Legend of the Gu Demon

Chapter 64 Win or Lose

The rain was pouring down like a curtain of beads.

At some point, the dark clouds in the sky began to drop raindrops, dyeing Qingmao Mountain a bit damp.


Bai Ningbing exhaled a breath of hot air, and curled white smoke in the humid air.

The surrounding rain curtain seemed to be nothing to him. Regardless of the obstruction of his sight, he just looked at Ningchen quietly.

"...Three ribs were broken, the sternum was damaged, the spine was slightly cracked, half of the body was burned, and there were knife wounds all over the body... It was so miserable!"

"Speaking of which, this is the first time I've been injured so badly since I was born."

"But even though I'm in such a miserable state, Ningchen isn't much better!"

The rain washed away the blood on Bai Ningbing's body, and the blood dyed the pools around him dark red, but Bai Ningbing just chuckled and stared at Ningchen in front of him.

Although the rain was like a curtain, separating the two of them, Bai Ningbing could still vaguely see the figure in black.

Ningchen held the electric blade in one hand and supported himself on the ground, intending to support Holding his body, he covered his mouth with his other hand, trying to suppress the increasingly intense dry cough.

"Cough cough~"

Ningchen felt a few chills in his palms, and when he opened his palms, he saw a few blood-stained ice chips.

Seeing the blood-stained ice chips, it seemed that his lungs hurt a little more, but Ningchen's face remained normal.

"...The left lung was pierced, there were knife wounds all over, and the whole body was severely frostbitten... Fortunately, I still have a chance of winning."

"That Bai Ningbing is probably at the end of his strength. , can't hold on for much longer, and the winner will soon be decided. "

Ning Chen's sight passed through the layers of rain curtains and fell on the rather blurred figure in white clothes. He knew it clearly.

In an instant, the two stood up at the same time and walked slowly around the venue.

One held an electric blade, and the other held an ice blade, staring at each other, waiting for the next move of the other.

Suddenly, the two stopped in place, and in a breath, their figures disappeared in place.


In the rain curtain with the sound of dripping, the sound of weapons clashing still seemed so pleasant.

Ningchen clenched the electric blade in his hand, his eyes were as calm as water, as if he wanted to blend into the rain curtain, and then suddenly pressed down with force.

And Bai Ningbing saw that he was not as strong as Ningchen, so he twisted the ice blade in his hand, avoided Ningchen's electric blade, and stabbed Ningchen's lower abdomen.

How could Ningchen let Bai Ningbing succeed easily? With a flash of electric light in his hand, he blocked the sudden attack.

He stepped heavily, and the brutal force was transmitted into Bai Ningbing's body through the ground, shaking Bai Ningbing. Ning Bing's body was slightly numb,

And Ning Chen took this opportunity to clench the electric light in his hand again and kill Bai Ning Bing...

The electric light was like a python, and the cold light was like a viper.

The two of them were panting at the same time. Their physical strength had been completely consumed in the fight just now.

And they still hadn't decided the winner, but they only had a few more knife wounds on their bodies.

The two of them stared at each other quietly, black eyes looking at blue eyes, blue eyes reflecting black eyes,

In an instant, they rushed towards each other again, but the speed was extremely slow. Obviously, both of them were at the end of their strength.

Five steps, three steps, one step!

Just when the two were only one step away, the light silver true energy in Bai Ning Bing's empty cavity was agitated,

Widths of cold breath slowly spewed out along the lips, sweeping over Ning Chen's body,

Second turn, ice breath Gu!

The pure Ice Breath Gu is just a Gu that slows down the opponent's movements, and can only be used as an auxiliary Gu.

However, in this downpour, this Ice Breath Gu has a miraculous effect!

Ningchen's clothes were soaked by the rain, and once the Ice Breath swept over, the rain condensed into a layer of frost!

Immediately, the electric blade in Ningchen's hand was frozen in mid-air, unable to move, and no matter how much strength he had, he couldn't break free for a while!

When Bai Ningbing saw this, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and the ice blade in his hand suddenly stabbed into Ningchen's chest,


After a sound of a sharp weapon hitting flesh, the ice blade in Bai Ningbing's hand pierced Ningchen's chest accurately.

"Ningchen, I stabbed it well this time, it's really the heart!"

Bai Ningbing raised his head, looked at Ningchen with blue eyes, and smiled slightly.


Ningchen's electric blade dissipated, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. His eyes dimmed a lot, not as calm as before.


Ningchen's body fell to the ground with a bang. Even though he was a thousand-year-old demon, he was in a desperate situation at this moment.

"Ningchen, have a good journey. I will remember the wonderful things you brought me."

Bai Ningbing's face suddenly returned to normal, and he bowed solemnly to Ningchen. It didn't seem fake, which was very abnormal from the appearance just now.

Then, Bai Ningbing slowly walked over, held the The ice blade on Ningchen's chest,

Obviously, he wanted to give Ningchen the last blow, and it was also a fatal blow.

In fact, even if he just ignored Ningchen, Ningchen would bleed to death soon, but Bai Ningbing still wanted to give this unique enemy a quick death.

Ningchen stammered as if he wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything.

His eyes became more and more dim, and Bai Ningbing's figure became more and more blurred in his eyes.

However, before Ningchen died, the old demon actually laughed.


His laughter was very light, like a stone thrown into the lake in the pouring rain, which could not cause any ripples...

Bai Ningbing saw that Ningchen's lips actually pulled out a few smiles, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart,

"I can only say that you are worthy of it, Ning Chen. You still have no fear of death before you die!"

"But, this is you! Ningchen!"

"Have a good journey, Ningchen..."

Suddenly, thunder roared in the dark clouds, causing bursts of roaring.

Immediately, a bolt of thunder penetrated the clouds and fell on Qingmao Mountain at an indescribable speed, landing on Bai Ningbing.

And this is the third turn, the lightning Gu...

Immediately, after Bai Ningbing was struck by the thunder, she no longer had any strength to give Ningchen the final blow.

He also fell to the ground. This thunder was the last straw that broke the camel's back, completely defeating Bai Ningbing...

Ningchen's chest was glowing with a gentle green light, and the knife wound was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"I almost died! But fortunately, I finally won!"

Ningchen pulled out the ice blade on his chest, and his heart was filled with the hope of surviving the disaster.

"Bai Ningbing, you almost pierced my heart!"

"If it's just a little deeper, it will be pierced, and I won't be able to die any longer!"

"But it's a pity that you didn't..."

Ningchen slowly got up from the ground and sat on the ground, staring at Bai Ningbing who fell on the ground.

Seeing Bai Ningbing completely passed out, she couldn't help but chuckle,

"This way, I can be considered as the winner..."

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