Legend of the Gu Demon

Chapter 29 Wolf Tide

The dark eyes condensed slightly, and the dim light flickered.

Ningchen stood at the forefront of the bunker, his eyes dim, and the elephant-like body of the Mad Lightning Wolf naturally reflected in Ningchen's dark eyes.

"Third-level combat power, Mad Lightning Wolf, Thousand Beast King, only one beast king is born among a thousand lightning wolves, the combat power is really strong!"

"It is likely that there are several third-level thunder poisonous insects living on it. Ordinary third-level elders can't do anything to it easily."

Ningchen stood with his hands behind his back, dressed in charming clothes, his heart seemed to be as clear as ice, and he was not blinded by the greed of the moment.


An extremely high-pitched and sharp wolf howl resounded throughout the forest, shaking Ningchen's eardrums slightly and causing pain for no reason.

Then the originally peaceful and stable lightning wolf pack heard this wolf howl and immediately seemed to be under command,

turning into a surging stream The wolf tide attacked the gate and the wall of the mountain stronghold.

"This crazy lightning wolf still has the third-level wolf howl Gu on it. It seems that this battle will be difficult to fight."

Ning Chen's eyes sank slightly when he saw this. After hearing the wolf howl, he immediately understood what was going on.

The third-level wolf howl Gu can increase the combat power of the wolf pack by several times in a short period of time.

And the first group of wolves that rushed to kill instantly fell into the trench trap set up by the Gu masters in advance.


Without even a wail, the group of lightning wolves on the front line were pierced by the bamboo thorns ambushed in the trench. Immediately, their waists were broken and their stomachs were rotten, and their internal organs were scattered all over the ground.

They died very quickly and their deaths were extremely miserable.

Instantly, the night wind blew, and the strong smell of blood was carried to the trench on the wall by the soft evening breeze.


The group of people who had just graduated from school The Gu Master students who graduated from the school had never seen such a bloody scene.

They were already terrified and nervous, and seeing such a bloodthirsty wolf pack further magnified their fear.

Now, stimulated by the smell of blood, their nerves and psychology could no longer bear it.

They leaned against the wall and vomited all the dinner they had tonight and even the lunch they had at noon.

"Hahahaha, new graduate, get used to it, you will see more corpses in the future!"

"Don't be sad, kid, everyone is like this at the beginning, just experience it more."

Several mature and experienced Gu Masters pulled up the weak Gu Master student and comforted him in a rough voice.


The Gu Master student also nodded in agreement, mumbling in his mouth, but his body was still a little staggering,

In After the first batch of wolves were stabbed to death by bamboo thorns, the second batch of electric wolves stepped on the corpses of the first batch of electric wolves and climbed over the trench.


The wolf howls fell into Ningchen's ears, clearer and closer.

However, the surging wolf tide crashed into the thick wall but did not shake it at all. Instead, it was stabbed all over by the iron thorn flower Gu arranged on it.

And this iron thorn flower Gu was poisoned by the flower poison Gu. Even if it could not kill the enemy, the poison alone was enough to kill the wolves.

And the howling of the wolves gradually became smaller, and their strength gradually weakened. They gradually fell to the edge of the wall and there was no movement.

Therefore, the first and second waves of the most turbulent wolf tides were well resisted by the defensive fortifications arranged in advance.

And the remaining wolf tides were also terrifying, but they were far less turbulent than before.

"Everyone fire the moon blade! "

A clear and sharp shout fell into Ningchen's ears. Ningchen looked in the direction of the sound and saw a Gu Master with a "three" copper plate on his waist on the top of the bunker.

He looked serious, his body was upright, and he exuded a bit of capable aura. This was the family elder who was guarding here to resist the crazy lightning wolves.


Suddenly, countless azure moon blades shot down from the wall, forming a deadly and gorgeous dark blue painting.


The lightning wolves lost the blessing of the wolf howl Gu, and the ordinary lightning wolves were shot by the moon blades and fled in panic, looking very embarrassed.

If they could not dodge in time, they would be chopped into pieces by the dense moon blades.

And the powerful lightning wolves with the second-level combat power did not dare to take on this. The dense moon blades had to jump to the side to temporarily avoid the sharp edge.

The third-level crazy lightning wolf in the back row narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing a few traces of humane thinking.

The originally surging lightning wolf pack was mostly killed or injured under this wave of moon blade attacks, and there was no momentum just now.

Ningchen also stood on the wall and casually threw a moon blade to cut an unfortunate lightning wolf in half.

He was intentionally retaining his true energy and not firing the moon blade so hard.

After all, Ningchen had to go down to collect the Gu worms as soon as possible, so he naturally had to be able to protect himself.

"Everyone has an order, all Gu masters go down the wall, defense Gu masters and melee Gu masters are in front, and long-range Gu masters are in the back, to force back the lightning wolves! "

The elder gave another order, and before he finished speaking, several Gu Masters jumped off the wall.

Ningchen jumped down immediately after hearing this, and landed steadily on the ground soaked in wolf blood, with a faint smile on his face.

Afterwards, countless Gu Masters jumped off the wall one after another, counterattacking the already slightly declining electric wolf pack.

The Gu insects on ordinary electric wolves were no longer in Ningchen's eyes, or in other words, Ningchen was not interested in the Gu insects on them.

They were nothing more than the first-level electric current Gu and the stepping electric Gu, and some even had no Gu insects at all.

Ningchen had already focused his attention on the few powerful electric wolves as big as calves.

After all, as the second-level combat power, the Gu insects on them must be much better than those on the electric wolves.

Ningchen followed several defensive Gu Masters in front of him and attacked the electric wolf pack at the forefront of the crowd.

The moonlight shone brightly in the palm of his right hand, and suddenly a seven-foot blue moon spear floated in his palm.


The Gu Masters around him were furious and shouted in unison, their voices reaching the sky with boundless momentum.

Ningchen held the moon spear and quietly watched the three huge powerful electric wolves, like a patient hunter.

When the electric wolf pack saw that the Gu Masters were counterattacking, the crazy electric wolf howled loudly and quickly led the charge with the powerful electric wolf to respond to the Gu Masters' charge.

The two armies met first, and under the orderly formation of the Gu Masters, the group of electric wolves suffered countless casualties in the just-confronted battle.

If the Gu Masters were injured, they would be protected by other Gu Masters and retreat to the mountain village.

Once a Gu Master used up his true essence, other Gu Masters would immediately come to replace him, and the defense was watertight for a while!

Under the deliberate siege of many melee and defense Gu Masters, the few Haodian Wolves were quickly dispersed by the crowd, and each Haodian Wolf was surrounded by several melee Gu Masters.

Ningchen saw this and seized the opportunity, successfully squeezed into the innermost circle of the siege of a Haodian Wolf.

Ningchen walked slowly, casually made a rather gorgeous gun flower, and pointed the gun directly at the heart of the Haodian Wolf.

And the Haodian Wolf naturally felt Ningchen's ill intentions, grinning and gritting his teeth, and the wolf eyes even paid special attention to Ningchen.

But Ningchen couldn't help it, the moonlight in his palm danced into a blue full moon, and he stepped forward and swung to kill!

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