Legend of Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 331: Trivia on the road

On November 21, Li Zhiwen dressed neatly and set off for the rehearsal site of the party.

Cao Wenyu specially borrowed a red flag car from the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse. After all, Li Zhiwen could not airdrop his car in Hong Kong to the capital at this time.

Even Li Zhiwen does not have a place to live in the capital. Li Zhiwen is very interested in the courtyards in the capital, but they cannot sell them now, so he can only wait for a few more years.

The car was galloping on the road, while Li Zhiwen was thinking about something in the car.

Suddenly, there was a sudden brake, and Li Zhiwen could lean forward.

The speed of the car was not too fast, Li Zhiwen just pushed his head to the front seat.

The vehicle stopped, and Cao Wenyu sitting in the front row hurriedly asked Li Zhiwen: "Boss, are you all right!"

Li Zhiwen sat back in the seat again and slowly said, "What's the matter, why do you brake suddenly?"

"Boss, it's not our business. It was a girl riding a bicycle suddenly rushing out in front. A girl was on the car. When I noticed it was not far away, so I had to brake suddenly, and just like that, I ran into it. They." The driver said aggrievedly.

The driver who drove the car was specially assigned to Li Zhiwen by the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, so the driver understood that the people in the car were either rich or expensive. This could cause trouble. What should be done, the driver looked sad.

Li Zhiwen heard of the collision and hurried to get out of the car to have a look, and Cao Wenyu also followed Li Zhiwen to get out of the car.

Li Zhiwen walked to the front of the car and saw a two-eight bar lying on the ground, the rear wheel still spinning there.

There were two girls lying reclining on the ground a little further away, and a group of people had already been surrounded by them.

Li Zhiwen didn't care what the car was crashed into, nor did he help the twenty-eight bars. Instead, he came to the two girls lying on the ground.

"Two ladies, there is nothing serious about it!" Li Zhiwen said.

"How did you drive and crash us like this..." one of the girls said angrily.

Li Zhiwen frowned. In such a simple age, it is rare to encounter such an unreasonable person. How could I have thought that I would have encountered such an unreasonable person.

And another girl hurriedly got up from the ground and said, "Xiaohui, don't say it, it's obviously that we are wrong, how can we blame this comrade."

After the girl finished speaking, she turned her head and said to Li Zhiwen: "This comrade, we are not good. We crashed your car. We will pay for how much."

When the girl turned her head, Li Zhiwen recognized this person at a glance. Isn't this Xiaoyahuazi's fairy mother Liu Xiaoli? I didn't expect to meet him here.

So Li Zhiwen said, "This lady, there is no major problem with the car, so let's talk about your injuries first, so let me take you to the hospital for treatment."

"Let it go, I will pay for the medical expenses. When you get to the hospital, you tell your husband and family to come to the hospital to see you." Li Zhiwen said.

Li Zhiwen also saw that Xiaohui heard that he went to the hospital and said that he would pay for the medical expenses by himself.

The special mention of the word husband is not meant to test Liu Xiaoli.

"What do you comrades say, we are still the eldest daughter of Huanghua, where's the husband from?" Xiaohui retorted.

Hearing Xiaohui's words, Li Zhiwen smiled even more. Sure enough, this goddess mother was not married yet, which was a bit interesting.

Li Zhiwen quickly said apologetically: "I'm sorry, two young ladies, I was a little careless in talking."

It's no wonder that the three of them didn't have any sense of disobedience. They were called "comrades" over there and "Miss" over here, which is also very interesting.

"No, sir, we don't have to go to the hospital because we have nothing to do."

"Furthermore, it's our fault. How can it cost you money? It's not appropriate."

"Besides, we still have important things to do, and we can't delay it." Liu Xiaoli said.

"For important matters, it is important to be able to go to the hospital, if the root cause of the disease falls, it will be bad." Li Zhiwen said.

"Yes, comrade, just go to the hospital and have a look!"

"This comrade is right, go to the hospital!"

The crowd onlookers said one by one.

Although the onlookers surrounded a few people, they saw that Li Zhiwen was not arrogant and did not speak.

When Liu Xiaoli and the others did not go to the hospital, they began to persuade them to go to the hospital.

"This comrade, it's really not your problem, we do have something, and there is a dress rehearsal waiting for us." Liu Xiaoli said apologetically.

"What rehearsal?" Li Zhiwen asked.

There was a car crash in this place, and Liu Xiaoli was a dancer and there was a rehearsal. It is hard to say that the two of them did not go to the same place.

"What kind of rehearsal is there, of course it is the rehearsal for the Spring Festival Gala. We are the performers of the Spring Festival Gala, and we ride to participate in the rehearsal." Xiaohui raised her head proudly.

"Oh, that's just right. I'll take you to the hospital first. When there is no problem, how about I'm taking you to the scene." Li Zhiwen said.

Since the two groups went to the same position, Li Zhiwen simply took the two together.

"This..." Liu Xiaoli hesitated.

This is Xiaohui pulling Liu Xiaoli and whispering: "Sister Li, let's go. If the root of the disease falls, it won't be possible to dance anymore."

"As for the rehearsal side, let's call the scene at the hospital and explain it."

Xiaohui knows where Liu Xiaoli’s pain points are, but she knows that Liu Xiaoli regards dancing as life, and if she can’t dance, Liu Xiaoli feels that life has no brilliance.

Xiaohui also thought carefully. She had never taken a car before. How could she leave if she could take a car this time.

Sure enough, Liu Xiaoli no longer insisted upon hearing Xiaohui's words, and nodded in agreement.

Li Zhiwen saw Liu Xiaoli agree, and turned to Cao Wenyu and said, "Ayu, come and drive!"

Then he said to the driver: "You ride this bike to the scene first."

The driver saw that Li Zhiwen did not pursue his own problems. How could he dare to say anything. He hurriedly picked up the bicycle and stepped off the road, while the onlookers saw that the matter had been dealt with~www.readwn.com~ and they all dispersed and got out of the way. the way.

Li Zhiwen opened the door and let Liu Xiaoli sit in the back row, while Li Zhiwen sat in the front row.

Seeing the three of them seated, Cao Wenyu started the car and drove slowly forward.

Sure enough, Xiaohui got in the car and fumbled left and right, curious about everything in the car.

And Liu Xiaoli sits motionless in the car, which is also normal, after all, Liu Xiaoli comes from a family of cadres.

"Comrade, this car is yours?" Xiaohui asked.

"No, the hotel car!" Li Zhiwen said.

"The hotel sent the car back, why don't our hotel have it." Xiaohui asked.

Li Zhiwen smiled and did not answer, but Liu Xiaoli pulled Xiaohui a bit.

Liu Xiaoli is not a person without vision. Looking at the momentum of this car, plus the license plate, can it be an ordinary hotel, and can the person in such a car be a simple person? This is also an important reason for Liu Xiaoli to calm down.

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