On March 10, 1982, a short message from South America disturbed Li Zhiwen's good life.

During this time, Li Zhiwen played various battles with Chen Yulian and Zhong Chuhong, and often played three battles with Lizhi and Liu Xiaoli, and lived a very comfortable life. .

But Li Zhiwen has always understood that this is the peace before the Great War.

All the opportunities in 1982 were concentrated in the second half of the year, so Li Zhiwen must cultivate his energy and wait for important opportunities in the second half of the year.

But this South American message seems to have brought Li Zhiwen's busy schedule a lot ahead.

This is a piece of news from the Kylin News Agency: A group of scrap metal merchants from Argentina will land on South Georgia on March 19 and establish a camp on South Georgia.

This message seemed unremarkable, but Luo Shaoyong caught it.

In fact, since Li Zhiwen raised the Latin American debt crisis in his report at the end of last year, Luo Shaoyong asked the Latin American branch of Kylin News Agency to collect some information.

As a result, these messages surprised Luo Shaoyong. In many Latin American countries, the inflation rate is as high as 500%, the gross domestic product has dropped significantly, the manufacturing output has fallen, and the unemployed population has soared. This is typical of inflation.

Moreover, inflation is extremely serious, which may really lead to the bankruptcy of the country mentioned by Li Zhiwen.

Argentina is even more serious, with an astonishing 600% inflation rate, a 11.4% decline in GDP, a 22.9% decline in manufacturing output, and a sharp increase in the number of unemployed people.

In Argentina, the Federation of Trade Unions, which has received more and more support, decided to launch a long strike, and the military government has received spurn and hatred from the people.

But since January of this year, the domestic wind direction in Argentina has changed. It has become a territorial appeal for Tsushima Island, and it has become a war to recover the island.

At this time, the voice of regaining Falklands was far higher than the hatred of the military government.

This made Luo Shaoyong, who has a keen sense of smell, felt the taste of conspiracy, and he quickly asked the South American branch of the Kylin News Agency to focus on Argentina.

As a result, he received such a message. Luo Shaoyong, who knew the seriousness of the matter, hurriedly reported to Li Zhiwen.

Why is the incident of Argentine merchants landing on South Georgia so important?

South Georgia Island, like the Falklands, is part of the territorial dispute between Argentina and John Bull, and both islands are under the control of John Bull.

Needless to say, the reason why these Argentine businessmen wanted to land on the islands controlled by the British at such a sensitive time.

Li Zhiwen, who received the message, felt the same way. In fact, Li Zhiwen knew more than Luo Shaoyong.

Li Zhiwen knew that these Argentine businessmen were dispatched by ZF, and the national flag was raised after this group of Argentine businessmen landed on South Georgia, and Zf sent troops there, which eventually turned into a war.

Therefore, Li Zhiwen knew the opportunity of this incident. Li Zhiwen no longer lived a leisurely life in Hong Kong. He hurriedly let Lizhi prepare the fastest special plane to fly to London. He wanted to see Margaret right away.

As they took a special plane, Li Zhiwen and his party arrived in London on the evening of March 11.

Holland Kramer waited at the airport early, and Holland Kramer didn't understand why Li Zhiwen hurried to London.

Li Zhiwen got in the car prepared by Holland Kramer, and Holland Kramer got in too.

"Hollank, how is the contact?" Li Zhiwen asked as soon as the car started.

"Boss, Ms. Margaret welcomes you to London very much, but there was a meeting in the cabinet tonight and I could not meet today." Holland Kramer said.

"What about tomorrow morning?" Li Zhiwen asked, frowning.

"Ms. Margaret needs to go to Congress tomorrow morning, but Ms. Margaret has asked the boss to have dinner in Downing Street tomorrow." Holland Kramer said.

Li Zhiwen nodded, indicating that he understood.

This matter is said to be anxious and anxious. If it is not anxious, it is also anxious. It is said that it is anxious because the matter is right in front of them, and no one knows when it will happen.

It's not anxious that Li Zhiwen remembered that after the Argentine businessman landed on South Georgia, John Bull did not take any immediate action.

But thinking about it, it should also be given to countries like John Bull and Bald Eagle. Many major decisions need to be made by Congress.

But the Congress is not a single person, and it takes a long time for things to be compromised before a consensus can be reached.

Thinking of this, Li Zhiwen is no longer anxious, he is now considering what benefits he wants with Margaret.

First of all, it is inevitable that Hong Kong needs some benefits. After all, there is Li Zhiwen's base camp, and it may be impossible for Laodou to go further.

As for the native place of John Bull, Li Zhiwen is not stupid enough to provide a piece of information about how to raise it. That is impossible.

How much Li Jiacheng paid in the previous life, and as a result, John Bull just threw him some rotten meat and bones. When he ate, the meat and bones were full, but after eating, John Bull didn’t care about diarrhea. This is a typical killing. Buried.

And Li Zhiwen is eyeing Rolls-Royce Motor Manufacturing Company this time.

This benefit is big or small, and it is not small.

Rolls-Royce Motor Manufacturing Company suffered serious losses at this time and bankruptcy was imminent. Li Zhiwen's behavior was to reduce the burden on John Bull. Of course, many people stared at Rolls-Royce Motor Manufacturing Company.

But despite the serious losses of Rolls-Royce Motor Manufacturing Company, its two brands, Rolls-Royce and Bentley, are still the top brands among luxury brands.

Coupled with the engine technology of Rolls-Royce Motor Manufacturing Company, as long as the engine technology is obtained, Rover can immediately rise to the next level.

In addition, if conditions permit, Li Zhiwen also wants to find a piece of fat to eat in this privatization~www.readwn.com~ After all, the privatized companies at this time, every company is very fat, as long as Li Zhiwen wins it. One piece, then Li Zhiwen can stand more securely in John Bull.

Of course, the premise of these ideas is based on Margaret's belief in Li Zhiwen's information and the seriousness of this incident, otherwise everything Li Zhiwen is thinking about here is empty talk.

However, as long as Margaret uses the relationship, you can find clues soon. After all, some local business radio enthusiasts know something at the end of this top-secret document, and it is not difficult to find out some problems.

Holland Kramer saw Li Zhiwen's uncertain face and said, "Boss, where are we going?"

"Back to my villa!" Li Zhiwen said concisely.

"Yes, boss!" Holland Kramer said, "Miss Isabel Adjani is also in the villa."

Li Zhiwen nodded, and there were no waves on the surface.

As a well-known European movie star, Isabelle Adjani often shoots all over Europe, and Isabel Adjani will live in Li Zhiwen’s villa when filming in London.

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