Legend of Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 323: Negotiation (5)

   The second negotiation time was set three days later. After I wanted to come to this report, the mainland side held discussions and held several meetings to demonstrate the feasibility of Li Zhiwen's report.

   At about nine o'clock on July 20, the three parties, Li Zhiwen, Roland Shijiali, and the mainland negotiating team sat together again in the conference room of the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse.

   The difference is that before the start of the negotiation, the Roland family was in a good mood.

   "Mr. Li, Mr. Jia Daoli, we have met again." Zhang Chunhui said.

   "Team Leader Zhang has a good mental outlook, and it seems that the discussion has finally come to fruition." Roland Shijia said.

   "Mr. Jia Daoli was right. After our urgent consultation, we decided..." Zhang Chunhui was about to finish speaking, but was interrupted by Li Zhiwen.

   "Leader Zhang, I'm sorry to interrupt you. I need to tell you in advance about some situations," Li Zhiwen said.

   "Mr. Li, please tell me." Zhang Chunhui didn't feel upset because Li Zhiwen interrupted him, but said in a pleasant tone.

   "Leader Zhang, I am really a little embarrassed. After the last meeting, Mr. Jia Daoli and I had a private chat. I wanted to establish a joint venture company to cooperate with the mainland. This is good for all parties."

"In the newly established company, the Hong Kong Electric Group holds 60% of the shares, and China Light and Power Co., Ltd. holds 40% of the shares. This is the result of joint discussions with Mr. Jia Daoli. Of course, if the mainland side disagrees, we can still According to the previous plan, Mr. Jia Daoli can prove what I said." Li Zhiwen said.

   Zhang Chunhui looked at the Roland Family Principles and asked him what he meant. The Roland Family Principles nodded and agreed.

   This is a new problem. Zhang Chunhui can't be the master by himself, and Li Zhiwen also sees Zhang Chunhui's expression in his eyes.

   So Li Zhiwen said, "Leader Zhang, how about we adjourn the meeting and ask the next leader for instructions. Let's arrange another time?"

   Zhang Chunhui thought for a while, shook his head and said, "Mr. Li, Mr. Family Principles, you can wait ten minutes, I'll go next and make a call."

   "Yes, Team Leader Zhang will go first." The Roland Shi family said in a hurry with reason.

   The Roland Family Principles desperately hope to finalize this matter, otherwise it will be difficult to handle Li Zhiwen's remorse, after all, the Roland Family Principles think that he has taken advantage of it.

   The same goes for Li Zhiwen on the side, and Li Zhiwen also hopes that things will be settled as soon as possible.

   In Li Zhiwen's view, even if he has made so many preparations, the mainland side will equally share 25% of the shares between himself and the Roland family.

   And I limped the Roland family principles, if the Roland family principles wake up, it will be difficult to handle, so Li Zhiwen also hopes to settle the matter as soon as possible.

   Li Zhiwen and the Luo Lan Shi family have their own abacus. They sat in the meeting room like ghosts, waiting for Zhang Chunhui's call to end.

   Zhang Chunhui came to a room, picked up the phone, and made a call. Obviously, the call was a dedicated line.

   Then in a moment of understanding, Zhang Chunhui hung up the phone, then couldn't help but smiled bitterly, and finally tidied and left the room.

  Zhang Chunhui returned to the meeting room, took a deep breath in the chair, and then said: "Mr. Li, Mr. Jia Daoli, I just talked to the leader on the phone, and the leader agreed with the two of you and not to interfere with your business activities."

   Li Zhiwen was ecstatic in his heart and made a profit, and the Roland Shijia's principles were also very excited, and he felt that he had made a profit.

   In fact, if Zhang Chunhui revealed the original distribution plan, the Roland Family Principles would immediately be unhappy.

Because in the previous allocation plan, the Hong Kong Electric Group and China Light and Power Co., Ltd. each accounted for 50%, that is, 25% of the shares. China Light and Power Co., Ltd. should have 12.5% ​​of the shares, and the newly established company by Roland Shijia Daoli and Li Zhiwen , Converted, the shares of China Light and Power Co., Ltd. are only 10%.

   This is also the reason why Zhang Chunhui is suspicious, but it doesn't matter, anyway, it is the Roland family's own decision.

   "Thank the mainland for their recognition of us, we will live up to expectations and will not delay." Roland Shijia said.

   Zhang Chunhui also found it very interesting to hear the truth of the Roland family. Of course, Zhang Chunhui did not laugh out loud because of his professionalism.

  Zhang Chunhui continued: "Then I would like to thank Mr. Li and Mr. Jia Daoli for their support."

   "In addition, we also agree with Mr. Li's proposal of loan construction and electricity sales to repay the money. I should actively contact major banks in Europe, America and other countries to reach cooperation as quickly as possible."

   Li Zhiwen nodded, saying that it doesn't matter. After all, borrowing from the bank from the perspective of the country is very suitable and convenient.

   After all, there is a saying in the European and American banking industry: the country will not go bankrupt.

   Of course, this is before the Latin American countries went bankrupt. When these banks learned a lesson from the Latin American debt crisis, they would no longer follow this sentence.

   Of course, this sentence is still the most plausible saying at this time. As for the debt crisis of Latin American countries, Guan Li Zhiwen should only decay in everything.

   "But we still need to put out a part of the start-up capital to start this project. Mr. Li and Mr. Jia Daoli have no objection in this regard," said Zhang Chunhui.

   "Of course, as soon as construction starts here, our start-up funds will be paid immediately." Li Zhiwen said.

   Zhang Chunhui nodded, and then continued: "There is also Mr. Li's proposal to give priority to the supply of nuclear power plants in Hong Kong after completion~www.readwn.com~ We have also discussed it."

   "We agree to this plan, but it can only be supplied in a proportional manner, not how much supply Hong Kong needs."

   "Then what's the ratio?" Roland asked the reason.

   This is also the issue that Roland's family is most concerned about, because even after a round of decline in Hong Kong's electricity price last year, the electricity price is still higher than that of the mainland.

  If most of the electricity from nuclear power plants is supplied to the mainland, then the income will be greatly reduced, and the pressure to repay the loan will increase significantly. This is also the most worried thing about the Roland family.

   "Don't worry, Mr. Family Principles in this regard. After discussion, after the completion of the nuclear power plant, it will supply 70% of Hong Kong's electricity and 30% of the mainland's electricity." Zhang Chunhui said.

   Roland Shijia nodded, indicating that he understood.

   "When will the nuclear power plant start?" Li Zhiwen asked.

   This is Li Zhiwen’s most concern. Li Zhiwen does not want the nuclear power plant to be the same as in his previous life. Because of the Sino-British negotiations, construction was delayed until 1985.

   "We will immediately send an inspection team to Europe and the United States to inspect equipment and negotiate loan business. At that time, we hope that Mr. Li and Mr. Jia Daoli will support us." Zhang Chunhui said.

   "It should be!" "This is no problem!" Li Zhiwen and Roland Shijia said.

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