Legend of the Asura

Vol 10 Chapter 682: Distant memories (below)

"The gods used the fairy method to print the appearance of the brother and turn it into a portrait that will never be damaged. The prophecy also shows that although the brother can integrate the seven natural elements, the three fate elements, but if there is no opportunity However, it may never really open the power of time and space. Therefore, the gods of heaven used nearly a hundred years to gather water, fire, wind, thunder, earth, light, darkness, life, death, soul. The power of the gods of force finally merged into time and space magic. They instilled this enormous time and space power into a god, allowing him to give others, even though he could not use these forces. The space ring and the world ring, and the purpose of the two rings is to allow the person who is infused with time and space to attach to the two rings."

"Wait, the two rings, what happened to them?" asked the wind and frown.

"They disappeared and disappeared completely without the gods knowing it. At the same time, there was the portrait of the older brother and the Jade Emperor, because he is the one who bears the power of time and space." Feng Yao said.

"Jade Emperor... Does he have a name called Bai Ren?" The wind screamed.

Feng Yao smiled and said: "The name of the Jade Emperor at that time was called Zhang Bairen."

The wind slammed on his forehead, he should have thought of it... but he did not subconsciously think about this incredible direction. It turned out that at the end of time and space, the old man who opened his time and space turned out to be the Jade Emperor! !

The ring of time and space that was always worn by oneself was the two rings made by Heaven.

And the portrait was handed over to the sky by the goddess of the dragon, and let the snow fall in love with his portrait before he was born... Is it the one predicted by the heavens?

What role do you play?

The wind looked up and worried about the wind Yao Yao. After a slight smile, he said: "I am fine... What happened to the Fuxi girl and the colorful dragon? Xuanyuan Huangdi followed the nephew to jump back to the purgatory... Is it straight? Is it dead?"

Feng Yao smiled and shook his head, his eyes were slightly darker, and he fell into distant memories again...

"Since then, Fuxi was almost always with Caifeng. Although Fu Yuqin was sealed, it did not affect her to evoke the most beautiful fairy. But she rarely cuddles again, only in the extreme, She embraced Fuxi, sang the sound of mourning and hurting, and let the heart of Caifeng follow the severe pain. Slowly, time passed for a thousand years, and at this time, the millennium of the heavens is only equivalent to three years in the world. During this millennium, Fuxi women came to the reincarnation of the reincarnation for countless times, but they were all blocked by the thirteen gods. Fuxiqin was sealed, how can her fairy power and the thirteen gods confrontation."

"She cried for countless times to help her enter the reincarnation of purgatory, but she was rejected by Cai Feng. How could it let Fuxi women go to reincarnation and suffer? Until she suffered for a thousand years, she cried for a thousand years. Feng Cai finally knows that time can't dilute her sorrow. In heaven, she only lives in endless pain. The hope of jumping back to the purgatory and reuniting with her husband and daughter is the only motivation she supports, even if Will suffer from the reincarnation of 50,000 years, even if it will be destroyed."

"Mom..." Xuanyuaner shouted softly, tears falling silently in silence. She seems to have seen her favorite mother is suffering from tears and tears.

"So, Cai Feng finally agreed to Fuxi, killing the thirteen gods with its colored flames, destroying the blockade of the purgatory reincarnation... and then, along with the hardships of Fuxi, entered the reincarnation with her - because It killed the thirteen gods, and the heavens may not be able to accommodate it again, and it does not want the Fuxi girl to be alone. At that time, the colorful phoenix did not know that this decisive choice was actually the most correct choice in his life. ”

"What... What do you say? It won't be like this!! Mom must be waiting for me to go back in heaven, and she will not do stupid things. This is not true, it is not true!!" Xuanyuan children Violently trembled, tears fell like rain, and the wind hugged her tightly struggling, letting her beat her chest desperately until she screamed and screamed in his arms again.

Feng Yao gently wiped away the wetness of the corners of his eyes and said softly: "What a beautiful family this should be, but because of a disaster against the heavens, the fate, really good to tease people."

"Yaoer, you are the colorful phoenix... You were the colorful phoenix in your previous life, and then remembered the memory of the past life... Is it right?" The voice of the wind was so light that it was so light that he could hardly hear it.

"My brother only said half right." Feng Yao said with a soft smile, then quietly leaned on his side, holding the little hand of the nephew to comfort her.


Feng Yao grabbed Xuanyuan's little hand and shook it. He said with a smile: "Hey, your mother has been watching you all the time, and now I am watching you. If you cry like this, you will be saddened by your mother." ”

Xuanyuan’s dagger was lifted from the wind, and the tearful eyes looked at Feng Yao. “Yao’s sister, what did you just say?”

"I said, your mother is looking at you now, so don't cry." Feng Yao is still a soft smile.

Xuanyuan stayed for a long time, then looked around in confusion, shouting: "Mom, are you there? Are you really here? Answer me, okay..."

"Hey, you calm down first. Although your mother can see you, there is no way to answer you, and you can't see her." Feng Yao said comfortably.

"...Does the mother only have a soul after reincarnation? No... If it is a soul, you can see her with my strength, mother, where are you, if you are really, answer your nephew. Ok, my nephew misses you, oh... Yaoer sister, tell me, mom, where is she now, where is it! And daddy, how is he doing now, they must be the same as the nephew, right? ?? Xuanyuan children tearful eyes, shaking hands with the body of Feng Yao.

"Hey, don't worry, calm down?" Feng Yao looked at her eyes, and the soft voice slowly spread to her ears. Xuanyuan’s eyes stunned, and the body’s instigation quickly subsided. She nodded and looked at her quietly.

The sly eyes flashed a bit because he felt the warm and mysterious power that Feng Yao seemed to use.

Feng Yao, on the shoulders of the wind, describes everything that the undulating prostitute told her in the soul space: "After the reincarnation of the purgatory fell for 50,000 years, the nephew and the Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor fell into the world one after the other. The difference in time, they should have arrived in the same place at almost the same time, but the Xuanyuan Huangdi who only had the soul did not see the Xuanyuan sword, but instead saw a baby who was landing in the sky... subconsciously, he used his own power. He was rescued. This baby not only fell from the cliff that was not seen at the top, but also was dying of the bomb, and with the instinct of kindness and this wonderful fate, he repaired his body with his own strength, and repaired In the process, he was surprised to find that he turned out to be the person he was looking for in heaven."

"...I was actually saved by the Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor!? And the exit of the reincarnation is actually...the mysterious cliff under Kunlun!?"

"Well, it is really the arrangement of fate. If Xuanyuan Huangdi appeared early or there was a small meeting later, my brother would not exist." Feng Yao was afraid to pat his chest.

"Xuanyuan Huangdi is ecstatic, but because he has no body, he can't take away the baby who came down from heaven. He can only find a person in this world to raise him. And this person must be alone without a loved one. And, there must be kindness and strong strength. So, Xuanyuan Huangdi found a lone ranger called 'Feng Soul Juggernaut', and used the power of the soul to lay a spiritual mark on his mind, let him guide the spirit. When I got down to the baby, I saved him... well, my brother!"

The righteous father... It turned out that all this was because of Xuanyuan Huangdi. The wind shook his head gently.

"Later, the Xuanyuan Huangdi began to let the righteous father teach his brother to practice chaos, oh, in fact, the name "chaos" is made up by Xuanyuan Huangdi. The power of chaos is the ability that my brother had. When his brother's ability and mood are enough. Naturally, it will be advanced, and there is no need to be embarrassed at all. But in order to let the brother accept it, there is a 'chaos decision'. In fact, the descriptions of 'chaos' are all unique to the chaos of the heavens. The characteristics are only."

"And Fuxi female, just three years after Xuanyuan Huangdi arrived in the world, Fuxi female and Caifeng also finally got out of the reincarnation of purgatory, came to the Kunlun Mountains, and the torture of the reincarnation of the reincarnation left Fuxi females with only half of their strength and soul. Caifeng is the beast of the heavens. It can't bear the filth of the world. It retains 70% of the soul and disappears quickly after arriving at the human world. It will soon disappear completely... Fuxi woman is in a hurry, Caifeng is for her. And killing the thirteen gods, and in order not to let her alone willing to accompany her to the next round of purgatory, how she allowed Cai Feng to disappear."

"So, she risked the loss of her soul, gathered all the powers she had retained, and created a living body with her unique ability, and moved the soul of the colorful phoenix almost completely to dissipate... but The power of Caifeng has not dissipated, too much power is what a small baby can bear. So, Fuxi female uses her little power to try to make that power fall asleep... The power of Caifeng is not struggling, but the gentle obedience of the call and guidance of Fuxifu is hidden in the body of the new colorful phoenix, waiting for the opportunity of awakening."

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