Legend of the Asura

Vol 10 Chapter 605: Xuanyuan rebirth

The six countries, as well as the "Allies" of the six countries, have already had profound exchanges before the war, and the Eastern Yi State as the most loyal dependent country of the United States is naturally obeying its words. This time, the player who represented the Dongpu country to the game - one is undoubtedly the blood cherry, the second is the one that was once understated by the Shura with a new hand sword, and the ink knife ghost mountain | this way. The "waste" in William's mouth refers to him. Although he was as weak as a reptile in front of Shura, he had the second strength of Dong Hao.

Get Wells's gesture, Shan|The road quickly nodded, and then went to the first few steps, Da Dao said: "Dongyi Country No. 2 - Ink Knife Ghost Mountain | The Road." After the name, he jumped on the arena.

The challenge on the stage cannot be rejected by the challenger, and if several people are challenged at the same time, the first to come first.

Xiao Tian looked at the stage with a cold eye. He knew why the mountain | this road will choose to take the initiative to challenge. Because as long as he can defeat the opponent, he will definitely designate himself as the next challenger, and then he will face the wheel battle, and it is definitely a wheel battle that cannot be defeated.

Among the crowd, he saw the **** cherry blossoms, and saw a group of top-ranking strong people who can only be seen in major media. This is the real strong gathering... and it’s not the kind of metamorphosis.

Xiao Tian's gaze gradually looked into the distance, and then his eyes were instantly attracted by a woman's figure.

It was a cloud-like woman wearing a snowy white dress and her body was so strangely shrouded in a faint white light and shadow, like a slender figure. The skin is white as jade, and the snow and ice are pure and flawless. There is a pair of beautiful cockroaches on the face. Yao nose is small and exquisite, the lips of the cherry color are full and attractive, and the body is perfect. The slender waist and the stunning slender legs of Ying Ying are filled with a sacred atmosphere in the faint white light.

The most striking thing is that her hair is actually blue-violet, and it is like a blue-violet satin behind her. She stood alone in the corner, with a sacred calm. Her presence attracted the attention of almost all men, but no one went up to talk. Because that beauty is a beauty that cannot be shackled.

Xiao Tian stayed for more than ten seconds to recover his eyes and secretly guessed her identity.

Only two of the players who entered the competition were women, one was blood sakura, the other was her, and she did not have any action words, just standing there silently, the light faintly overshadowed the blood cherry.

Who is she... why there is no information about her.

"William, have you seen the beauty over there. My goodness, she is perfect, even the goddess in my dreams is far less than her."

"Well, I saw it very early. Wells, you don't have her information?"

"...No. I was the first time I saw such a perfect woman."

William frowned. "A woman like this, you don't even know her information, then her identity... It's not easy to think about it. Which country does she represent?"

Wells shook his head: "I don't know."

William: "..."

He once again looked at the mysterious woman, and he felt a heavy pressure.


The city of the wind and soul.

The wind did not immediately go to the demon king, but moved back to the lotus pond in Miyagi.

There was a faint voice in the ear, but he had already taken care of it, and there was a small one. He didn’t need to worry too much. Call out the refining pot, the mouth of the pot is aimed at the lotus pond in front of the eyes, and the pool water will be sucked up quickly, and then a column of faint water with crystal clear light will spout from the mouth of the pot, and soon the lotus pond will be fill fully.

Full of a pool of Yaochi holy water, the wind screamed Xuanyuan, holding Xuanyuan to immerse it in the pool, whispered: "Hey, come back, let us fight side by side!"

The description of the Xuanyuanjian that was evacuated clearly stated that it could not be repaired in any way. But any of these methods is obviously limited to the reincarnation of the world, and the holy water of Yaochi comes from the real heaven, not the reincarnation world.

The faint Xuanyuan came into contact with the holy water of Yaochi. Jinmang shot, the thorns of the wind could not open his eyes, but he was delighted to feel that the raging power began to condense in his hands, and the power of Xuanyuanjian was fast. The recovery is back.

As the head of Xuanyuan, belonging to the power of Xuanyuan, how could he not be familiar with it.

The water level in the pool is dropping rapidly, as in the case of the original Kunlun mirror – even faster. Among the Jinmang, Xuanyuanjian greedily absorbed the power of the holy water of Yaochi to repair himself, and at the same time released the pressure and sacred atmosphere of the king who belonged to it.

"Hey! You successfully lifted the seventh seal of the slain Xuanyuan sword."

It took only three seconds to unblock the seal, and restoring power was an extremely long process.

One minute……

Two minutes...

three minutes……

The Xuanyuan sword is not a Kunlun mirror, the latter is only destroyed, and the former is exhausted of all power. As the most powerful, the power it needs to fully recover is undoubtedly extremely large. I don’t know how much the Holy Water that brought together the power of the gods is rapidly reduced, and it is part of the power of Xuanyuanjian.

five minutes……

Suddenly, a burst of humming sounds that were more than a few times more than the dragons were uploaded from the Xuanyuan sword, and the savage swordsman reached the extreme at this moment, and everything around Yao was dull.

The wind opened his eyes and looked at Xuanyuan, who had been held tightly in his hands. The dazzling Jin Mang did not have any influence on his vision, only the familiar warmth brought him. There are countless stars on the blade, like the stars, and the sun hanging in the sky.

Daddy, the bright humming sound and the glaring golden awn disappeared in an instant, and it was completely gone. At this time, the wind was held in the hands of a giant sword, all over the body, but the sword body no longer shines. The wind knows that this is Xuanyuan's ultimate recovery of its own strength, reaching the highest level of returning to the truth and the introversion of Shenwei.

The mountains and rivers and the sun and moon stars quoted on both sides of the blade have become clear at this time. They are just two sides of the sword, which covers the whole world.

A slight sense of tremor came from the wind, and Xuanyuanjian suddenly re-emerged Jinmang, and suddenly broke away from the wind, and Xuanyuanjian slowly transformed into the expanding Jinmang...

The wind smothered the position of his heart, feeling the familiarity that made him warm, and slowly walked toward Xuanyuan.


As he whispered, the warm golden mans finally condensed into a golden girl figure. She looks like she is only sixteen or seven years old, dressed in a golden palace gauze, she is very graceful, her blond hair is naturally swayed, and two gauze-like calves are exposed under the gauze, and the golden sneakers are lightly on the feet, revealing the perfect crystal. Jade feet. The girl licked the pure autumn 眸, then slammed forward, and slammed into the wind, and cried.

"婉儿." The wind is holding the girl in her arms who is willing to destroy her existence, enjoying the warmth and deep joy of her heart.

I finally brought her back.

"Oh... wind brother, I thought I would never see you again..." The nephew shrank his body in his arms, crying like a pear with rain, and soon the windy chest Wet a large piece. This is the most fierce cry of her life, not because of sorrow, but because of the deep happiness and joy. She knew that it was not a dream, because she really hugged him and smelled him.

She had thought that she would disappear forever and ever, and she would never see him again. The last time she spent with him would be the last precious memory of her life. But... she came back, and the last seal of Xuanyuanjian was completely lifted. She knew that he must have been for himself and went to the heaven that could not have been reached.

"Wind brother, my nephew misses you." The nephew shrank his body into his arms, as if he wanted to get his body into it. At this moment, his arms only belong to her.

The hand that had been stroking her back suddenly went down slowly, and pressed on her soft little hips. Xuanyuan’s face was dyed with a lovely red glow, and even the crying was much smaller, thinking he wanted What did you do, but did not think of resisting or struggling at all. The hand was raised high, and she took a lot of pictures on her high-pitched hips.

The nephew ate pain, raised a small face full of tears, and looked at him pitifully: "Wind brother, I don't dare any more in the future, do you want to play well?"

"Not good!" The windy and powerful board began to face, and then slammed on her little buttocks, and provoked a scream. "Who told you not to obey! Actually dare to lie to me, I..."

"Hey... I don't dare to dare, the deceased fooled the wind brother that time, forgive the nephew." Xuanyuaner buried his head in his arms again, his face was not dry. There was a hot pain in the buttocks, but she didn't feel the pain, but a kind of happiness that almost melted her.

"Well, have you ever thought about it, although you can save Yao, but sacrificed you, will I really be happy in my life? If I can’t bring you back this time, I don’t know. I don’t want to be so stupid in the future,” said the wind, holding her tightly.

The nephew in her arms trembled slightly. She whimpered and said softly: "Wind brother... Hey, is it really worthy of your life for a lifetime?"

"Of course it's worth it. If my nephew is not with me, I will feel like I have lost something important, and how can I really be happy?"

"Oh... wind brother, why are you so good to your nephew..."

The wind shook his head slightly, and took her little face with both hands. He said with pity: "I am good to you, how can you compare with your good for me. Oh, I know that you have a lot of things to do. Ask me, but now that the Monarch is back, the Tianlong mainland is suffering a great crisis, so even though you have just returned, we must first stop the Monarch."

"Well, I understand." Xuanyuaner stood up straight and wiped the tears on his face: "Where the wind brother goes, wherever he goes, one step will not be separated."

"The opponent is the devil, isn't the child not afraid?" asked the wind and smiled. Although the name is the same, the word "Magic Jun" has already carved an indelible shadow in the heart of the child.

Xuanyuaner shook his head and smiled. "How come? Don't say that he is not the demon who once destroyed my home. Even if he is, I will not be afraid. Because now I am Xuanyuan, Xuanyuan is me, there is no world." Xuanyuan can't kill the devil. And the windy brother is there, and the nephew is not even nervous."

"Well! Let's go! Hey... It’s good to have your feelings around you." The wind turned and called out the refining pot.

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