Legend of the Asura

Vol 10 Chapter 503: 诛 shark (on)

沧海怒鲨: 1oo level beast. Life: 42ooooooo. One of the ten great beasts of the Tianlong Continental, the emperor of the sea, is huge, fierce and violent, has an immortal vitality in the water, and travels around the Tianlong continent for many years. After being deported to the North Sea for unknown reasons, the temperament became more brutal.

"Sure enough, you." The wind screamed Xuanyuan, holding it tightly in his hand: "Want to come, you hate me, but since you are a noble beast and an emperor in the sea, you should have a beast and How can the emperor's principles and dignity be easily applied to humans who have no strength? If you want revenge, I will definitely accompany them. The people around me will open the enchantment and let them go out."

The hands that had been holding his arms jerked tightly, and the wind patted the back of Feng Yao. He whispered: "Don’t be afraid, even if we can’t escape, we can defeat it. You remember how we opened the sigh at the beginning. Is it the door?"

The full force of the wind, and then the baby's "angelic songs" will once again double the attributes of his full strength state, supplemented by the "sacred light" of Feng Yao - finally, the desperate state of the abyss, with the wind The attributes of the time, even if the sea sharks would also die under the "death of the dead".

But the price is that his level with the baby has dropped. Too many times, he was forced to use the desperate abyss. If he can, he does not want to have to use this skill at all. Because the power of his too many skills is closely related to the level of the level, the decline in level also means a significant decline in strength. It’s at least half a month to drop back to level three now.

And being killed will only drop one level. However, he would rather drop himself to the third level, and he must not allow the baby and Feng Yao to be harmed.

With the sway of Feng Yao's right hand, two layers of white masks appeared on the three. The pressure on the wind was slightly reduced, and his eyes stared at the sea raging shark. If there is no hope of escaping, then... let it die.

The wind stopped whistling, the water stopped, everything was quiet and terrible, and the sea raging shark floating on the water was like a completely static island. The wind did not wait for the answer of the sea raging shark, and my heart suddenly became more and more uneasy.

boom! ! !

The still sea suddenly shot out of a thick water column with a diameter of more than ten meters, such as a lightning-like bombardment on Xiaobai...

The first layer of the "Light Barrier" of the three people dissipated, and was rushed into different directions by the huge impact. In the eyes of the horrified eyes, the baby, Feng Yao and Xiao Bai were farther and farther away from him. ... At the same time, the sea raging shark moved. The huge body slammed into the windy body, as the same huge battleship crashed into a small, poor mosquito.

The wind stunned and turned back, and the fierce golden mans covered his body instantly.

"Take the stars to move!!"

The dazzling golden mans made the movement of the sea raging shark a little stagnant, because it recognized it, this is the way to fly it. But its momentum has been completely unrecoverable...


The space was violently shivering, and the force of the collision of the sea raging shark was huge, and the five times of the anti-shock force was even more extreme. The body of the sea raging shark flew out like a dead leaf, and retreated nearly two. Kilometers away. If it wasn't because it was in the windy north, the blow was enough to get it to the coast.

The slight sound of falling water rang from behind the wind. It was the sound of the baby flying out into the sea. The eagerness of the wind just wanted to rush, but the strong sense of crisis was once again oppressed. Then, once again, the waves that rolled up the sky were rushing over, and the majestic momentum seemed to completely open the ocean.

In the dilemma, the wind has been witnessed. Players who don't "swim" skills enter the water like a real person in the world who can't swim. If you don't save, you can only struggle, or wait for death, and the sea raging shark in front of you...

"Brother! Come on!!"

A brilliance of water flashed through the windy eyes. Feng Yao held the water-proof beads and smiled at him and dive into the water.

Between them, it is already possible to use the props in each other's backpacks regardless of yours and me. There are water-avoiding beads, within ten minutes, Feng Yao can freely move underwater, and can immunize all water systems. When she saves her baby, she can kill the sea wrath.

Before that, what I had to do was to completely block the attack of the sea raging shark, and not let his attack spread to the baby.

His eyes became firm, and the wind greeted the water curtain that covered the sky. When he almost pressed his suffocating water curtain to his body, his hands were flat and Xuanyuan was another "Swipe out."

The golden waves turned to the sea with a horrible breath. The sea that was originally closest to it was like a huge hammer with a horrific impact, and its body was once again banging...

The humiliation... once again meets this human being who tramples on its dignity, and it still suffers from humiliation.

The blood of the emperor boiled with anger. In terms of the size of the body, in addition to the holy beasts, it is the first of its kind, how can it be defeated to a small human in the impact of physical impact.

The dignity of the beast makes it still choose the physical collision. With the front of the body, the sea waves burst, and even the direction of the sea breeze completely changes. But this choice of the game has greatly reduced the pressure on the wind. He himself did not defeat the possibility of the raging shark. What he has to do is to let the wind Yao and the baby under the sea about 500 meters behind him not be attacked. Otherwise, after the last layer of "Light Barrier" is broken, the baby will be easily killed, and their final hope of defeating the sea rag shark will also be shattered.

If it only uses physical collision, it is undoubtedly good enough.

You must insist that Yaoer will save the baby...

"The soul of the earth!!"

A layer of faint khaki ray on the sleek body made him feel a little more heavy, but the strangeness did not affect the feeling of action.

"Xuanyuan Shengyan!!"


In the moment when the golden light bursts, the world in front of the wind is so dark, and the huge body hits his body again...

The sensation of the wind became completely blank in an instant, the whole body was tumbling, and the internal organs seemed to be blasting... but he was not repulsed. Under the magical effect of the Earth Spirit, his body only swayed. On the other hand, the anti-shock force actually shook the sea raging shark hundreds of meters away.

The soul of the earth. The sea raging shark is strong again, and it can shake the whole piece of land.

The line of sight is finally no longer blurred, the wind is blowing on the chest, the mouth is breathing, the face is distorted by pain, but the mouth is full of smiles. He provocatively extends his right hand and says with a finger: "Come on! Come and hit me. Ah... you have a huge body, but only the ability to hit it!!"

boom! !

No need for his provocation. The sea wrath shark rushed back in the first time and ran into his body...

It was a fierce **** tumbling, and the wind almost chopped the teeth, but he still did not retreat, looking at the sly sea shark that was once again shaken off.

boom! !

It was another collision that caused the sea to rise, and the invincible state of the wind disappeared. As soon as he was prepared, he quickly grasped the dragon badge on his chest: "Dragon of Heaven!!"

The wind once again blessed the invincible state of ten seconds. The action of the sea shark shark was also slowed down by him with the "time finger wheel", but the sea shark shark is, after all, the sea shark, its body is huge, but it is in the water. The movement is still sensitive enough to make him horrified. And the life lost before it is fully restored in just a few seconds.

It was also a collision with a deafening sound... The sea wrath shark that was completely irritated gave up the ability to easily provoke a tsunami, and desperately used the body to hit him and smash it...

Feng Yao and the baby still did not surface.

Under the sea, Feng Yao holds the baby's body tightly. As the sea raging shark collided with the body, the sea water violently churned and stirred, so that Feng Yao could not control his body completely, and was rushed and swayed at dozens of meters underwater. Such seawater shocks, while not causing harm to them, are enough to make their actions completely unfree.

Although Fengyao, who holds the water-avoiding beads, is not afraid of water, it cannot rise to the surface under the turmoil of resisting and resisting. She can only grasp the baby's body, and once and for all, the sacred healing and the sacred healing will restore the baby's life falling in the water. If it weren't for the enchantment "Water Curtains" that was covered under the water, they would have been rushed far and far by the sea.

The baby closes his eyes and grabs the body of Feng Yao like a drowning doll. His body is huddled together.

Fengyao constantly wants to use the heart of the sea to send to the wind, but it is interrupted by the impact of the sea again and again. She looked at the painful baby, and the uneasiness in her heart grew stronger and stronger.

You can't let your baby have an accident... Otherwise, not only will you lose the only reliance to defeat the raging sea shark, your brother will be very upset...

boom! ! !

The sea violently trembled, the sea water violently tumbling... Feng Yao forced the baby tightly, and the body was once again rushed to the unknown area.

8 seconds...

5 seconds……

3 seconds……

"Yao! How are you and your baby?" he asked. Around, I still don’t see Feng Yao and my baby.

"I... I can't go with my baby..."

The wind eyebrows tightened and his face became more and more dignified. He didn't dare to delay, his arms slammed open, and a huge clock shape formed behind him.

"Times of the day!!"

All the skill cooldowns are cleared, and the golden mans on his body are also scattered at the moment when the time ring is formed... and just before he moves the "Xuanyuan Shengyan", the slightest gap in the eyes of the sea shark Suddenly a fascinating blue light. At the same time, on the sea under the wind, a huge blisters with a color that is almost indistinguishable is shot, and in almost an instant, it hits the wind that has not yet begun to display Xuanyuan Shengyan.


The huge blisters completely shrouded the windy body and tightened it tightly, without a gap in his body. The wind is all tight, and every part seems to be completely restrained. It can no longer be half-pointed.

"Hey! You have a low-level curse on the water system, and you can't act for a certain period of time."

The savage teeth... The despicable guy, under the surface of anger, is so awake, has been silently waiting for this instant opportunity.

The sea raging shark clearly locked the windy body with ridiculous eyes. Without the slightest delay, the smashing collision again, the island’s general body brought up the mountain-like waves...

Feng Yao and the baby still did not appear. The wind is dying, but the low-level curse of the water system is so easy to break away... The shadows in the pupil are getting bigger and bigger, getting closer and clearer, clearer... until it completely covers the line of sight When the body is about to be attached to your body with great power, the white awning suddenly illuminates...

boom! ! !

The body of the sea raging shark flew out... Yes, it was flying out. After a few seconds of free gliding in the air, the cockroach squatted above the sea, igniting the sound of the water that almost shattered the eardrum. ......

The white figure was almost instantly turned into a transparent, but it was barely a step back.

The delicate body became like smoke, and Gaia turned around with a sweet smile on her face, a difficult voice that could hardly be heard: "Big...big brother..."

The figure dissipated and melted into his body. The power she had just picked up was almost completely exhausted in the attack against the raging shark in the sea. The residual silk power was not enough for her to finish a sentence, but from the eyes of her attachment, he read her. meaning……

Before Big Brother has the ability to protect Gaia, let Gaia first protect his big brother...

For a time, my heart was very warm and it hurts. He looked at the sea wrathful shark, which had been smooth in the distance, and called: "Little."

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