Legend of the Asura

Vol 10 Chapter 556: Deaf children's choice (on)

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"who are you?"

"Rom... Ga..."

"Do you want to fight with me?" The slaughter of the mouth of the slaughter was sneer.

"Block my master, die!"

"Is it by you?" The slaughterman still smiles disdainfully. "Your flesh has already vanished, and now you are nothing but the soul awakened by Shura equipment. Even your weapons, your equipment is just a form of soul. Now you can only rely on Shura equipment. Once you die, you will be truly, completely dying, and there will be no possibility."

Without hesitation, Roga lifted the blood sword in his hand---the repair of Shura. Although Tu Yu’s words tell him all about him, although the body of the Tu Yu people exudes an imposing manner, he has no shock or retreat, let alone fear, because he... Feelings.

"Oh, although your strength is very strong, but in front of me, you are just a little cockroach ant!" The scorpion snorted, and turned away, disappeared there, seemingly disdain to play against it.

"Sura, although your attack ability is a hundred times better than me, but there is no possibility of defeating me! I am waiting for you to give me even more surprises."

Once, she dismissed the year’s covenant and only had a little fantasies in her heart. Today, her heart is full of expectations. Shura’s powerful footsteps far exceeded her expectations.

The hoarse voice floating in the air faded. The target disappeared, and Roga turned around. The eyes of Shura’s illusion shot two blushing lights, just like his "master"---- Shura.

"Master." Luo Jia shouted indifferently, his face stiff as a stone, and it seemed that there would never be emotional fluctuations.

Shura did not look at her, and there was no movement. Luo Jia turned into a red-red light and was taken back by him to integrate into the Shura equipment.

The atmosphere that was suppressed to the extreme eased a few points, and Shura’s faceless expression moved to the north. Before sunset, he can reach the only city in the East Coast, the only city that survived.

"You... are you Roga?"

Feeling the similar atmosphere with Shura, Xuanyuan asked nervously. After Roca was taken back by Shura, she felt his soul and tried to communicate with his soul.


Soon, a cold and ruthless voice gave her an answer.

Get the echo of Luojia, Xuanyuan children sighed with a sigh of relief, hurriedly said: "You are not already dead? Why do you appear again?"

"I am dead, but the soul is not destroyed, and the **** of death has preserved my soul with its powerful power. The moment when Shura’s power is once again, it is the time when my soul awakens."

The voice of Luo Jia does not contain the slightest human feelings, nor does it hide in the slightest. He belongs to the same master, and he has nothing to tell.

"But, you are not Shura... Why do you have consciousness, why can you stay awake."

Nervous, hope... Roja's sobriety made her seem to see the hope of awakening Shura. He is also Shura, but he can act rationally, speak rationally, and answer sensibly. Nothing like her "wind brother" only knows killing and forgets everything.

"Because... I am already dead."

Xuanyuaner: "..."

"Becoming a true Shura must first undergo the purgatory baptism and the greatest suffering in the world. Shura’s life must bear endless pain and hatred. Killing is the only goal of Shura. Only blood purgatory can clean the pain. The soul. And I... is dead, only the soul built by the power of death, so that there is no emotion, and the shackles that Shura must bear are lost. Therefore, although I lost the heart of Shura, it is complete. The whole retains the power of Shura."

At that time, his parents died tragically, his wife and children were murdered, and he broke into the abyss of pain. After repeated desperation, he broke into Shura Road and became the bloodthirsty Shura that everyone feared at that time. He vented the hatred and pain in his heart with brutality and blood and wild animal roar... Today, his voice is dull. Terrible, as if it were sent out from the dead. Without emotion, he has not had a bit of pain, and he is completely freed. The only reason for existence is to wake him up----master.

"Death...recast the soul...no..." The little ignited hope was ruthlessly extinguished, and Xuanyuaner shook his head in pain. How could she allow him to leave only the broken soul without the body.

"You used to be Shura... You told me that there is no way to wake him up... Is there any way... no matter how difficult... I don't want such a wind brother, I don't want to..." I think completely strange He, Xuanyuan children are sore. The heart is like a needle. In just a few days, she has not known how many times she cried.

"Yes." Luo Jia replied in cold voice.

The sobs stopped suddenly, and Xuanyuan stayed for a while. It seemed that he still couldn't believe the sudden surprise. For a long time, she trembled and said: "What is the way... What is the way, tell me soon. !"

"Remove the roots of his pain and find everything he lost."

Xuanyuan children stunned... the root of pain, lost everything... Feng Yao sister...

"But... she is dead, dead... I can't come back anymore..." Xuanyuan said with a low voice.

Roga was silent.

"How can a dead person come back, how can he be resurrected..."

The sound came to an abrupt end, and the death was quiet.


As a dream, Xuanyuaner whispered the words in a whisper, as if she had thought of something.

"No...no..." She shook her head again in pain: "I can't do this. Otherwise, who will save the heavens... How can I suffer from the 50,000-year cycle?"

"But, wind brother..."

"Wind brother..."


In the sea of ​​consciousness, she shrank her body, her head was buried in her knees, and she was weak and helpless. The painful choice made her distressed and almost unable to breathe.

One side is the whole heaven, there is her mother, her partner, there are countless her uncles, and her wind brother and Feng Yao sister, this should be the simple choice to make her hurt. Thousand arrows wear heart.


As the sun sets, the time in the real world is already near dusk. During these few hours, Shura smears all the way, harvesting every creature that appears in his sight. Xuanyuan children seemed to be numb to this, and she was so tired that she was crying tired, and her eyes in her sleep continued to slide down the crystal water drops.

In front of you, it is the city of sunset.

When Shura appeared in front of the city gate for a kilometer, the city guards and the various masters of the East were waiting for him.

Shura has trampled on the bottom line that they can withstand indefinitely, and then does not fight as much as possible. Dongpu will be completely destroyed by Shura.

Compared with the difficulties of the demon kings encountered in the Tianlong continent, the disasters that the Dongpu mainland is experiencing are far more than a hundred times worse than the mainland. Although the Mozu is strong, the magic soldiers are public, but they are not irresistible. And Shura, he seems to be a sharp blood sword, taking advantage of the already riddled body of Dongpu, even the strongest guardian barrier, the **** of the sky, he was cut in half, what can stop him The footsteps.

All the resistance, all struggles and resistance in front of his horrible strength is like a blank piece of paper that is broken. Really rampant.

With one order, the crowds were swaying, and countless kinds of offensive props were thrown at them to Shura. In order to block him as much as possible, the city of sunset with the imperial city and the city of sunrise was not hesitating to take out all of his attacks. Sexual props are all powerful, including the attacking scrolls of the curse-level, and even some very precious props that have been passed down from ancient times.

For a time, Shura’s lightning and thunder, the earth collapsed, the sky torn and cracked, and the superposition of various advanced attacking props caused several successive terrorist powers that were no less than nuclear bomb explosions. The space was shrouded in diffuse dust, and the overlapping sounds almost shocked people's ears.

Everything is hollowed out, but no one feels exaggerated, because he is Shura,

The dust of the sky drowned the sight, and the thunder of the ear shattered the hearing. After another explosion, repeated sounds of various emptiness, the sound of chaos finally began to calm down, and the front is still gray. Just a terrible attack just enough to easily flatten a mountain.

The city guard finally breathed a sigh of relief. They clearly saw that the terrible attack just distorted the air, destroyed the earth, and completely engulfed Shura’s body. This power is enough to destroy everything, even if it is Shura, it is absolutely impossible to resist...

They desperately hugged themselves, desperately trying to think that Shura had been buried in it, but what was the feeling of oppression that made them almost suffocate... because of the huge power that did not completely dissipate, or...

Step... step...

In the chaotic atmosphere, one's footsteps should have been completely submerged and not noticed by anyone, but everyone in the room clearly heard the same heavy footsteps, and the footsteps seemed to sound from the bottom of my heart. Step on their hearts, let their heart beat faster, and then speed up.

The dust was getting weaker and lighter. Suddenly, a foggy and dark figure appeared in front of the fog. Indifferent expression, dead breath, even and unparalleled pace, as if the terrorist attack that just annihilated everything was just a fantasy, without causing even a trace of harm to him.

The city guard Qi Qi took a breath of cold air, and a gloomy cold slammed on the whole body.

They seem to have seen the real devil.

The leader of the city guard slammed his teeth: "Up!"

The ambition of the guardian guardian of the city has been dispelled by fear and shock at this time. There is no morale at all, but despite this, the shouts of nearly 10,000 people are enough to describe it as "shocking". But very quickly, the screams of savage and screaming easily overwhelmed the team’s shouting...

With so many people, it is impossible to pose a slight threat to Shura. They will soon understand that they are not blocking, but are going to die.

In just a few days, Shura’s hands were already contaminated with blood, which they could not imagine, because it was a number that made them shudder and let them never believe.

A man’s massacre has never been seen in the history of Dongpu, but now it has suffered wave after wave.

Who can defeat this demon and save the East China mainland...

The supreme Azure God? He died and died under the sword of Shura.

The only sacred beast of the legendary sacred beast? Is it good or evil? Where is it? Whether it really has the ability to drive away Shura.


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