Legend of Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 327: Police story

   "It's up to you, Sanmao, you can directly contact me if you have any questions." Li Zhiwen said.

   "Thank you, Mr. Li!" Hong Jinbao said.

   And Li Zhiwen turned his gaze to Shi Nansheng and Chen Long, and said, "Nansheng, Along, I got you guys for a movie to make."

   "Boss, you order." Shi Nansheng said.

   "That's right, the police force wants us to make a film promoting the police. I hope Aaron will be the protagonist." Li Zhiwen said.

   "No problem, boss, I will prepare the crew soon, let the company screenwriter write a notebook and hand it over." Shi Nansheng said.

   And Chen Long also packed up the ticket and said: "Mr. Li, there is no problem with my schedule. Mr. Li said that I can shoot whenever I want to shoot."

   Chen Long was very happy. After all, the company had been holding Yuanbiao before. After all, Yuanbiao was an old man of the company, who came with the company from the crisis.

   Therefore, the Yuan dart at this time is not like the previous life, but is only Chen Long and Hong Jinbao's attendants.

   At this time, Yuan Biao's name can be said to be close to Chen Long, which made Chen Long not happy for a while, and he has no interest in picking up girls.

   At this time, Li Zhiwen let Chen Long take the lead, and Chen Long also saw hope, Chen Long naturally quickly agreed.

   "For the story, I have a suitable one here. The protagonist is Chen Jiaju. He is a police officer full of justice and trained by special police. In a round up of a drug cartel, he fought hard and arrested a major drug dealer..."

   Li Zhiwen narrated the story, letting Shi Nansheng, Chen Long and Hong Jinbao on the side shine brightly, and couldn't help but admire Li Zhiwen's ability to tell stories.

   "Mr. Li, this story is so good, so wonderful, I believe it will definitely catch fire when it is shot." Hong Jinbao complimented.

   "Boss, then I will let the company's screenwriter directly perfect the script. If you want to be the director, you can see who will do it." Shi Nansheng asked.

   Li Zhiwen thought for a while, and then said, "I'll be the director, and Nansheng can give me an assistant director."

   Li Zhiwen’s words surprised all the people present. Li Zhiwen has only made one film and stopped making it, but after hearing Li Zhiwen’s words, everyone knew it.

   Li Zhiwen just put a name on it, and the specific filming work is done by the assistant director.

   This seems to be an unremarkable and exhausting job, but this is an opportunity to show up in front of the big boss, and everyone will rush to get it.

   Sure enough, Hong Jinbao thought for a while, and then said: "Mr. Li, what do you think of me as the deputy director?"

   And Xu Ke, who was still filming on the side, couldn't sit still, turned off the camera, and hurriedly said, "Boss, let me be the deputy director."

   Shi Nansheng nodded in satisfaction when he heard Xu Ke's words, his own man finally opened up.

   As for Chen Long, of course, needless to say, he has been stunned by the big cake Li Zhiwen said. The story is very good, and it is directed by Li Zhiwen. The budget does not need to be considered.

   And Hong Jinbao saw Xu Ke coming to grab the spot, and hurriedly said: "Old Xu, you haven't finished the filming of this stage. What are you doing?"

   "There's no need to worry about this film, I can put it off first, and then continue shooting after the filming of Mr. Li's film." Xu Ke retorted.

   "Mr. Li, I don't need to pay for it." Hong Jinbao said.

   "Boss, I don't need it either. The crew can manage the box lunch." Xu Ke Zhengfeng said.

   Xu Ke's words caused a roar of laughter among the onlookers who stopped because of the filming, but those with insight had already advertised themselves.

   "Boss, I can make a note!"

   "Boss, I can be a trick!"

   These voices rang one after another, and I recommend myself anyway.

   Shi Nansheng frowned, and then said: "Everyone is going to do their own thing, and the company will arrange auditions before and after."

  The audience heard Shi Nansheng's words, and they broke up after showing their loyalty.

   After waiting for the surroundings to be much quieter, Li Zhiwen said to the people around him: "Nansheng has a good idea. Then we will have an audition tomorrow. The assistant director, actors, etc. will all come to audition."

   "Mr. Li, the actor is set, there are no other changes." Chen Long asked worriedly.

   Li Zhiwen heard Chen Long's words and smiled and said, "Of course, Along, you really need you to complete this film. Others really can't be the actor."

   "That's good, that's good!" Chen Long patted his chest and said, then gritted his teeth and continued: "Mr. Li, half of my pay will be fine."

   "No, it's still as much money as you want. This film doesn't need people to drop the pay." Li Zhiwen said.

   Then Li Zhiwen said to Shi Nansheng: "The casting will be left to you, and you will arrange the audition."

   "Okay, boss!" After Shi Nansheng finished speaking, he hesitantly asked: "Then boss, will you come to the scene tomorrow?"

   Li Zhiwen didn't plan to go, but after looking at Hong Jinbao and Xu Ke, he realized that it was really difficult for Shi Nansheng to deal with it.

   Let Tsui Hark serve as the deputy director, maybe it will be described as nepotism within the company~www.readwn.com~ causing other people to dissatisfied.

   So Li Zhiwen changed his mind and said, "Okay, I'll take a look tomorrow."

   Shi Nansheng breathed a sigh of relief, and then agreed.

   And Xu Ke himself and the crew on the set were not in the mood to shoot because of the audition.

   Xu Ke simply gave everyone a holiday, so that the actors and crew with ideas could prepare in advance.

  Since the crew is on holiday, Zhong Chuhong will naturally not stay in the crew anymore. He directly removed his makeup and left with Li Zhiwen's arm.

   Zhang Manyu, who stared at the back of the two of them, stood there blankly, not knowing what he was thinking, just holding the business card given by Li Zhiwen in his hand.

   "What? Thoughtful?" Zhang Manyu was thinking about something, but was startled by a voice.

   Zhang Manyu turned around and saw Lin Qingxia, angrily said: "Sister Qingxia, you scared me a lot."

  Because Lin Qingxia, Zhang Manyu and Zhong Chuhong love sisters in the movie, the relationship between the three is pretty good, and they can also make jokes with each other.

   "You don't even know if I walked up to you, how can you blame me, why, are you thinking?" Lin Qingxia continued to ask.

   "What thoughts, he is sister Hong's boyfriend, what thoughts can I have." Zhang Manyu said.

   "Yo Yo, I didn't talk about Mr. Li again. I was talking about the character in the new movie. I'll say hello to Nan Sheng and ask her to help you." Lin Qingxia smirked.

   "Sister Qingxia, you will come to me. Of course I hope that the role can be more, but I am a newcomer, how can I compete with those old people." Zhang Manyu said bitterly.

   "Man Yu, don't belittle yourself, I believe you, you have this strength." Lin Qingxia said.

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