With a muffled bang, the captain of the guard squad was just like that, and the one on his back was overwhelmed, his eyes were dull, and he looked at the ceiling at a loss.

As for his whole person, it was completely pressed into the ground.

And then…”Poof, cough, cough! …… Poof! Ahem, ahem! …… Do you want to exaggerate so much, almost… It feels like I’m almost dying! ”

“Hiss! …… Oh hey! Worst! …… Not good! My bones are broken! ”

The captain of the guard team originally wanted to get up from the mosaic ground, but it didn’t matter if he didn’t move, and he suddenly felt the ribs in his chest as soon as he moved.

And the arm bones that grabbed the shield before, and the calf bones of the two legs below, too… It seems to be broken too!

Although he couldn’t take a closer look at his injury, but… Just according to his usual experience of injuries.

The condition of my body at the moment is like this.

The bones of the right arm were broken at least two bones, the ribs were broken at least four or five, and the lower leg bones below should have been broken.

Yes! It was the impact that was brought up by the two adults just now, and he didn’t want to attack him, he was just injured by mistake.

It has already injured the five labors and seven injuries that he hit.

Lightning Deal! Absolute flash deal!

Just when the captain of the guard team was about to cry without tears and asked the sky speechlessly, suddenly a nice voice sounded at the door.

Looking up, there was a cute-looking, beautiful little maid leaning against the doorway, laughing, “Poof! Cluck! Oops! …… Captain Ludir, what’s wrong with you? Why don’t you get up? ”

“Moxi Kasi! …… Could it be said that you were so precautionary before, and even sold two brothers, but you were still injured! ”

“Hmm! …… Oh yes! Gee! I really feel unworthy for those two brothers before, and their great ‘sacrifice’ did not keep you safe!” ”

“Tulisa! You! …… Burst! Ahem, ahem! Poof! Ahh ”

Stimulated by the little maid’s words, the captain of the guard immediately became angry, and a mouthful of blood instantly surged up, and several mouthfuls of blood sprayed wildly.

The little maid suddenly pretended to be frightened, and her small hand instantly blocked her eyes, but it was the kind with ten fingers open, using a tone of fear.

As if frightened, he exclaimed, “Oops! Gee! …… It’s so cruel, it’s so miserable, it’s so miserable, how to vomit blood so spectacularly! It’s really scary! ”

“Ahem! Poof! …… You! Tu Lisa! …… You! You ruthless! …… ! me off! …… Poof! ”

Another mouthful of blood spurted wildly, and Captain Ludir was finally so angry by this maid called Turissa, anger and blood rushed up, so angry that he blushed and had a thick neck.

His eyes widened directly, and then his head was tilted, and he was finally so angry that he passed out.

Seeing that Captain Ludir was so angry that he fainted, the proud little head of the Duresa maid was raised, her nostrils were facing the sky, and there seemed to be a fox’s tail behind it, shaking and shaking there.

With his hands crossed at the waist, he smiled proudly, “Hmm! Call you arrogant in front of me before, little sample! I even dare to croak my teeth with my sister, hum! …… I am the maid of the medical team at home, and now you are injured and fall into my hands, look at the old lady, I can’t play you in the future! ”

Then, the maid called Tu Lisa, waved her little hand, and ordered, “Come man, get this fool and idiot out of it, and then carry it back, the old lady I will personally treat him well!” ”


Behind the Durissa’s maid, several maids bowed in response, and then all looked at Captain Ludir with a sympathetic look, removing the shield that was pressing on him.

He was then carried onto a stretcher and followed behind the Ludir maid.

The picture jumps, and outside the door of a treatment room with a written treatment room written on the door, you can hear a scream like killing a pig coming from inside.

“Ah! …… Yes! …… Yes! …… Aaaaaah! ”

“Aaaaaa It hurts, it hurts… Ancestors! Goddess! Queen! …… My Lord Queen, I was wrong! ”

“O Queen! Please! Please, you, you… You let me go! …… Aaaah! Spare me! …… Aaaah! Want! It’s going to die! Aaaa ”

“What’s the name of the ghost, you’re still not a man! This little injury hurts you like this? What a useless guy! ”

“It’s still a big man! How is it that even women are inferior? When we women give birth, it hurts much more than this, and women giving birth to children is not as miserable as you call! ”

“Your bones are broken, I’m resetting your bones, if you don’t reset the broken bones, perform magic treatment, even if your bones are cured, they will grow crookedly and deformed.”

“Whoops! …… No! It’s not that I want to call it! It really hurts! Uh-huh! Kill me! I don’t want treatment! ”

“Wow whoa! It hurts, it hurts! By the way, don’t you have anesthetics or the like, or magic that makes me temporarily unconscious? I…… I can’t stand it! ”

“Sorry! Those are relatively high-level healing magic, or potions, I won’t use them, and the things you just mentioned have been taken out by senior doctors. ”

“The previous magic explosion injured so many people, and the senior doctors were busy treating them, and now they can’t care about you!”

“Huh?! …… Can I choose to give up the treatment for the time being and wait for the doctor to come back and treat me? ”

“Hmph! Humph! You tell me! …… Of course not! It’s hard to have such a good training object sent to the door, do you think I will let you go? ”

“So! Captain Ludir! Just take your life! Oh quack! ”

“Shrimp! I…… I’m not your practicer! If you continue to play like this, I will… I’m going to die!” Come on! Help! Kill! …… Aaaaaah! Help! Aaaaaah! ”

“Hmph! Call it! Shout! …… Useless! No one here will come to your rescue! It’s useless for you to call your throat broken! ”

“Ugh! How does this line sound a little familiar! …… Uh Stop, stop, stop! Help! Kill me! No, no, no, no! No! Don’t! ”

Outside the door, there were a few little maids hiding outside, stretching their necks and looking inside.

Still very unscrupulously discussing, “As for what, why is it called so miserable!” ”

“Nonsense! Offended Sister Tulisa, that fool was miserable. …… I have seen this kind of treatment, which is basically the unique treatment used by those doctors who are ordered to rectify soldiers or subordinates who have made mistakes and have their hands and feet broken. ”

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