Legend of Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 329: Boot up

   A few days later, Li Zhiwen got a call from Shi Nansheng, saying that the crew was ready and ready to shoot.

   Li Zhiwen thought for a while and decided to start filming tomorrow. Li Zhiwen has received news from Xinhua News Agency's Xiangjiang Branch that the nuclear power plant loan business has made substantial progress and can enter the construction phase soon. Li Zhiwen will be required to participate in the signing ceremony.

   So in this way, "Police Story" can only shoot the beginning, and then Li Zhiwen has to go north again.

   But I simply chose Xu Ke and Hong Jinbao as the two deputy directors. With them, in fact, the presence or absence of Li Zhiwen has no effect.

   But when filming "Police Story" and Li Zhiwen filming "Happy Ghost", it is not at the same level.

   Filming "Police Story", Li Zhiwen didn't need to prepare anything. Tomorrow, he would go directly to the Tsuen Wan Film and Television Base to hold the opening ceremony and worship ceremony.

   On November 5, 1981, the opening ceremony of "Police Story" was held at the Tsuen Wan Film and Television Base.

   This time the start-up worship ceremony, the whole crew has a total of forty or fifty people, and there are many onlookers around.

   Firstly, this is the big boss of Universal Group to serve as the director. Secondly, the cast is very luxurious. There are not only Hong Jinbao and Xu Ke two deputy directors, but Chen Long will be the leading actor.

   There are Lin Qingxia and Zhang Manyu as the heroines. Zhang Manyu is arranged by Li Zhiwen. As for why Lin Qingxia is here, Li Zhiwen is not known.

   and the guest lineup is also very strong, Zhou Runfa, Zhang Guorong and other global group pillars are among them, which shows the potential of this film.

   Li Zhiwen was also surprised when he came to the scene. I don't know why all these people came, but he didn't say anything, and chatted with these people one by one.

   "Afa, it's been a long time since I saw you, how is your work recently?"

   "A Rong, you are the pillar of our Universal Group. I am very happy to be a guest in the development of film and television songs."


   After Li Zhiwen and a few people finished greeting, they walked to the counter, Guan Zhilin on the side handed the lit incense to Li Zhiwen, and then stepped aside.

   Li Zhiman said loudly: "All gods bless the "Police Story" at the box office."

   "All gods bless the shooting of "Police Story" smoothly."


After   , Li Zhiwen bowed three times, put the incense in the incense burner, and left the counter.

   Then Xu Ke, Hong Jinbao, Chen Long, Lin Qingxia, Zhou Runfa, Zhang Guorong and others also prayed one by one.

   The worship ceremony of "Police Story" was held at the Tsuen Wan Film and Television Base, and then went to the wooden house area to film the scene of rounding up drug cartels.

   After the people worshipped the gods one by one, they began to divide the food on the food counter to show auspiciousness. The worship ceremony is now over.

   Then the actors and staff drove to the wooden house area to start the first shot of the movie.

   The most exciting part of "Police Story" is that Chen Jiaju drove straight from the wooden house area to the highway in order to hunt down the big drug dealer Zhu Tao.

   This is the favorite technique of Chen Long's movies, killing his life. The dragon and tiger martial arts masters of the later family class all have this and other root causes, which are caused by their lives when they were young.

   This shot did not use a stand-in, but Chen Long directly used it. First, Chen Long was still young at this time and did not need a stand-in. Second, it was Li Zhiwen's play, even though he was not the one who mastered the camera.

   But Chen Long knew that when Li Zhiwen recruited himself, he had already slowed his yuan dart step if he didn't agree, so he didn't do anything desperately at this time.

   And seeing Li Zhiwen's career getting bigger and bigger, the gap between Chen Long and him is getting more and more obvious, and he should be desperate.

   Li Zhiwen’s fingers leaked a little, enough to eat and drink every time he came, and the story of "Police Story" was very appetizing for Chen Long, so Chen Long naturally went into battle in person.

   Xu Ke and Hong Jinbao both mastered a camera for shooting, while Li Zhiwen sat calmly on the director's chair. There was no way. It is true that the two sub-directors were too capable and the cameras were not allowed to be carried by Li Zhiwen.

   "Director, eat watermelon, this is specially prepared by Sister Hong, let us cut it for the director." Chang Ji said.

   "Okay, I see, everyone has it, not just mine." Li Zhiwen asked.

   "Both, Hong sister specially bought a few more to quench the thirst of the crew." Chang Ji said.

   "That's fine, let the two assistant directors take a break first, and then continue shooting after eating the watermelon." Li Zhiwen said.

   "Okay, director!" Chang Ji said.

   Then the field note ran to Xu Ke and Hong Jinbao and told them Li Zhiwen's decision.

   After a while, Xu Ke, Hong Jinbao and several leading actors came over.

   "Sanmao, Xu Ke, Along, everyone eat some watermelon and take a break." Li Zhiwen said.

   "Thank you boss!" "Thank you Mr. Li!" said Hong Jinbao and Xu Keji.

   At this time, a staff member took a copy of the "Financial and Economic Daily" published by Kylin News and handed it to Hong Jinbao, and said, "Associate Director, this is the newspaper you want."

   "Thank you!" Hong Jinbao said, and Li Zhiwen raised his eyes to look at Hong Jinbao, and then concentrated on dealing with the watermelon who was asking for money.

  "Pushing on the street, the share price of Carrian Group has fallen again. This is the first time, and it has been rising before. What did Chen Songqing eat~www.readwn.com~ Hong Jinbao cursed.

   "Big brother, calm down, the stock market is normal." Chen Long persuaded.

   "When everyone buys it, it keeps going up, but when I buy it, it drops. Let me ask you your usual heart." Hong Jinbao said.

   "San Mao, how much did you buy?" Li Zhiwen asked suddenly.

   "Twenty million, I bet my net worth." Hong Jinbao said.

   then continued: "Forget that Mr. Li is an expert in the stock market, Mr. Li, can you see that the shares of Carrian Group can go back up again?"

   Hong Jinbao watched Li Zhiwen get up step by step, and was screaming in the stock market. Because he refused Li Zhiwen before, Hong Jinbao was always embarrassed to look for Li Zhiwen.

   This time I renewed the relationship with Li Zhiwen, of course Hong Jinbao had to ask.

   Li Zhiwen thought for a moment. Twenty million Hong Kong dollars is indeed a lot, and it is Hong Jinbao's entire net worth. In that case, why don't you give him a hand?

   "Sanmao, in the short term, the Carrian Group can still hold it, but it's better to dump the stock." Li Zhiwen said.

   "Mr. Li, is it possible that the shares of the Carrian Group are still going to fall?" Chen Long asked on the side.

   Li Zhiwen laughed but didn't say a word. If he said too much, it would be offensive.

   just thought for a while and said: "If you have spare money in your hands, you can put it in Kylin Securities, and you won't lose money."

   "I have always wanted to put it on Kirin Securities, but I have never had a place. Mr. Li should let President Liang open a few more funds." Xu Ke said.

   "No problem, I will arrange to set up a fund specifically for our group at that time." Li Zhiwen said.

   "Thank you, Mr. Li!" "Mr. Li is magnificent!"

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