Legend of Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 335: An Shaokang

After the three of Li Zhiwen left, the little sisters of Liu Xiaoli in the E City Dance Troupe hurriedly got Liu Xiaoli up.

"Frankly, Xiaoli, how do you know such a big person?" said Wang Xue, one of the dancers of the E City Dance Troupe.

"It's nothing, what I met on the way to the scene in the morning with Xiaohui was...!" Liu Xiaoli briefly talked about the process of getting to know the two of them.

"Then why didn't he give Xiaohui a business card?" Wang Xue asked strangely.

Liu Xiaoli also had a sudden heart attack, yes, why didn't Li Zhiwen give Xiaohui a business card.

Ren Chaolin, the head of the E City Dance Troupe, felt something wrong with her anger. Hurriedly said: "You are really, what is the difference between giving Xiaoli and giving Xiaohui, the two are together, Mr. Li may be the only business card left before giving it to Xiaoli."

Ren Chaolin can only explain it like this, otherwise what can be done, can it be because Liu Xiaoli is beautiful?

From the day Liu Xiaoli entered the dance troupe, Ren Chaolin knew that this girl's achievements would never be small in the future. The family background is good, can she be pretty bad?

"That's right, let's take a look at what this Mr. Li does." Wang Xue consciously failed to speak, and hurriedly cooperated with Ren Chaolin to change the subject.

"Yes, Xiaoli, look at the card quickly!" Ren Chaolin said.

Liu Xiaoli looked down at the name card, and everyone looked at the small piece of paper.

"Chairman of the board of directors of the Hong Kong Electric Light Group? Electric Light Group, is it selling light bulbs? Hong Kong people really do, selling a light bulb and playing a company, then he came to see us doing rehearsal, can you understand it?" Wang Xue was silly. Asked.

"Chairman of the Board of Directors, what position is this?" asked another dancer Bai Zifei.

In fact, Liu Xiaoli doesn't know what the Hongkong Electric Group is doing, but because of family reasons, Liu Xiaoli knows that the chairman of the board of directors is the name of the top leader of the listed company.

Liu Xiaoli then looked down. The chairman of the Kylin Media Group and Liu Xiaoli's relatives once brought him a magazine called "Fashion Beauty" from Hong Kong. The above producer is the Kylin Media Group.

That magazine really made Liu Xiaoli fascinated. Liu Xiaoli often imagined what it would be like to be published in the magazine while wearing the clothes above.

How can a company that can run such a beautiful magazine be a small company.

The last title is the chairman of the Hong Kong Universal Group. Because movies and TV series are very inconvenient to carry at this time, Liu Xiaoli does not understand the energy of the Universal Group.

Li Zhiwen has always carried two kinds of business cards, one with only his name and phone number, and the other with the above three titles. After all, for the knowledgeable person, the three words of Li Zhiwen are enough to explain everything.

For ordinary people, various titles are needed to reflect their status.

Since Li Zhiwen had some interest in Liu Xiaoli, of course he wanted to give Liu Xiaoli business cards with various titles.

Liu Xiaoli stared at the business card in a daze. It was a voice that interrupted her thoughts.

"Liu Xiaoli from E City Dance Troupe, someone is looking for it!" shouted a vigorous baritone.

Liu Xiaoli looked towards the people, and turned out to be an actor who performed cross talk and led a man to come over.

Everyone from the E City Dance Troupe has seen this man. When he was in the E City Opera House, he often called Liu Xiaoli. Everyone knew him well, and his name was An Shaokang.

Liu Xiaoli hurriedly put her business card in her pocket to avoid letting An Shaokang see it.

"Xiaoli, your number one suitor is here!" Wang Xue said to Liu Xiaoli with a smile.

An Shaokang walked up to Liu Xiaoli and said to Liu Xiaoli, "Xiaoli, my mother knew that I was coming to Beijing for business, and I was afraid that you would not be used to the food in Beijing, so I specially asked me to bring you some special products."

Liu Xiaoli hadn't spoken yet, Wang Xue on one side asked mischievously: "Comrade An, are there any of our specialties? We are not used to the food in Beijing."

"Both, both, I specially brought some for everyone!" An Shaokang said shyly.

Liu Xiaoli and An Shaokang met through introduction. The family situation of the two is similar. In addition, they are about the same age, and they are considered older among colleagues. Liu Xiaoli also thinks that they can try to get along with each other.

On the other hand, An Shaokang was attracted by Liu Xiaoli's appearance and conversation at the first meeting, so he naturally wanted to get close to Liu Xiaoli.

Before Liu Xiaoli met Li Zhiwen, she felt An Shaokang was very good, but after meeting Li Zhiwen, she felt that An Shaokang was far from being compared.

It is true that Liu Xiaoli is not used to the food in Beijing, so she has always lost her appetite recently.

But this does not prevent Liu Xiaoli from imagining what to do if Li Zhiwen knew that she had a bad appetite.

"Xiaoli, Xiaoli?" Ren Chaolin shouted.

"Huh? What's the matter, head?" Liu Xiaoli asked.

"Shao Kang is talking to you, you girl, really." Ren Chaolin said.

"Ao, I'm sorry, I just lost my mind, Shaokang, what do you do?" Liu Xiaoli turned her head and said to An Shaokang.

"Nothing, just invite you to have a meal!" An Shaokang said.

"Shaokang, you just arrived in the capital, you must be very tired, there are still things to be busy tomorrow, so let's rest early!" Liu Xiaoli said.

"Xiaoli, I'm not tired, I slept on the train!" An Shaokang said.

"But I'm tired, and I still have some wounds to deal with." Liu Xiaoli said.

"Wound? Are you injured? It's not serious, I'll take you to the hospital." An Shaokang said eagerly.

"No, I've been to the hospital. What I need most now is rest." Liu Xiaoli said.

"Okay, okay, okay, then you can rest, I will come to see you another day." An Shaokang said.

Liu Xiaoli nodded ~www.readwn.com~ and agreed, and An Shaokang left the scene with the special products brought from E City on the ground.

Seeing An Shaokang's back, Liu Xiaoli breathed a sigh of relief.

Ren Chaolin on the side saw Liu Xiaoli's behavior and patted her on the shoulder and said, "Xiaoli, when I see Yang Guo mistaken for life."

Liu Xiaoli understands what Ren Chaolin means. Ren Chaolin doesn't want to be Guo Xiang by herself, but Liu Xiaoli doesn't think she is Guo Xiang, she just wants to go one step further away from her goal.

"I understand, head, don't worry, I will take care of it." Liu Xiaoli said.

Hearing what Liu Xiaoli said, Ren Chaolin didn't say much, nodded and went back to pack her things.

After Li Zhiwen left the backstage, he said goodbye to Zhou Lizhong. After all, the rehearsal was over and there was no need to stay here.

As for the business card given to Liu Xiaoli, it is also a test for her. If Liu Xiaoli finds Li Zhiwen before Li Zhiwen leaves the capital, everyone will be happy.

But if Liu Xiaoli didn't find it, Li Zhiwen wouldn't be sad. He had other ways.

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