Legend of Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 357: negotiation

The sun shines into the room through the white curtains, and the sun shines on Li Zhiwen's face slightly dazzling.

Li Zhiwen opened his eyes, covered the slightly dazzling light with his palm, and looked up around the room.

This is a bedroom based on pink, and Li Zhiwen slowly recalled what happened yesterday.

Yesterday I made a few dishes myself, and chatted with Zhang Manyu while drinking.

And because of the great pressure before, Li Zhiwen got a little drunk after drinking a few glasses of red wine, especially Zhang Manyu, who didn't know how to drink.

Since both of them are a little drunk, there is no need for Li Zhiwen to repeat what happened after that.

What can a drunk man and a drunk woman do in the same room? Besides, does Li Zhiwen need to say more about the place where he is out now?

Li Zhiwen turned to the side and looked at Zhang Manyu who was still sleeping, very proud.

To be honest, Li Zhiwen has a morbid mind about collecting stamps, and wants to collect all the women from the 80s and 90s in the previous life like stamp collecting.

And Zhang Manyu on the side is also a representative of the previous Hong Kong actress, so Li Zhiwen feels like he has got it.

After looking at Zhang Manyu on the side for a while, Li Zhiwen was about to get up. After all, I had an appointment with Shao Yifu today to talk about the transfer of Shaw Cinemas.

Maybe Li Zhiwen's waking up was a little big, awakening Zhang Manyu, who was sleeping on the side.

Zhang Manyu rubbed his eyes, and yesterday's memory fragments flooded his brain. With this strong man on the side, Zhang Manyu had already completed what happened yesterday.

"Wake up? Would you like some breakfast!" Li Zhiwen said with a smile while putting on his pants.

And Zhang Manyu covered half of his face with a quilt a little bit shy.

Li Zhiwen put on his trousers, then climbed onto the bed again, brought his face to Zhang Manyu's eyes, smiled and said, "Why, shy?"

Zhang Manyu did not speak, but looked at Li Zhiwen with his eyes.

And Li Zhiwen continued: "If you have a good rest today, you don't need to go to the company. I will cook lunch for you when I come back at noon."

Zhang Manyu nodded, expressing understanding.

Then Li Zhiwen continued: "Let your agent go directly to Shi Nansheng to see if the company has a script suitable for you. If not, let the screenwriter write a script according to your requirements, and you will be the heroine."

"Are we a deal?" Zhang Manyu finally asked.

When Li Zhiwen heard Zhang Manyu's words, he smiled and said, "I'm very domineering, and I throw away my things reluctantly, so Ayu, you can't escape from my palm."

Li Zhiwen's words made Zhang Manyu very happy, Zhang Manyu said happily: "I am willing, I will not leave."

Li Zhiwen comforted Zhang Manyu for a while, and then left Zhang Manyu's dormitory to the Marco Polo Hotel.

At this time, Shao Yifu has not yet come to the hotel, but this is normal. After all, Shao Yifu takes the initiative in the purchase of theaters, and the Shaw Cinemas is still surnamed Shao at this time.

But Li Zhiwen will no longer wait for Shao Yifu at the door, after all, where is his status.

Although Shao Yifu is considered a rich man in Hong Kong, he is still a little bit inferior to Li Zhiwen.

But in order to be respectful, Li Zhiwen specially asked Huang Xizhao to greet Shao Yifu at the door.

When the time came to ten ten ten, ten minutes had passed by this time, and Shao Yifu was late to arrive. It seemed that he was going to give Li Zhiwen a blow.

But Li Zhiwen doesn't care. After all, status is not calculated according to before and after appearance.

However, Li Zhiwen respected Shao Yifu and stood up to welcome Shao Yifu.

At this time, Shao Yifu was already in his seventies, but he was naturally full of energy.

However, it is not surprising that Li Zhiwen thought that Shao Yifu lived more than a hundred years old. He is still in office at the age of more than one hundred years, which can be described as a long life.

It seems that many rich people in Hong Kong live long lives. Li Jiacheng, Zheng Yutong, Ho Hongshen and others live long lives.

Li Zhiwen stopped thinking about it, and said: "Mr. Shao Yifu, welcome your coming."

"Mr. Li, in fact, I don't want to come. After all, we compete everywhere, from movies to theaters, from theaters to TV stations, and they are all opposed. I think we should have nothing to talk about." Shao Yifu said.

"Mr. Shao, there are talented people from generation to generation, and they have been leading the way for hundreds of years. In the 1960s, Shaw movies replaced the Dianmao movies. In the 1970s, Jiahe movies rose, and now they are in the 1980s. Shaw movies can still have a certain market, I have to say that Mr. Shao is well managed." Li Zhiwen said.

In Li Zhiwen’s words, Dianmao movies were the dominant Hong Kong film industry in the 1940s and 1950s. However, in 1957, Shaw Brothers films moved from Singapore to Hong Kong and began to invade the Dianmao film market. Dianmao’s film companies gradually fell. Defeated until bankruptcy.

When Shao Yifu heard Li Zhiwen talk about telecasting, he had nothing to say. After all, Li Zhiwen was right. The winner is the king.

Li Zhiwen saw that Shao Yifu was no longer entangled in these matters, so he stopped mocking, but said: "Mr. Shao, sit down and talk, this is the Longjing I specially prepared for you, you can taste it!"

Shao Yifu sat down and tasted the Longjing from a few years ago. To be honest, it was really good!

"Mr. Shao must know the purpose of my inviting you!" Li Zhiwen said.

"Isn't it just for the theaters of the Shaw Theaters. Those theaters are my painstaking effort. I won't sell them cheaply."

"In addition, I don't want to sell you the theater~www.readwn.com~ to make you win so happy, so I think our chat can be over."

What Shao Yifu said is true and false. It is true that Shao Yifu does not want to sell the theater to Li Zhiwen. After all, this is his own competitor, but if the price is right, these are all negotiable. Shao Yifu is just negotiating for some benefits.

Hearing what Shao Yifu said, Li Zhiwen was not in a hurry, but drank the tea on the table later, and then slowly said: "Mr. Shao, I heard that you want to sell theaters in Hong Kong and Southeast Asia together, I said. That's right!"

"Yes, I do think so. Since I want to quit the film industry, I will simply sell the theaters together." Shao Yifu said.

"Well, is there such a courageous person among the people who are in contact with Mr. Shao? I think there should not be any. Everyone is staring at the theaters of the Shaw Theaters in Hong Kong, but they are very disgusted with the theaters of the Shaw Theaters in Southeast Asia. Sir, what I said should be true!"

Shao Yifu’s qi training is full, and he did not show any flustered expressions because of Li Zhiwen’s words. Instead, he tasted the Longjing tea on the table just like Li Zhiwen, and then said: "This is not for Mr. Li to care about, I There is time to find the most suitable buyer. Besides, I don’t have to sell it. If I can’t sell it, I’ll keep it for myself.”

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