tell me the initiative, okay?"

Perhaps, that is really a condition that will never be reached. Otherwise, Xuanyuan children will not even have the courage to say it.


"Wind brother..." her voice called softly.


"Perhaps, it is enough. Perhaps the current form of Xuanyuanjian is enough to defeat the demon king and save the heavens."

Defeat the Devil and save the heavens...

The wind nodded and smiled and said: "I will."

Where is the demon? Really on earth? Heaven, where is it? He did not ask, because he knew that Xuanyuan children would not know about these problems. From the point of departure from the reincarnation of purgatory, she seems to have been in this reincarnation world. Can not find a way, but can not find a way out. And herself is the only reason she exists.

The last seal of Xuanyuanjian, what exactly is needed! ! ? ?

Can Xuanyuan children have no courage to say the conditions of export... Is it...

Your own life! ?

The wind quickly swayed his head and drove away this ridiculously horrible idea.

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