Legend of Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 317: Abacus for family reason

On July 10, Li Zhiwen brought Lizhi to the pier in Yuen Long, New Territories again, preparing to take a passenger ferry to Shekou on the opposite side, then transfer from Shekou to Yangcheng, and then take a plane to the capital.

   As soon as Li Zhiwen arrived at the dock, he saw Bao Yugang waiting there.

   Li Zhiwen took a few steps and walked towards Bao Yugang, while Lijue wearing a white shirt, hip skirt and high heels had to go a little bit anxiously. This made Lijue, who had just learned to wear high heels, felt very uncomfortable.

   But as someone close to Li Zhiwen, Lizhi can't embarrass Li Zhiwen, so even if he doesn't get used to it, he has to stick to it.

   In fact, during this period of time, Li Zhiwen did not develop the juice, but teased her from time to time, and Li Zhiwen was very interested in the expression of eagerness and shame.

In addition, there is nothing wrong with Li Zhiwen recently, and all companies are running smoothly, and Ma Shimin is also connected to nuclear power plants. Xue Lina and Chen Mingfang also went to work, and continued to recruit more than a dozen secretaries to form a working group. They were stationed in each company. , In this way, Li Zhiwen's control of various companies is also closer.

   "Old Bao, why are you here? Are you going to the north too?" Li Zhiwen asked.

   "The Zhaolong Hotel in Beijing is about to lay the foundation. I went to the capital to participate in the foundation laying ceremony. After all, this is a five-star hotel built in my father's name, so I must go." Bao Yugang said.

   Li Zhiwen nodded, indicating that he knew it.

   "Why, Zhiwen, why are you going to the north?" Bao Yugang said.

   "It's nothing big. Pengcheng is going to build a nuclear power plant. The capital is going to introduce Hong Kong capital. I will take a look." Li Zhiwen said.

   "It turns out that this is the case, no wonder the old Kadoorie was also on the ship." Bao Yugang pointed to the passenger ship parked aside and said.

   "Old Kadoorie is on the boat?" Li Zhiwen asked.

   "Yes, when I first arrived, Kadoorie was going to board the ship." Bao Yugang said.

   Li Zhiwen nodded and did not speak. At this time, Bao Yugang noticed Li Zhiwen's juicy side and joked with a smile: "No wonder your kid doesn't want to get married early. Who would like to get married early with such a secretary."

   Bao Yugang's words made Lizhi's face reddened and she lowered her head. She couldn't help but tease like this.

   And Li Zhiwen said stably: "Old Bao, don't tell me that you were different when you were young. Hong Kong has your romantic myth."

   It is common for Li Zhiwen and Bao Yugang to tease each other.

   Bao Yugang didn't care, and continued: "When you get to the capital, you have to attend the groundbreaking ceremony of the Zhaolong Hotel to support me. In the north, your importance is much higher than mine."

   "It's in your share!" Li Zhiwen said.

   What Bao Yugang said is not a lie. Li Zhiwen is more important in the north than Bao Yugang. After all, Bao Yugang only deals with real estate and shipping business, and Li Zhiwen’s name as the king of Hong Kong media is not for nothing.

   At this time, there was a whistle sound from the passenger ship, and Bao Yugang said, "Let's go, it's time, let's get on the ship."

   "Let's go!" Li Zhiwen followed Bao Yugang onto the passenger ship, Lizhi followed Li Zhiwen, and finally it was Li Zhiwen and Bao Yugang's bodyguards.

   Not long after the two got on the ship, the passenger ship started.

   At this time, an old gentleman walked out of the cabin, Bao Yugang introduced to Li Zhiwen: "Mr. Li, this is Mr. Roland Shijia Daoli, Chairman of the Board of Directors of China Light and Power Company and Hong Kong Hotel."

   And Bao Yugang also introduced Roland Shijiali: "Mr. Kadoorie, this is Mr. Li Zhiwen, the chairman of the Hongkong Electric Group and Kirin Media Group."

   Here, Bao Yugang did not call Li Zhiwen by name, but directly referred to him as Mr. Li, showing respect for Li Zhiwen.

   "I have been acquainted with Mr. Li for a long time, and I have never seen it. I finally saw it today." Roland Shijiali first stretched out his right hand and said.

   "I have been acquainted with Mr. Kadoorie for a long time." Li Zhiwen stretched out his right hand to hold Kadoorie's right hand and said.

   Li Zhi, who was standing behind Li Zhiwen's right, looked at Roland's family principles while others were not paying attention, and then looked at his boss, and couldn't help but be suspicious.

Lizhi is Li Zhiwen’s secretary. Although he is the secretary of life, Lizhi knows that his boss is going north this time and he is a competitor with Roland’s family. According to Lizhi’s idea, it’s not bad for the two to meet with each other without ridicule. It can be so harmonious.

   Li Zhiwen shook hands with the Roland Shili, and quickly let go, and then said to Bao Yugang and the Roland Shili, "Mr. Bao, Mr. Jia Daoli, let's get into the cabin."

   After finishing speaking, the three of Li Zhiwen walked into the cabin and sat down in their respective places.

   "Mr. Li, I don't know what you think about this project." Roland Shijiali asked first.

   "Me? I follow the fate, it's mine is mine, and I don't want it if it's not mine." Li Zhiwen said half-truth.

   What Li Zhiwen said is really fine. If you are so prepared and can't handle it as a Chinese, then Li Zhiwen really admits his fate.

   And if Li Zhiwen really didn't get the shares of the nuclear power plant, Li Zhiwen would probably directly attack the China Light and Power Company, wouldn't it be better to go straight to Huanglong.

  Roland's family doctrine was choked by Li Zhiwen's words. In fact, the Roland family's doctrine didn't mean to probe for anything~www.readwn.com~ It's not necessary at first, and Li Zhiwen won't say it secondly.

  Roland's family principle just thinks of a topic and introduces his own purpose.

"Mr. Li, I'm thinking about whether we can cooperate and set up a company, and negotiate with the mainland as a company. This is good for you and me." Roland's family principles can only be straightforward and reveal their own bottom line directly. Came out.

   "Mr. Jia Daoli, how do you count the shares of the new company?" Li Zhiwen asked.

   "According to the total amount of electricity sold in Hong Kong to calculate the shareholding ratio." Roland Shijiali said.

Li Zhiwen sneered when he heard the truth from Roland’s family. This seems to be suitable for both parties, but in fact, in terms of the current electricity sales in Hong Kong, the electricity sales of China Light and Power Co., Ltd. can account for 60%, and the Hongkong Electric Group The sales of electricity can only reach 40%.

   This is not something that Li Zhiwen can change at once, but is determined by the history of the two companies.

   Hong Kong China Light and Power Co., Ltd. has always been under the control of the Family Reason family, so it has been steadily advancing, and gradually eroded the Hong Kong Electric Group's market.

   Since the Hongkong Electric Group has been changing the controlling shareholder, the plan has not been concretely implemented. Therefore, the market was handed over to the China Light and Power Company step by step. It was not until Li Zhiwen took the head of the Hongkong Electric Group that the decline was restored.

   "If this is the case for cooperation, then it is not necessary to discuss cooperation." Li Zhiwen said.

   Roland Shijiali heard Li Zhiwen's words, shrugged and made a helpless expression.

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