How to say, even if Orpheus personally operates, if he wants to use his magic power to cut this huge ore, I am afraid it is not so easy.

Achuka’s father took out, this kind of hardest ore mountain in the demon world, if you want to describe Yang Tianchen’s previous life things.

It should be the so-called steel stone, and it is also a steel stone the size of a mountain, according to the scientific and technological level of Yang Tianchen’s previous life.

If you want to divide such a large steel stone, without causing huge damage to its internal molecular structure, even if you use the most advanced means, I am afraid it may not be possible.

Even if the strength is as strong as Orpheus, simply want to use your own magic power to get this ore, destroy it, use powerful magic power, and instantly blast it into the air.

But want to split it perfectly?

Hehe! Orpheus doesn’t necessarily do that.

For no other reason, this is a very difficult technical job.

It takes the skills and vision of a senior technician to do it perfectly.

It’s not a matter of personal strength, it’s all about professional skills, or what you’re good at.

But this is the case, that super huge ore, known as the hardest ore in the demon world, is simply under the control of Achuka’s father.

As if shooting a laser, the beam of light shot with the card turned into by Orpheus’ magic power split this huge ore into pieces of ore the size of a football.

This made the bigwigs of the demon world not surprised, how could they not be shocked and inexplicable.

However, the next moment, what Achuka’s father did not expect was that the magic card that he had still held in his hand before was tightly used after he used it once.

It began to become uncontrollable, instantly shining with a dazzling purple brilliance, breaking free from his palm.

“Huh?! So hot! …… This is! Father Achuka hurriedly released his palm, and the purple Orpheus magic card swooped, turned into a purple streamer, and flew in front of Yang Tianchen.

With another swoosh, it turned into a purple streamer and burrowed into Yang Tianchen’s eyebrows.

The powerful impact force, at the moment of rushing into Yang Tianchen’s forehead, even pushed Yang Tianchen’s head back uncontrollably.

“Wow!? Ahhhhh What a swelling thing! ”

Bang! Purr!

Yang Tianchen even fell backwards because he couldn’t withstand the powerful impact, and rolled twice on the ground before stopping.

Yang Tianchen was still speechless, he was lying on his back on the ground, and he still hadn’t figured out his superpower of turning other people’s magic into cards, what was the ghost?

“Hey? Huh? …… Interesting! It seems that this kind of card is not used by anyone. ”

Vinilana kept her hands gesturing with interest, while pointing her index finger on her chin with one hand, looking at Yang Tianchen who was lying upside down on the ground.

Father Achuca, who has no time now, some of it is gone, but he is elated, and the happy fart runs towards the divided ore.

Then he picked up one piece of ore and looked at it, and then picked up another piece to look at it, and his laughing mouth was almost grinning, “Good!” Good, good, good! Each piece is well divided, and although there is some damage to the ore at the point of division, overall it is perfectly divided. ”

“Hahahaha! It’s great, get rich, really get rich now, if the divided ore wants to sell, it’s much easier than the original. ”

“Not only does it not need to be sold at a discount, but I can also sell it at a markup!” This trip is really worth it. Great value! Hahahaha! ”

Seraflu’s father was happy to see this product smiling, but he was not angry and jealous, “Hmph! It’s really luck, how come I don’t have such good luck. ”

After all the Demon Realm bigwigs got together, and after discussing and appreciating the divided ore, they turned their attention back to Yang Tianchen’s side.

In the end, it was Venilana who was more interested, and said with a smile: “As you have analyzed, Yang Tianchen, this kid is really special!” Is it just that the card that Orpheus’ magic transformed into disappeared like this? Why don’t I experiment again? ”

After seeing Orpheus on the opposite side nodding slightly towards herself, Venilana did not hesitate at all, and the sign of raising her hand was to shoot another beam of destruction magic towards Yang Tianchen.

Sou! Buzz Buzz!

Within a short distance of this magic power, the surrounding air that actually hit appeared to hum and distort.

The magic beam shot by Venilana this time is no longer as simple as before, but a highly compressed magic beam of destruction.

It is equivalent to the legendary super laser beam and high-energy energy beam that Yang Tianchen saw in the film and television in his previous life.

The destructive magic beam that Vinilana shot this time, even if it is faced by a demon king-level powerhouse, if it is not properly handled, or if it is not dodged in time, it will be pierced through any position of the body in an instant.

That’s right, it is to penetrate any position, even if it is as strong as the four demon kings, if it is hit in the head by this destructive magic beam head-on, it will instantly shoot its head and die.

However, after all, Vinilana did not have the slightest malice towards Yang Tianchen, she just wanted to try Yang Tianchen, so the destructive magic beam she shot seemed to be completely lethal.

But in fact, the aiming attack position was only shot from a harmless position in Yang Tianchen’s chest, and if he was hit in this position, Yang Tianchen would not react.

Although it will also be penetrated by the destruction magic power, it will only leave a blood hole on the body that is not life-threatening, and the position where this ray of light shines will not harm Yang Tianchen’s body, and any internal organs, meridians, muscles and bones will not be harmed.

What’s more, after discussing with the big men of the Demon World just now, they all made the biggest possible guess and inference.

If that inference holds, then Yang Tianchen should… At all, not only is there no danger to life, but even injury is impossible.

Sure enough, the truth was just as the bigwigs guessed, Yang Tianchen was almost subconscious at the moment when he faced the beam of destruction.

Warning signs appeared in the bottom of his heart, and he almost subconsciously raised his hand to block.

The magical purple card that Orpheus’ magic had transformed before, the moment Yang Tianchen made a parrying posture, ejected from his forehead and blocked the position of the destruction magic beam attack.

Hard steel on the front!

The purple card collided with the destructive aura of magic without warning.

Airplanes! Rumble! Buzz Buzz Buzz!

Behind this purple card, a purple protective light mask immediately appeared, exuding powerful magical power, protecting Yang Tianchen from it.

A magical force full of destructive aura hit the purple card, stirring up a circle of ripples on its magic protection light mask. _

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