. Com first novel looks like a wolf, with a blue horn in the head, silver eyes, a silver curl like a gryphon between the necks, a translucent ice blue body, a wolf tail like a cloud, not Stopped with small ice crystals, four hooves, and can walk on the water, but dance, is the fastest super-beast on land, the land king (it and Feng Yu, the fastest one on the ground is the sky The fastest). It is one of the top ten supernatural beasts of Tianlong, but there are few rumors about it in the mainland, and almost no one has ever seen it. It is rumored that someone had seen his whereabouts in the western part of the Tianlong continent for a long time, and no one has ever seen it.

Attributes: Ice, wind, double attribute super-beast, instant all the ice, wind two curses the following magic.

The trick----ice and snow,

(The last of the top ten supernatural beasts provided by Hyun's Purple Star classmates will be a fierce battle with the protagonist in the future.),!

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