Legend of the Gu Demon

Chapter 2: Showing kindness for no reason

The morning mist has not dispersed yet and is still lingering in the forest.

Ningchen sat quietly in the bamboo building, and the person in front of him was his younger brother Ningchuan.

"Brother, did you make this breakfast?"

"Of course not. If I don't do it, someone will do it for me. Come on, eat it."

Ningchen smiled faintly at Ningchuan, picked up a pair of bamboo chopsticks, picked up a piece of bacon and put it into his mouth.

In addition to the aroma of pork, there is also a fragrance of bamboo, which is delicious but not greasy.

Ningchuan's eyes lit up after taking a bite, and he started to enjoy the meal.

Ningchen, on the other hand, took his time and took a sip of porridge and a bite of vegetables in a leisurely manner.

Under the tree house was an anxious-looking man, who was so anxious that he was moving around like an ant on a hot pot.

"I wonder if what my wife made is to your liking, Lord Ningchen?"

"The other person looks very similar to Lord Ningchen. He should be Lord Ningchen's brother."

"It seems like another breakthrough!"


The crisp footsteps fell on the bamboo ladder, causing a crisp sound, but to the man at this moment, it was like the sound of nature,

"How are you two adults? How does it taste? Do you like it?"

Ningchen Ningchuan walked down the tree house one after another, but the man actually threw himself in front of the two of them, regardless of the front or rear.

When Ningchuan saw this, he wanted to drive him away, but Ningchen raised his hand to stop him.

Ningchen put down his hand and wiped the oil stains from the corner of his mouth with a tissue, feeling very leisurely.

But now every second is torture for the man,

For him, Ningchen's next words may make him rise rapidly in the village, or may make him lose all his prestige and become a street rat.

A simple sentence can determine the social status of a mortal or even a family.

This is the insurmountable class gap between Gu masters and mortals.

And what is the reason that creates this ravine-like gap?

Quite simply, power!

Second-level Gu Masters are qualitatively different from ordinary people. They are existences that ordinary people need to look up to.

In other words, the results of Ningchen's casual hunting were equivalent to the results of all the people in their village in one year.

Therefore, the man was very anxious and panicked at this time, and this was done intentionally by Ningchen.

"Hmm~ It tastes very good..."

The man's face changed drastically when he heard this, turning into a look of deep joy. However, the second half of Ningchen's words seemed to pour cold water on him.

"But, there's too much sugar in the porridge, it's a bit too sweet, I don't like it very much."

This sentence also made the joy on his face fade a lot, and he became more calm.

"Overall, I'm quite satisfied. I can make some adjustments in the future and it will be perfect."


Within a few words, the man's heart seemed to be on a roller coaster, but in the end it stabilized, maintaining a touch of joy.

"By the way, Uncle Lin, this is my younger brother, Ningchuan, who is currently studying in the school."

Ningchen let Ningchuan's figure behind him come out, and introduced to the man in front of him named "Uncle Lin\

,"Uncle Lin was stunned for a moment, then came to his senses and knelt down to Ningchuan.

"Good morning, Lord Ningchuan."


Ningchuan also responded to him calmly. He was not very interested in these mortals.

"Okay, Uncle Lin, please go first. I'll talk to my brother for a while first."


Uncle Lin retreated until he was a hundred steps away, and then Ningchen spoke,

"Ningchuan, what are your current qualifications?"

"My qualifications are 70% second-class, which is the best in our class."

"Okay, not bad, let's practice hard!"

"Well, I'm leaving brother!"

The two chatted for a while, and then Ningchuan left. This time Ningchuan came to see how Ningchen was doing.

And after seeing Ningchen, there is no need to stay here too long.

Ningchen watched quietly as Ningchuan's figure gradually disappeared into the forest and returned to his tree house.

Opening the drawer, it was neatly filled with moon orchid petals.

Ningchen randomly took out a few pieces and fed them to the moonlight Gu in his hand.

After Moonlight Gu reached level two, his food intake also increased significantly.

Open another drawer, and there are blue grass stems like plant roots.

This is the food of Moon Spear Gu, moon orchid stems. You need to eat two stems at a time. If you eat them once for a week, you no longer need to feed them.

After Ningchen finished feeding Moon Spear Gu, he opened a drawer again.

Among them are the stamens of the moon orchid, which are also the food of the moon pupil Gu. If you eat two at a time, you will not need to feed them again after eating them for a week.

Just a kind of moon orchid actually supplies the food for most of the Gu insects in Gu Yue Village.

This is why the Moonlight Gu and the Moon Orchid Petals are both the secret treasures of the Guyue Village clan.

The Gu materials in this cabinet were bought by Ningchen when he returned to the village yesterday.

After all, in a mortal village, if you don’t go back to the village for a long time, you can just buy everything once you go, so as not to waste time by running around again.

Ningchen walked down from the tree house and started his daily patrol around the mortal village.

As a Gu Master stationed in a mortal village, he needs to patrol multiple times a day, at least once in the morning and once at night, to prevent emergencies.

Ningchen was walking quietly in the muddy forest at the moment, looking around at everything around him with his dark eyes.

Foraging roe deer, supplementary feeding birds, and rampaging wild boars,

Ouch! A sharp pig roar suddenly broke the silence in the forest.

Ningchen looked in the direction of the sound and saw a wild boar as big as a calf rushing straight at him, like a rolling stone.

Ningchen was not panicked at all. He pushed his right foot back to stabilize his center of gravity.

His right hand pulled back a full moon, and the sleeves at his wrists were propped up by the expansion of muscles.

The wild boar also rushed towards Ningchen regardless of everything. The pair of rather ferocious fangs could break the waist and stomach of an ordinary Gu Master who had no defense against Gu worms!

Ning Chen was no ordinary Gu Master.

Boom~ Ning Chen's heavy punch landed squarely on the wild boar's head.

The muffled sound like rolling thunder resounded throughout the forest, startling the flying birds and fleeing in all directions, and the deer and roe deer fled in panic.

After the wild boar took Ning Chen's punch, it was still motionless and lay quietly in the pit under Ning Chen.

Blood flowed out of all seven orifices, and the bean-sized eyeballs were crushed by the huge force. It was obviously dead.

The blood of the beast splashed all over Ning Chen, adding a bit of murderous aura to Ning Chen.

Ning Chen raised his hand quietly and looked at the rather large body of the wild boar. There were several arrows stuck in its body, which was obviously done by the hunter.

"It seems that this wild boar was shot by the hunter, so it screamed so harshly."

Thinking of this, Ning Chen raised his head and looked at the surrounding Surrounded by the wild boar hunters, he was waiting for them.

As Ningchen expected, a few moments later, there was a rustling sound of footsteps in the bushes beside him.

"Come out, don't hide."

Ningchen's words also made them lose their luck and they walked out quietly.

"Lord Ningchen, I am Wang Feng, an old hunter in the village where you are stationed."

A middle-aged man walked out of the bushes slowly with two younger figures.

As soon as he saw Ningchen, the middle-aged man bowed. However, what interested Ningchen were the two younger figures.

The older one was about the same age as Ningchuan, while the younger one was two or three years younger.

But this was not the reason why Ningchen was interested. The reason why Ningchen was interested was that there was no fear of the Gu Master in their eyes, only curiosity...

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