Legend of Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 362: Insight 1 cut

In this way, Lizhi took Liu Xiaoli to shop in Taiping Mall, but the three bodyguards hanging large and small bags were not able to carry them all.

Liu Xiaoli was also shocked by this method. She had never thought of such a shopping method. You don’t need to look at the price. As long as you take a look at it for yourself, Lijue will let the clerk take it down and let you try it. Asking the clerk to wrap it up and take it away, she said nothing will help, this kind of inhuman behavior, Liu Xiaoli feels too cool, she has fallen in love with this feeling.

In Liu Xiaoli’s opinion, today’s shopping is not worth hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong dollars. Although Lijue did not pay, but most of the products and Lijue have seen the label, they were all taken aback by the price above. It's under two thousand Hong Kong dollars.

You must know that Liu Xiaoli’s highest-paid father’s salary is only more than 100 yuan a month, and based on the exchange rate of Hong Kong dollar to Renminbi at this time, one piece of clothing is worth his father’s wages for two or three years. This behavior How could it not give Liu Xiaoli a sense of shock.

Before coming to Hong Kong, Liu Xiaoli was just a girl who admired vanity, but after this baptism, Liu Xiaoli felt that her previous admiration for vanity was not a big deal.

Now Liu Xiaoli just wants to see Li Zhiwen early and hold Li Zhiwen firmly in her hands. However, Liu Xiaoli has completely forgotten the hearsay that she had just heard when she arrived in Hong Kong.

Liu Xiaoli's expression, Lizhi looked at her from the side, thinking that she was a very naive girl like Liu Xiaoli back then. As a result, the materialism in Hong Kong suddenly overwhelmed her shame and self-esteem.

Lizhi no longer wanted to go back to the house where he was a squatter, and no longer wanted to go to the supermarket to be a salesperson, so Lizhi made a compromise and became one of Li Zhiwen’s many women. This is also very good, food and clothing are worry-free, and respected by outsiders. , At least on the surface very respectful.

But this is not enough. Li Zhiwen knows how Li Zhiwen enjoys the new. Although Li Zhiwen has never tired of the old, Li Zhi is very afraid of this sense of urgency. Li Zhi is afraid that one day he will be abandoned and lose everything he has now.

Therefore, Lizhi kept looking for new friends for Li Zhiwen. It was just these new friends that Li Zhiwen couldn't look at him. After all, Li Zhiwen had already passed the time when he was hungry.

Li Zhiwen's actions made Lizhi very distressed, but fortunately I met Liu Xiaoli today.

In fact, Lizhi didn't know Liu Xiaoli's identity, but seeing the bodyguard not far away, Lizhi immediately believed Liu Xiaoli's words, and it was the situation of shopping at Taiping Mall today.

"Okay, Xiaoli, let's stop here today, I'll take you to see the boss!" Lizhi said.

"Okay, A juice, everything is up to you!" Liu Xiaoli said with a smile.

Liu Xiaoli didn't feel that there was a sense of disobedience. Isn't it weird that a boss's secretary called herself Xiaoli?

The two walked out of the Taiping Shopping Centre, and there were already cars waiting at the door.

Li Zhiwen uniformly assigned the Rover p5 car to the executives of his own company, but as Li Zhiwen's life secretary and woman's juice, how could he lack it.

Liu Xiaoli and Lizhi got in the car, and the car came to a group of luxury houses in the mid-levels of Hong Kong.

Looking at the luxury houses on both sides, Liu Xiaoli was dazzled and fascinated.

The car finally stopped at a luxury house. Lizhi said to Liu Xiaoli: "Here!", then opened the door and got out of the car.

Liu Xiaoli also opened the car door and walked down. She was already attracted by the beauty here. The wide lawn, the trees between them, and the whitewashed two-story bungalows were exactly the same as the beauty in her dreams.

At this time, Lizhi took Liu Xiaoli's hand and said, "Let's go, the boss is waiting for you inside."

When the two opened the door, they did not see Li Zhiwen or the servants, they just smelled the scents coming from the kitchen.

"It seems that the boss has prepared dinner for you. It's great. I haven't seen the boss personally cook several times." Lizhi said with a smile.

Li Juice is really telling the truth, and Li Zhiwen has never been in the kitchen a few times.

And Liu Xiaoli felt sweet when she heard Lizhi's words, where to find such a husband.

The two came to the kitchen looking for the fragrance and saw Li Zhiwen busy in front of the stove.

"Boss, Xiaoli, I brought you here!" Lizhi said to the busy Li Zhiwen.

"Oh, take a seat first, this is the last dish, it will be ready soon." Li Zhiwen said.

"I won't sit down, I'm going home!" Although Lizhi wanted to stay, she couldn't speak.

"After eating and returning, Xiaoli still needs you to take care of her in Hong Kong." Li Zhiwen said.

Although Liu Xiaoli wants to spend time with Li Zhiwen, Liu Xiaoli understands that Lizhi is the first friend she met in Hong Kong and Li Zhiwen’s secretary, so she cannot be treated as someone else.

So Liu Xiaoli also said: "Yes, A juice, you have to cook anyway when you go back, so you can simply eat here."

"Since Xiaoli said so, then I will also taste the boss's craftsmanship!" Since Lizhi wanted to stay, of course she wouldn't make any excuses. It wasn't that she raised a rock and hit her in the foot.

After a while, Li Zhiwen brought the last dish to the table, and then Li Zhiwen took out the red wine that had been awake, poured a glass for three of them, and said: "Let's have the first glass, welcome Xiaoli's arrival first. "

The three of them touched a glass, Li Zhiwen and Li Juice drank it, but Liu Xiaoli, not to be outdone, also drank it.

"Azhi, Xiaoli has just arrived in Hong Kong and she is unfamiliar with her place of life, so take her to stroll around," Li Zhiwen said.

"Understood, boss, Xiaoli is my sister, of course I will not neglect!" Lizhi said.

Li Zhi’s sister made a pun, which made Li Zhiwen call smart. Of course, Liu Xiaoli didn't understand the meaning of this sister.

The three of them drank two bottles of red wine, and they were a little drunk. Li Zhiwen was also arranged to move to another room by Li Zhiwen and did not leave.

Li Zhiwen picked up Liu Xiaoli and walked to another room.

Liu Xiaoli, who had already experienced this kind of thing in Beijing, had already understood what would happen next, so she hid in Li Zhiwen's arms shyly.

In this way, Li Zhiwen and Liu Xiaoli did something indescribable in the room.

After more than an hour, Li Zhiwen stopped galloping in Liu Xiaoli's unbearable voice, while Liu Xiaoli fell asleep.

Li Zhiwen feels excited the more he sleeps~www.readwn.com~ Some can't sleep, and he simply smears and sneaks into Liju's room.

Lizhi was obviously waiting for Li Zhiwen. He didn't take off his black suit and skirt, lying on the bed looking at Li Zhiwen.

How could Li Zhiwen endure such a temptation, so he went straight into battle and scored twice.

Besides, Liu Xiaoli felt a little thirsty in her sleep, so she got up and went to the kitchen to find water.

When I passed the Lizhi room, I saw my man galloping on other women, and he couldn't help covering his mouth with his hand.

It turned out that the rumors she heard were true. Liu Xiaoli was very sad and wanted to leave, but she couldn't let go of the feeling of buying and buying.

So Liu Xiaoli hesitated for a long time, and finally did not go to the kitchen, but turned around and went back to the bedroom to pretend to sleep.

But Liu Xiaoli didn't notice, the eyes in the room had already seen everything.

Seeing Liu Xiaoli's actions, Lizhi smiled even more at the corners of her mouth, and her sense of cooperation became even better.

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