绗叓鍗佷 绔 涔濆瓙

Li Qingshan Nickel 掑缑鐞嗕 掑缑鐞嗕 濂癸纴濡 濂癸纴濡 沧 佸媷鐚涘墠琛屼箣镞 佸媷鐚涘墠琛屼箣镞 佸媷鐚涘墠琛屼箣镞 佸媷鐚涘墠琛屼箣镞 佸媷鐚涘墠琛屼箣镞 佸媷鐚涘墠琛屼箣镞 佸媷鐚涘墠琛屼箣镞 佸媷鐚涘墠琛屼箣镞 佸媷鐚涘墠琛屼箣镞 佸媷鐚涘墠琛屼箣镞 佸媷鐚涘墠琛屼箣镞 佸媷鐚涘墠琛屼箣镞槸闱炲阌欑殑阆撶悊锛屽厛绛夋椿涓嬫潵鍐嶈钖э紒姝讳汉chain変粈涔堥死変粈涔堥

Qian Rongzhi 榛橀粯娉ㄨ镌€浠栵纴鍙堣湻缂╄捣韬瓙锛屾斁寮冧简镆愪簺镆愪簺镆愪簺撶畻锛屽撶畻锛屽涓劅鍙癸涓劅鍙癸鈥滆鈥滆掓槸铏庡晩锛佲€

鍕囩寷绮 繘涔嬩 繘涔嬩 繘涔嬩 锛屽苟闱炰粈涔堥兘鎯 忥纴 忥纴 忥纴 忥纴 忥纴 忥纴 忥纴 忥纴 忥纴 忥纴 斁寰椾笅锛岃嚜 斁寰椾笅锛岃嚜 ′ ′ ′ ′棤鐣忕殑澶ц嚜淇°€

杩欎竴镣 槸濂 槸濂 墍 墍 涘皹銮 涘皹銮 傛墍浠ヤ粠涓嶆暍杩囧垎镄勬 傛墍浠ヤ粠涓嶆暍杩囧垎镄勬 傛墍浠ヤ粠涓嶆暍杩囧垎镄勬 傛墍浠ヤ粠涓嶆暍杩囧垎镄勬 傛墍浠ヤ粠涓嶆暍杩囧垎镄勬 佽 佽 佽 佽 佽 佽傛灉鐪熸妸浠栨児姣涗 锛屼竴鍒 镰嶈 镰嶈 镰嶈 镰嶈 鏉ワ纴鏄 鏉ワ纴鏄 鏉ワ纴鏄 鏉ワ纴鏄 鏉ワ纴鏄 鏉ワ纴鏄 鏉ワ纴鏄 鏉ワ纴鏄

鈥 浜嗭纴鎴戝 浜嗭纴鎴戝 Sun Sun De De De Sun Demon Heart 傛帴涓嬫潵锛屽 傛帴涓嬫潵锛屽 傛帴涓嬫潵锛屽 De De钖э紒鈥

Li Qingshan 澶ф鍓嶈锛屼笉鏂繁鍏ヨ鍏ヨ搴搴搴€滆杩峰鈥濓纴姣忚笍鍏ヤ竴搴鈥濓纴姣忚笍鍏ヤ竴搴柊镄勮瀹纴閮亣鍒版亣鍒勬璺纴浠栦 鍗 鍗 笉涔憋纴鏀 笉涔憋纴鏀 睍 睍 睍 睍 Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di

Mirror Image clone 涓嶥emonic Will clone 锛屼竴鍖栦 浜屻 佷簩鍖栦 佷簩鍖栦 佷簩鍖栦 锲 锲 锲 锲 锲 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔鍗冧笂涓囧骇琛€瀹€

Demonic Will clone 澶 灏忎 Image 笉杩嘙 笉杩嘙 笉杩嘙 笉杩嘙 笉杩嘙 笉杩嘙 笉杩嘙 笉杩嘙 笉杩嘙 笉杩嘙 笉杩嘙 笉杩嘙 笉杩嘙 笉杩嘙 笉杩嘙 笉杩嘙 笉杩嘙 Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image癸纴缁 inch郴镌Demonic Will clone 镄勫瓨鍦ㄣ€

忔槸涓 忔槸涓 妫靛ぇ镙 妫靛ぇ镙 纴浠 纴浠 纴浠 纴浠 纴浠 纴浠 纴浠 纴浠 纴浠 纴浠 纴浠 灊鏉堬纴 灊鏉堬纴 灊鏉堬纴 灊鏉堬纴 灊鏉堬纴 灊鏉堬纴 灊鏉堬纴 灊鏉堬纴 灊鏉堬纴 灊鏉堬纴 灊鏉堬纴 灊鏉堬纴 灊鏉堬纴 灊鏉堬纴 灊鏉堬纴 灊鏉堬纴 灊鏉堬纴 灊鏉堬纴曘€

Key 孡i Qingshan 镊︻劧灏 槸杩欐 槸杩欐 5澶ф for 镄勪富骞插拰镙

浠栫殑鍙岀涅闂︻儊涓嶅畾锛屽浠婃斁澶 崈锏崈锏崈锏嶆潵鐪嬶纴鐪嶆潵鐪嬶纴鐪嶆潵鐪嬶纴鐪Nirvana First Level 鍏夊箷锛屽儚鏄槅铏鐪 竴鑸纴鐢 竴鑸纴鐢 棤鏁 棤鏁 棤鏁 鍏 褰 三 三 三 三 三 三 三

姣忎竴鍧楁鍏竟褰(五)兘鏄犲嚭涓€骞呮櫙璞★纴鏄剧ず镌€姣忎竴涓猚lone 澶勭殑浣岖€澶勭殑浣岖澶勭殑浣岖澶勭殑浣岖Thin


Li Qingshan 鍒椤寲韬悓镙风殑褰(二)€佹潵涓庝箣鎶楄锛屽悓镞佹潵涓庝箣鎶楄锛屽悓镞笉鏂帹婕斿垎鏋愮潃杩椤骇铚笉鏂帹婕斿垎鏋愮潃杩椤骇铚发发镄勭粨鏋勶纴瀵镌€鍙兘瀛鍙兘瀛鍙兘瀛

Demonic Will clone 瓒婂垎瓒婂锛岃秺鍒呜秺寮憋纴杩樿闅愯棌琛岃抗害锛岄伩鍏嶈鍙戠幇锛屾墍浠ヨ杩涚殑阃熷Father 鎱纴姣斾竴涓櫘阃Hanhan 璧 矾涔熷揩涓崭 澶 澶 澶 澶 皯锛屼笉杩 澶 澶€

闅忕潃镞堕棿镄勬帹绉 纴缁忓巻镄勮瀹秺鏉ヨ秺澶 纴缁忓巻镄勮瀹秺鏉ヨ秺澶 纴娓愭笎鍦 纴娓愭笎鍦 湁浜嗕竴浜涘 湁浜嗕竴浜涘 湁浜嗕竴浜涘 湁浜嗕竴浜涘

灏呜繎涓€涓湀涔嫔悗锛孡i Qingshan pot 滀笅鑴氭锛岀暐鑸掍 涓 鍙 鍙 皵锛岄湶鍑 皵锛岄湶鍑 皵锛岄湶鍑 皵锛岄湶鍑 寰瑧銆


杩椤骇鈥滆杩峰鈥濈殑鏁翠綋缁撴瀯锛屼綋缁撴瀯锛屼綋缁撴瀯锛屼€ argon line 鍗佷簩Demon Realm 镄勫嚭鍙o纴浠栭兘宸茬粡绠楀嚭鏉ヤ 锛岀敋镊 繛涔濆┐镄勬墍澶勭殑镙 繛涔濆┐镄勬墍澶勭殑镙 繛涔濆┐镄勬墍澶勭殑镙 繛涔濆┐镄勬墍澶勭殑镙 繛涔濆┐镄勬墍澶勭殑镙 锛屼粬閮 锛屼粬閮 锛屼粬閮 锛屼粬閮 锛屼粬閮 锛屼粬閮 锛屼粬閮 锛屼粬閮 锛屼粬閮 锛屼粬閮 锛屼粬閮 锛屼粬閮 湁浜嗕 湁浜嗕 湁浜嗕 湁浜嗕┿€

鐜 湪鍞竴镄勯棶棰樻槸鍒呜 湪鍞竴镄勯棶棰樻槸鍒呜 锛岄偅鍗佷簩涓嚭鍙 纴鍒 纴鍒 纴鍒 ion ion ion ion ion ion ion ion ion ion ion ion ion ion ion ion

鈥滃棷锛屽彲浠ユ帓闄や竴涓纴闾e ammonia 鏄崄涓 涓﹃ 涓﹃ 鏋沧 鏋沧 鏋沧 夊埆镄勫 夊埆镄勫 夊埆镄勫 夊埆镄勫 夊埆镄勫 夊埆镄勫 夊埆镄勫 夊埆镄勫 夊埆镄勫 夊埆镄勫Fainting

鐜 湪鍙 湪鍙 湪鍙 鏀 嫝 € € € € € € € € € one one one one one one one one one one one

鐒 屾鍦ㄨ 屾鍦ㄨ 屾鍦ㄨ 屾鍦ㄨ 鈥濅竴阒靛墽鐑堣爼锷纴濂斿暩镄凚 鈥濅竴阒靛墽鐑堣爼锷纴濂斿暩镄凚 鈥濅竴阒靛墽鐑堣爼锷纴濂斿暩镄凚 鈥濅竴阒靛墽鐑堣爼锷纴濂斿暩镄凚 鈥濅竴阒靛墽鐑堣爼锷纴濂斿暩镄凚 鈥濅竴阒靛墽鐑堣爼锷纴濂斿暩镄凚 鈥濅竴阒靛墽鐑堣爼锷纴濂斿暩镄凚 鈥濅竴阒靛墽鐑堣爼锷纴濂斿暩镄凚 鈥濅竴阒靛墽鐑堣爼锷纴濂斿暩镄凚 鈥濅竴阒靛墽鐑堣爼锷纴濂斿暩镄凚 鈥濅竴阒靛墽鐑堣爼锷纴濂斿暩镄凚 鈥濅竴阒靛墽鐑堣爼锷纴濂斿暩镄凚 鈥濅竴阒靛墽鐑堣爼锷纴濂斿暩镄凚 侱 侱 侱 侱People 浠豢浣涙彁鍓嶅缑鍒 娑堟伅锛屾棭镞╃殑杞Щ鍒 娑堟伅锛屾棭镞╃殑杞Щ鍒 娑堟伅锛屾棭镞╃殑杞Щ鍒 娑堟伅锛屾棭镞╃殑杞Щ鍒 傝澶歝 傝澶歝 傝澶歝 one one one one one one one纴琚饭娌” 湪婊旀粩Blood River 涓€

Li Qingshan 骞 笉璁跺纾锛岀煡阆撴槸鈥 笉璁跺纾锛岀煡阆撴槸鈥 巹鐗濅箣闂ㄢ 濆紑钖殑镞跺 濆紑钖殑镞跺 濆紑钖殑镞跺 椤 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒

鍙嶆绂诲紑镄勬椂 chain 椤 涓嶉渶瑕佽 涓嶉渶瑕佽 涓嶉渶瑕佽 镙 镙 皬蹇 皬蹇 皬蹇 欌 欌 欌 欌 濆紑钖纴鐩 濆紑钖纴鐩 濆紑钖纴鐩 濆紑钖纴鐩 濆紑钖纴鐩 濆紑钖纴鐩 濆紑钖纴鐩潃鍑哄幓灏辫浜嗐€效彧瑕佺寮€杩欌€滆杩峰鈥濓纴涔濆┐涔熷浣曚笉寰椾粬銆

蹇 劧闂 纴鈥滆杩 纴鈥滆杩 鈥濆墽鐑堣爼锷ㄨ捣鏉ワ纴鏁 鈥濆墽鐑堣爼锷ㄨ捣鏉ワ纴鏁 鈥濆墽鐑堣爼锷ㄨ捣鏉ワ纴鏁 鈥濆墽鐑堣爼锷ㄨ捣鏉ワ纴鏁 鈥濆墽鐑堣爼锷ㄨ捣鏉ワ纴鏁 鈥濆墽鐑堣爼锷ㄨ捣鏉ワ纴鏁 湪鎽囨檭銆傝瀹腑 湪鎽囨檭銆傝瀹腑 湪鎽囨檭銆傝瀹腑 湪鎽囨檭銆傝瀹腑 湪鎽囨檭銆傝瀹腑 湪鎽囨檭銆傝瀹腑 塂 塂 塂 塂 塂 塂 塂 塂 塂棰犳潵 chain掑幓锛屽鏋滃懆阆笉鏄煍杞殑flesh and blood 锛岃€屾槸鍧氱‖镄勫湡鐭屾槸鍧氱‖镄勫湡鐭纴鎭愭曚曚曚镰 娴 and €

鈥滆伞鏄€庝箞锲炰簨锛熲€滚i Qingshan 蹇界劧鑴歌壊澶у彉锛屾墍chain塩lone 涓€愬け铡愬け铡愬け铡愬け铡€傗€滈毦阆撴槸鎴戠殑琛岃 鏆撮湶浜嗭紒鈥


鍓х儓镄勫姩钻¢€愭笎骞虫伅涓嬫潵锛孡i Qingshan 鏉畏紑鍓戞焺锛屽紶寮€绁炵溂锛屾壂瑙嗗洓Forging 纴椤挎椂钖冧涓€鎯婏纴鍙戠幇杩潍eaven and Earth Principle 閮 彂鐢熶 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙

褰撶劧锛屾湰璐ㄦ 夊彉锛屽彲褰 chain (1) spinning 瀹屽叏涓嶅悓浜嗐

Li Qingshan 鐪夊ご绱х毐锛岃 Umbrella 绉嶆劅 夊 夊 夊 夊 夊 涓崄涓冮 涓崄涓冮 涓崄涓冮 涓崄涓冮 涓崄涓冮 涓崄涓冮 涓崄涓冮 镄勯瓟鏂癸纴濂 镄勯瓟鏂癸纴濂勬椂 欙纴琚 欙纴琚 澶 澶 锛岄 锛岄 锛岄 锛岄 鏂 鏂 墦涔憋纴椤挎椂 墦涔憋纴椤挎椂 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜


鍙幇鍦ㄧ殑鈥滆杩峰鈥濆凡缁忎笉鏄师鏉ラ偅涓€搴э纴搴э纴屾槸涓搴搴搴搴搴叏鏂叏鏂叏鏂殑杩锛屼锛屼栨墍澶勭殑浣岖 閮 閮 彉浜嗭纴 彉浜嗭纴 埆璇撮偅鍗佷簩涓嚭鍙 埆璇撮偅鍗佷簩涓嚭鍙 埆璇撮偅鍗佷簩涓嚭鍙 d

浠栭渶瑕佽 鍦ㄤ笅涓 娆 娆 娆 墽鍙 墽鍙 箣鍓嶏纴 箣鍓嶏纴 嶆柊 嶆柊 嶆柊 嶆柊 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四涓嶏纴鏄崄浜屼釜鍑哄彛涓€夋嫨涓€涓﹃€

姣忎竴娆°C垚锷熺殑姒傜巼閮 彧 chain chain effect 鏋滆繍姘斿ソ镄勮瘽锛屽皾璇曞崄Second 灏辫兘鎴愬姛涓€娆°€傛傛涓娆¢渶瑕佸崄浜屼娆¢渶瑕佸崄浜屼娆¢渶瑕佸崄浜屼堬纴涔熷链堬纴涔熷堬纴涔熷鏄竴鏁鏄竴鏁镞堕棿銆

鍙槸浠栫幇鍦ㄧ殑杩愭皵绯熺殑寰堬纴涔熻鍗佸 涔熸湭蹇呰 涔熸湭蹇呰 镄勫嚭铡 镄勫嚭铡 纴鐢氲呖姘 纴鐢氲呖姘 纴鐢氲呖姘 涔熻 涔熻 涔熻 涔熻 涔熻 涔熻€

鍦ㄨ Umbrella 搴 滆杩 滆杩 滆杩 滆杩 鈥濅腑锛屼 鈥濅腑锛屼 濠 濠 殑镒忓 殑镒忓 殑镒忓 殑镒忓 锛屽 鍒囥 鍒囥 鍒囥

鈥灭湅鏉ユ垜浠锲板湪杩欓噷浜嗐€傗€滚i Qingshan 鎸戜简鎸戠湁銆

鈥沧垜鍦ㄦ兂锛岃 涔熻骞 涔熻骞 笉鏄 笉鏄 漄 漄 漄 Rong Rong Rong Rong Rong Rong Rong Rong Rong

鈥滃摝锛熼毦阆撹缮 chain夊埆镄勪汉鍦纻鈥


鈥溾 樿鈥欎粬浠粰鎴戜竴鏉¤矾璧 樿鈥欎粬浠粰鎴戜竴鏉¤矾璧 樿鈥欎粬浠粰鎴戜竴鏉¤矾璧 樿鈥欎粬浠粰鎴戜竴鏉¤矾璧

Li Qingshan took a deep breath

浼 鍟 鍟 纴濡侱 纴濡侱 Chan Chan Chan Chan t Chan Chan Chan Chan Chan Chan 钻 钻 钻 钻 钻 钻 钻 钻 钻 钻 钻 钻 钻 钻 les les les les les les les les les les les les les h埇镄勯€熷害锛屼紶阆嶅崈涓囧骇琛€瀹€

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Li Qingshan 寰井寮撹儗锛岀湳镌€鍙岀溂锛岀溂鐪歌浆涓鸿丹鑹层

“If they don’t give you a way to go?” Qian Rongzhi asked with a smile.

“Then I will kill a road.” Li Qingshan said indifferently.

“I also have a small request, can you let me talk first?”

“What conspiracy do you have?”

“Just a temptation. You are dead, can I live alone?”

“it is good.”

Li Qingshan stood still, but in an instant, the nine powerful and unusual momentum quickly approached, and instantly rushed into his blood palace.

Nine Great Evil God!

Li Qingshan’s eyes widened, but only nine small dolls were seen, one by one wearing a red apron, smashing the sky, barefooted, black eyes, white and tender skin, not only without any horror, but rather unusual and cute.

However, the momentum on them is clearly nine Evil Gods, each of which is more powerful than the white dolphins Evil God.

His heart sinks, and the nine Great Evil Gods are more than just nine Evil Gods. Instead, the blood is connected, the mind is connected, the battle is formed, and the whole body is sealed. He has sealed all his way, and has not yet shot, and the pressure is already heavy.

“Nine” is the number of poles, but there are infinite changes. If you talk about combat effectiveness, it is not possible for twenty Evil Gods to join hands.

It’s no wonder that Nine Infants can compete with Twelve Demon Gods. With this “blood labyrinth” plus this “Evil God”, True God can also fight.

“Who are you? Dare to come to the blood palace to find death!” Nine Great Evil God said in unison, the milky milk asked.

Li Qingshan is about to answer, “please” they let a passage, so as not to die, think of Qian Rongzhi’s request, and listen to what she has to say.

Qian Rongzhi slipped from Li Qingshan’s wrist and turned into a human figure, turning into a big fat woman:

“We are here to kill nine infants!”

The voice did not fall, she felt a cold back, the scarlet eye was coldly staring at her. When this statement comes out, there is no room for compromise. If you want to fight, you must die.

“Just by you!?” Nine son Evil God Haha laughed, murderous aura.

Qian Rongzhi suddenly opened his mouth and pulled out a pig’s head from it and put it in his hand to show it to the nine sons Evil God.

The nine son Evil God immediately converges and smiles, and it is the head of an Evil God.

“Mother, not a pig.”

“Because your strength comes from her, I can’t resist her, so she imagined it too powerful. In fact, the Nine Baby is just an Evil God, and how much stronger than this pig?”

The nine sons of Evil God face each other and are somewhat shaken.

Qian Rongzhi put the pig’s head into his mouth again and smiled. “It’s better to let us try it. If it fails, there is no harm to you. Or do you want to be trapped here forever and maintain this shape forever?”

Li Qingshan suddenly understood what she was testing.

Such a boring, awkward World, even ordinary people will feel bored and boring, not to mention the powerful Evil God, who can do whatever they want in any World.

The “blood labyrinth” is constantly changing, just to trap the nine sons of Evil God. And these “children” also have a mother-in-law.

Even though I was used to the confusion of Demon Domain, it was such a “bad” that he never used to.

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