Legend of the Asura

: Shura 80 basic attributes

. Com character name: wind soul

Occupation: Abyssal Emperor, Demon God, Dragon Stolen, Storm Ripper, Order God, Gaia Patron

Gang: no

City Pool: City of the Wind Soul

Level: 80

Reputation: 263990 gold coins: 389000

Basic attributes: strength: 4299, physical strength: 3642, agility: 4892, spirit: 3357,

Fixed attribute: Lucky: 85, Perception: 50

Life: 2908083

Magic: 151157

Attack: 86814

Magic Attack: 22136 (Equipped with Xuan Scepter Status)

Defense: 31750

Hit: 12655

Avoidance: 6424

Shot speed: fast

Movement speed: 195

Reaction: 147

Pet: none

Call of Duty: Nethered Five Elements St. Kirin (Little)

Yin Yang Magic Star Dragon (Star)

Mount: Ziyun Yunyihu (white)

Fire resistance: 250%, water resistance: 100% (performed 90%), wind resistance: 150% (expressed as 80%), lightning resistance: 210%, soil resistance: 160% (80% performance), light resistance: 140% (expressed as 80%), dark resistance: 140% (expressed as 80%), death resistance: 170% (expressed as 100%),

Automatic life recovery:? ? ? ? Magic automatic recovery:? ? ? ? ,!

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