Legend of the Asura

Vol 10 Chapter 677: Carrying Xiao Xuanwu with you

"You are a big rebellious, ungrateful beast, let go of madness! It’s really the eyes of God that made me your father!" Ximenye's eyes were red, and the mouth was gasping. After all, he was a man who had practiced martial arts. He suddenly shocked all the people who pulled him, and yelled at Yang Aotian. Yang Aotian’s eyes were cold, his right foot kicked out against his understatement, and he flew five or six meters away from the air, and fell to the ground and could not climb again. Several guards lifted him up in panic.

"Father... you are also called a father? A cruel man who shook his daughter's legs and drove his wife and children out of the house also dared to call himself a father! From the day you drove us out of the house, I The only relatives are the mother and Ruo Ruo, and you, nothing!” Yang Aotian looked at him ironically, as if he was watching a humble ant.

Ximenye struggled to stand up straight and angered: "The girl has resentment against the madman's heart, cutting off the three fingers of the madman to make him a lifelong disability, and it is already light for me to ruin her legs."

Yang Aotian ridiculed the sneer: "Hey, you still call yourself a father. You who have been a father for more than a decade, don't you really understand her character!! She usually can't bear to die with an ant, how? I will go to Ximen’s mad finger for no reason, you listen to me, it was because the beast wanted to **** his sister... Ximenye, you heard it, this is your good son!”

"You are nonsense! Frenzy, although he has a bad temper, but it is impossible to do this kind of thing! If this is the case, how could you not say it in the past!" Simon's wild body shivered.

"You don't believe that it is not important. We didn't say it because I couldn't help but ruin the legs. Our mother and son were squeezed out at the Ximen home. In order to leave the Ximen home, we are willing to suffer. There is no refutation of humiliation. Your family is really sad, and those who know the truth do not have a single person who dares to tell you the truth."

Ximen wildly turned his head and looked at the people who were usually staying beside Simon's madness. They found that their eyes flashed and flickered like a fright, and no one dared to look at him.

Is there really no doubt in Ximenye? Naturally, although he does not like Yang Xiruo born by the maid Yang Ru, but her weak and kind Ximen family is not known, how can it hurt Ximen madness without any reason. But he deliberately avoided this problem and did not let himself think about it. The eyes of those people made him understand that the facts he has been escaping all the time are true.

Ximen mad, who was stepping on his feet by Yang Aotian, had almost no struggles, and his mouth continued to send out a miserable low asthma: "Save me... Dad, save me..."

"Plop", in the shock of everyone, Ximen Ye suddenly slammed down, looked pleading: "Aotian, I was yelling at you in the past, but even if the mad child is wrong, he is yours after all. Brother, and you ruined everything in the game a few days ago, and it caused the entire Ximen family to suffer heavy losses. Isn't that enough?"

"Enough? Hahahaha..." Yang Aotian made a miserable laughter, and his face instantly changed into a terrible embarrassment: "You know, he killed a car in my car shortly after we were evicted. You know, He asked the people of Nalan’s family to take a breath, if not that she was saved at the last moment, if it had already been killed! You know, he took people to dig my mother’s grave, then Sprinkle the ashes and kill me... alive!!"

Every time Yang Aotian said, Ximenye’s face was pale, and the Ximen family was all shocked. This cruel and uncleful young master was so inhuman. Ximenye pointed his finger at Yang Aotian and said with sorrow: "You are bloody, and it is absolutely impossible for the madman to do this kind of extinction!"

Simon's mad hands struggled hard, and a sigh in his mouth seemed to want to argue. Yang Aotian's foot is working hard again, letting him spurt another blood. "I don't want to believe it? Then ask them and ask them how good a son you are from childhood to big!"

What was pointed out by Yang Aotian was the confidant that was taken by Simon at that time. Facing the **** eyes of Ximen, they shook their heads hurriedly. If this kind of thing is said, their end will undoubtedly be quite miserable. They strongly denied that Simon’s face was ruddy, but immediately, one of them stood up and bit his teeth and said: “All the two young masters said are true.”

"Small seven, you... you dare to fall into my madness." Ximenye pointed his finger at him, his eyes shot the light of grievances.

The person known as Xiaoqi was shrunk, but his eyes immediately became firm. Instead of talking, he took out a somewhat old phone and opened a recording.

"... I dug this sacred grave, and then opened the coffin. I am going to dig a grave today!"

"...hahahaha, Yang Aotian, you are finally here. It’s really boring if you don’t have a game today..."

"...is it very painful, do you really want to kill me? Hahahaha! This is the end with me!"

"...play me, fight to death..."

"...you haven't eaten yet! I came in person..."

At the end of the recording, the iron bar slammed the sound on the ** and the painful snoring of Yang Aotian.

If Ximenye was exhausted with all his strength, he sat down on the ground softly, and his eyes were no longer pleasing, as if he did not want to believe the facts at hand. The servants and guards of the Simon's family were not afraid, and the eyes of Ximen were full of disgust and a little fear. He is not a person, but a real beast.

"I am a human being. I have not been extinct to human beings. I was forced to do it by the young master. I have been dreaming almost every day for so long. I can say it today, my heart is finally comfortable. How do the lords punish me?" Xiaoqi clasped the phone and said that the pale face began to slowly return to normal.

"I... I didn't mean to tell lies, I don't dare. The young master sent people to kill the second lady, to kill the big lady, go... these we all know, but we dare not say it! Otherwise not only us To die, our whole family will die. My last girlfriend was deceived by the young master, she couldn’t stand humiliation... but I can’t do anything because I can’t fight Ximen’s home. "One of the mad hearts of Ximen said, crying and crying.

"We have done bad things with the young master. Although we don't want to, we can't do anything, otherwise we can't be better. The young masters are never blinded..." Another person said with a pain in his head. In the case of the infection of the two people, he finally got out of the game, and he hoped that Simon’s madness would die and let them be free.

"Hear it, you are your good son!" Yang Aotian turned and dragged the dying Ximen mad on the ground... No one blocked, including Ximenye. He was taken away by the soul, and the decadent cockroach sat there. He has been busy with the development of Simon's family. He did not know until today what his eldest son is.

When Yang Aotian's figure disappeared from his sight, he was black in front of him, fainted on the ground, and the servants quickly picked him up, and then the six gods looked at each other without the Lord.

"First send the owner back to the house, I will call the two masters and the three masters back." The old butler lamented that today's change came too suddenly. However, it was impossible to rely on Ximen’s madness, even if the entire Ximen family was squandered.

Above the sky, Xiao Tian sighed by the wind and caught in the air: "Aotian only killed a dozen people, and then took away the Ximen madness, and did not hurt the entire Ximen home. Perhaps he still worried. What troubles you bring to the boss."

The wind shook his head: "No, it is because death does not mean that there is no humanity. He knows that the root of all hatred is Ximen madness, not the entire Ximen family. If he rushes to kill, what is his difference with Ximen? Even if he Being a **** of death can't change the nature of goodness. Hey, if it is me, I will definitely end the Ximen family with the land."

Xiao Tian said over the side: "Speak back, tomorrow... Hey? Boss, how do you actually have a turtle in your pocket!?"

Xiao Tian stretched out his right hand and used his thumb and forefinger to directly pinch the turtle to his neck. The wind was obviously awkward, and it was secretly depressed: how to bring it out too... I have never found it before.

This "little turtle" hatched in the refining pot, and then was dragged by the wind and lost the small Xuanwu in the pocket. No one noticed that it was brought out with the wind. It was lifted up without the good temper of the wind, no struggle, and then the body trembled.

A strong force from the hand, shocked Xiao Tian's right wrist directly dislocated, the bones of the thumb and index finger were shocked by hard, Xiao Tian made a scream, after the loose hand, the small turtle fell straight.

Xiao Tian’s fangs licked his mouth, and the wind quickly pressed his hand over his palm and quickly restored his right hand to his original position. Xiao Tian wiped the cold sweat that just hurt, and said with a lingering heart: "That little turtle, it is it, what monster is it?"

The wind was just about to speak. Suddenly there was a huge tremor underneath, and the wind and Xiao Tian, ​​both far away from the sky, shook the eardrum.

Xiao Xuanwu has quickly adjusted his posture in the process of falling. The four feet are flat and steady, and the small body falls like a huge shell. This usually causes the earth to tremble violently. In view of the above, many large and small cracks were found on the ground. The houses, halls and lofts that were closer to Xiao Xuanwu were all collapsed, and some were damaged by light or heavy. Only less than half of the area was spared. The manor of the Ximen family suddenly became a mess, and there were calls for "earthquakes" everywhere. Several old butlers were sorrowful about the sacred confession of the Ximen family.

I took a shot on my forehead and said, "No, I just said something about the whole of the Ximen family. I have already fulfilled it so soon."

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