Legend of Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 354: Premiere

After Mai Lihao told Li Zhiwen that the queen was going to Hong Kong, he stopped saying anything. Instead, he took the elevator to the sixth floor accompanied by Li Zhiwen.

The two heroines Lin Qingxia and Zhang Manyu in "Police Story" were not arranged by Li Zhiwen to take people up, but stayed until the arrival of Hong Kong Governor Mai Lihao and went up the elevator with Li Zhiwen.

Looking at Li Zhiwen, who was chatting and laughing with Mai Lihao, Zhang Manyu was fascinated and somewhat overwhelmed by it. Of course, Zhang Manyu knew that Li Zhiwen's reputation in the entertainment industry was not good, so this was also the reason why Zhang Manyu was discouraged.

But at this time Zhang Manyu saw Li Zhiwen, who was talking and laughing, and realized that they are not people in the entertainment industry at all, they are properly rich people, and being merciful everywhere is not an exclusive term for Hong Kong rich people?

Besides, Li Zhiwen is not the kind of cold-blooded person. The women he has a relationship with are all doing well, driving a luxury car, living in a villa, and being accompanied by bodyguards when they go out.

And if they are not the white-collar workers of large companies, they have to be respectful when they see them, or some seniors in the industry don't need to pick up the play by themselves. Naturally, there will be companies or directors asking for acting.

As for myself, after graduating from high school, I needed to go to a bookstore as a clerk. I had so much hardship when I was a child. I finally grew up. I won the Miss Global title and entered the show business circle. I feel that I can no longer worry about money.

As a result, I am worried about the drama now. What is the truth? As a newcomer, he must respect his predecessors.

And because she became the leading actress of "Police Story", many actresses in the company excluded herself. What is the reason?

Zhang Manyu echoed the words that the agent said to him yesterday.

"Ayu, when the premiere of "Police Story" comes, Mr. Li will also be there, but it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You must seize the opportunity."

"You don't know how rare your role is in "Police Story". In the interview that day, you also saw that many people from the company went there, and even some long-established actresses who deliberately pretended to be tender and dressed like middle school students passed by. ."

"They are pretending to be tender. You are so tender. Moreover, Mr. Li immediately fancyed you and chose you as the protagonist. This is what Mr. Li meant to you."

"It's just that afterwards Mr. Li was really too busy and had too much industry, and didn't have much time to stay on the crew, so you would be fine."

"This time the premiere, don’t expect many rich people to come, but it’s hard to find lanterns for the young and rich generation like Mr. Li, so don’t be dazzled by others at the scene. There is only one thing at the premiere, and that is to keep an eye on Mr. Li and don’t think about it."

Sister Chen, the agent, talked about it for a long time, and she urged her.

In fact, Sister Chen is also in it, and she entered the company at the same time as a broker who didn't deal with it.

Because of luck, she became Chen Yulian's agent, and she fought in front of her all day long, and the angry sister Chen couldn't speak.

But Sister Chen is not good at showing off, after all, there is no one above, and the other party is someone close to the boss.

That's why Sister Chen came up with this trick. Are you not someone close to the boss? I did the same. See what you can do with me.

No way, Li Zhiwen can't be blamed for this. It can only be said that the Hong Kong actress's scrolling is too serious.

Lin Qingxia, who was beside Zhang Manyu, was also thinking about things.

But Lin Qingxia is obviously different from Zhang Manyu, Lin Qingxia will not worry about money.

As long as Lin Qingxia is willing, two million Hong Kong dollars can be delivered to Lin Qingxia's residence every minute.

It's just that Lin Qingxia is now picking scripts. A script like this two million Hong Kong dollar payroll is a very bad script. Lin Qingxia will not agree to a script that consumes Lin Qingxia's reputation.

Lin Qingxia just saw the situation today and found another kind of handsome, a kind of handsome different from Qin Han and Qin Xianglin.

Seeing Li Zhiwen's kind of command and talk and laughter, Lin Qingxia felt a little intoxicated, of course it was just a little bit nothing more.

The elevator went up to the sixth floor. As soon as the elevator door came, Li Zhiwen and the others saw all the guests waiting outside.

After all, it was Governor Meliho who came, and no one seemed to be able to ignore this one.

Then Li Zhiwen took Mai Lihao to the arranged seat, and the others also sat down in the arranged seat.

For this premiere, after the selection of Global Cinemas, more than one hundred media were finally left behind. This was still after Jiang Zhiqiang's selection. Otherwise, there would be no need to invite others for this premiere, and reporters could fill the entire theater.

Of course, the more than one hundred media are not limited to the territory of Hong Kong. After all, after the squeeze of the Kylin News, a large number of Hong Kong's newspaper and media industry have died. Few people will challenge the Kylin News in Hong Kong like blindly. authority.

Therefore, only a few of the more than one hundred media outlets belong to the territory of Hong Kong, and most of them are media from Southeast Asia, Gulf Bay, Japan, and South Korea.

After all, these places are the sphere of influence of Hong Kong films, and the production of this film, the strength of the global cinema chain, and the reputation of Chen Long and Lin Qingxia in these places, so the first "Police Story" Once the show was held, it attracted the attention of these places.

There is also a small part of the media from the mainland, Europe, and beautiful countries.

The mainland media came to learn from other media. After all, I have to say that the West is really good at doing this.

Media in Europe and beautiful countries ~www.readwn.com~Some are media under Li Zhiwen, and some are also invited by Global Cinemas.

Among the film-watchers invited this time, in addition to some wealthy people in Hong Kong, there are also some Western leather bag companies that buy foreign films.

Universal Cinemas intends to break Hong Kong movies into the West, so these people are specially invited to watch the movie.

The rest were tickets to the premiere that they got through the lottery. The Global Cinemas organized a special event and sent these tickets out.

The time pointed to nine o'clock, when the premiere time came, the lights below suddenly dimmed, and a beam of light led a slender beauty onto the stage, Wang Mingquan who was indeed wearing a high-slit cheongsam.

Since the premiere is to be held, we must do the best, and Wang Mingquan is one of the best hosts in Hong Kong. Of course, this kind of ceremony cannot be hosted by a male, so we can only look for the beauty of Wang Mingquan to host.

After Wang Mingquan took the stage, he bowed down and said with the microphone: "Thank you all the guests and friends on the scene. Come to participate in the premiere of "Police Story" in your busy schedule... Here is the number one in Hong Kong. Lion dancer Yu Yuanyin brought a wonderful lion dance performance to everyone."

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