Legend of Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 342: Year-end report (4)

In the lobby on the first floor of the Kylin Building, Luo Shaoyong and others returned from a meal in the restaurant opposite the Kylin Building, which is tentatively called the headquarters, and prepared to continue the meeting in the conference room on the ninth floor.

As a result, she was stopped by the front desk lady. Looking at the different expressions of a group of big guys, the front desk lady trembled with fright, but she had to.

The lady at the front desk tremblingly said: "Leaders, the boss informed that the meeting place has been changed to the sixth floor meeting room."

"The conference room on the ninth floor is well used, why change the address?" Ma Shimin asked.

"The boss called and said there was a water leak and got a lot of documents wet, so he changed the address." The lady at the front desk said.

"It's leaking, my file, I'll go up and see if there is anything wrong." Jiang Zhen said.

The lady at the front desk said with a reddish face: "Secretary Li is already dealing with it. The leaders are sitting on the sixth floor for a while. Secretary Li will send it off as soon as he cleans it up."

The front desk lady must stop these people. After all, just on the phone, the front desk lady heard the suppressed sturdy male voice and the slightly soft gasp of the woman, making her blush, but she did not expect the boss and Secretary Li to be in the meeting room. It's too shame to do such a thing.

Although the receptionist has never experienced this kind of thing, she is not a child anymore. She has also imagined in her dreams. At this moment, how much she hopes that the person under her boss is herself, and the young and handsome Li Zhiwen is his subordinate. The fantasy objects of many female employees in the company.

But the lady at the front desk knows her own weight, and this kind of thing can only be an illusion.

The lady at the front desk got rid of the unrealistic illusions in her head and walked ahead to lead these leaders up to the sixth floor. She took the elevator to the ninth floor and waited at the elevator entrance on the ninth floor. She did not dare to get too close to the meeting room on the ninth floor. So as not to cause misunderstanding.

The two people in the ninth-floor conference room had already finished fighting and were cleaning the battlefield.

In fact, Lizhi was only cleaning the battlefield by himself, while Li Zhiwen was sitting on a chair to rest. After all, there were only exhausted cows and no bad farming.

However, Lijue was packing up the battlefield naked. After all, the clothes were under Li Zhiwen's buttocks. Li Zhiwen wouldn't give it to her, so she just cleaned up like this.

"Really, boss, look, how do you deal with this, how do you see people." Lizhi wiped his body and cleaned up the papers in the conference room.

And what was in front of Lizhi's eyes was Luo Shaoyong's report document, but there were two obvious buttock **** left on it, and there were some indescribable things.

Li Zhiwen walked to Lizhi, holding Lizhi's erect **** in one hand, and said: "It's okay, just put it away. Anyway, Luo has finished reporting, so he said his files were wet."

"It can only be so, otherwise what else can be done!" Lizhi said softly.

Li Zhiwen kneaded fiercely, and then said to Lizhi: "You are here to clean up first, I will go down first, and you will not participate in the meeting for a while. The stockings are torn and the skirts are crumpled. Go up. My office has been changed to wait for me."

"You are ashamed to say, I blame you, then you go down first, I will pack up and let people send the documents down." Lizhi said.

"Okay, baby, then you are busy. After finishing your work, take a rest upstairs and wait for me." Li Zhiwen greedily rubbed the juicy lampshade again, then opened the door and walked out of the meeting room.

Li Zhiwen walked to the elevator entrance, the lady at the front desk pressed the elevator, and then whispered: "Boss, the leaders are already waiting in the sixth floor conference room."

Li Zhiwen tilted his head to look at the lady at the front desk, and then said: "Secretary Li is packing things in the conference room, you go and help her."

"Yes, boss!" said the lady at the front desk.

Li Zhiwen nodded, walked into the elevator, and came all the way to the conference room on the sixth floor.

Pushing open the door of the conference room, I saw the presidents of various companies sitting in their chairs and waiting quietly.

Li Zhiwen raised his leg and sat down in the first place, and then said, "Lao Luo, the office is a bit aging. It's time for maintenance."

Luo Shaoyong saw what Li Zhiwen was talking about so grandly, he could only take the black pot back, and then said: "I see, boss, I will ask someone to contact the decoration company later to rule out the danger. Secretary Li is okay."

"It's okay, it's just getting wet. I went back and changed clothes. Someone will send their documents over in a while. It's just that Lao Luo, your files are soaked and can't be used." Li Zhiwen said.

"It's okay, I still have backup documents, I'll send someone over in a while." Luo Shaoyong said.

Luo Shaoyong thought to himself, the boss is very good in everything, talented, and capable, but it's a pity that he is too lustful. This is not a small weakness.


In the ninth-floor meeting room, the lady at the front desk waited for a while at the door, and finally knocked on the door.

"Please come in!" Lizhi said while packing up the papers.

The lady at the front desk opened the door and said, "Secretary Lee, the boss asked me to help you clean up the meeting room."

After speaking, the lady at the front desk looked around the meeting room secretly, not as messy as she had imagined.

"I see. You send these documents to the boss." Lizhi handed the documents in his hands to the front desk lady.

"Okay!" The lady at the front desk turned and left after speaking.

"Wait a minute, are you the front desk who just answered the phone?" Lizhi said again.

"Yes, Secretary Li!" the lady at the front desk replied.

"You have been transferred to the secretariat directly under the boss, I will talk to your administrative office." Lizhi said.

"Yes, Secretary Li!" The lady at the front desk was very surprised, but she didn't expect to be promoted.

"Go, send the documents first, and report to me tomorrow!" Lizhi said.

"Yes, Secretary Li!" The lady at the front desk said happily.


In the conference room on the sixth floor, everyone who had received their documents also continued to start new reports.

"Lao Zhou~www.readwn.com~ Then there will be you hot spot for everyone!" Li Zhiwen said.

"Yes, boss!" Zhou Junwen said.

"Chow Sang Sang Gold Bank currently has 20 stores, and a total of seven stores have been opened this year. Hong Kong added four stores and Macau added three stores."

"The total turnover this year was 287 million Hong Kong dollars, and the profit reached 163 million Hong Kong dollars."

"Next year, we plan to open two gold banks in Singapore and two in Thailand to actively expand the market in Southeast Asia." Zhou Junwen said.

"Yes, Chow Sang Sang Jin has done a good job, one step closer to Jin Dafu."

"However, although the Southeast Asian market needs to be explored, the market in Hong Kong and Macau cannot be stopped. After all, this is the base camp. Coupled with the huge demand for gold jewellery from Hong Kong and Macau, the market should be expanded."

"Moreover, we can also make some luxury goods other than gold ornaments. Jewelry, masonry, pearls, etc. should all be covered." Li Zhiwen said.

"Understood, boss!" Zhou Junwen said.

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