Legend of Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 373: As wished

Li Zhiwen and the Duke of Bedford saw Margaret's head, looked at each other, and smiled slightly.

And Margaret thought that Li Zhiwen and Li Zhiwen had dealt with the matter this time, and quietly waited for the two to say goodbye. After all, it was late.

Unexpectedly, Li Zhiwen and the Duke of Bedford didn't mean anything like this, so naturally they sat on the sofa and didn't move.

But Li Zhiwen stretched his hand into the briefcase he was carrying, and then took out a document.

Li Zhiwen handed the document to Margaret, and then said: "Ms. Margaret, you look at this document."

Margaret glanced at Li Zhiwen and then at the Duke of Bedford. Seeing that they didn't say much, she frowned and took the document and looked through it.

And the Duke of Bedford did not urge, after all, the Duke of Bedford knew the power of this document and could not be digested in a while.

So the Duke of Bedford, like Li Zhiwen, picked up the coffee on the table and drank.

Ms. Margaret is worthy of being a calm family. She did not say that it was impossible like the Duke of Bedford saw this document. Instead, she looked at the document carefully for fear of revealing any information. .

After a long time, Margaret put down the papers in her hand and also picked up the coffee on the table and tasted it.

Li Zhiwen and the Duke of Bedford did not urge Margaret, but waited quietly.

In a moment, Margaret finally put down the coffee in her hand and asked Li Zhiwen: "Mr. Li, where did this document come from, and what is the basis for it."

Faced with Margaret's question, Li Zhiwen did not show any panic, but calmly said: "Ms. Margaret, you also know that I am very interested in the media industry, so I have a huge media system under my hands. "

"This news is exactly the information that my media system has observed and analyzed for several months. As for the Argentine scrap metal merchant landing on South Georgia, it was obtained by my subordinates from a local man with great energy. ."

"I think Reuters, including our country’s intelligence agencies, should have received some of this information, but because the information was too inaccurate or felt a little fussy, it didn’t report it to you. You can look for the information from these agencies. Authenticity."

Li Zhiwen has never underestimated any national power. In the face of national power, personal power is too weak.

Moreover, Li Zhiwen's Kirin News Agency can obtain information. As one of the world's leading news agencies, how could Reuters not have such information.

This is especially true of intelligence agencies as the state machinery. It's just that the two of them did not report the situation due to negligence, and Li Zhiwen opened his eyes to know what situation the situation will develop, so he paid special attention to the news from Argentina.

Hearing what Li Zhiwen said, Margaret smiled faintly and said: "Since Mr. Li is so self-aware, how much does Mr. Li think this information is worth?"

Marguerite’s words clearly revealed that Marguerite did not take the crisis seriously, but simply regarded the landing of scrap metal merchants on South Georgia as a demonstration in Argentina.

"Ms. Margaret, this piece of information is really nothing. Maybe you have the same piece of information at a corner of your thick desk, but what if this provocation is the beginning of a war?" Li Zhiwen also said lightly.

"Impossible, how dare Argentina, a small country, provoke the powerful British Empire!" Margaret said angrily.

"Ms. Margaret, don't worry, there are many examples of this. For example, in the past few decades, Germany challenged the history of the world. Argentina is also betting, what if it wins?" Li Zhiwen said.

"Mr. Li, this joke is not funny, how likely is it that war will break out in your opinion?" Margaret laughed.

"100%, all of this has precedents, I think 100% war will break out." Li Zhiwen said affirmatively.

"Mr. Li is too alarmist. Even if Argentina wants the Falkland Islands, just give it to them. After all, the Parliament has been discussing the abandonment of the Falkland Islands. This is just what most people want." Ms. Margaret Said.

"If Ms. Margaret is willing to bet on her own zz career, then when I did not say, in the entire UK, everyone can say to give up the Falkland Islands, but Ms. Margaret can't do it, and the ideal must be you too. Understand." Li Zhiwen said.

Marguerite woke up suddenly, yes, anyone can say to give up, but she can't, or she will be nailed to the pillar of shame sooner or later.

So instead of discussing the authenticity of the intelligence with Li Zhiwen, Margaret asked: "Mr. Li will never give information for nothing, let's say, what does Mr. Li have in mind?"

"Ms. Margaret, I don't want much. I just want to have a place for me at the next privatization banquet." Li Zhiwen said.

"Mr. Li, it seems a bit difficult. You also know that there are too many hidden families in the UK. Many people are staring at these assets. Forgive me for not agreeing." Margaret said.

"Ms. Margaret, I am not alone. In fact, I have reached an agreement with the Duke of Bedford. We invest together. My qualifications are not enough. I cannot say that the qualifications of the Duke of Bedford are not enough." Li Zhiwen Said.

Ms. Margaret looked at the Duke of Bedford where the old **** was there, and saw that the Duke of Bedford did not refute, her heart sank.

At first, Margaret thought that their appetite was only in Rolls-Royce Motor Manufacturing Company~www.readwn.com~ who knows that the appetite of the two is bigger, and she has taken a fancy to the privatized state-owned enterprise.

"Mr. Li, even then I still can't answer you, after all, the space is limited." Margaret said apologetically.

"Ms. Margaret, we are not to be a host, but to be a participant. Ms. Margaret can always do it." Li Zhiwen said.

If this is the case, Margaret is acceptable, and it is counted as an explanation to Li Zhiwen.

"Mr. Li, if this is the case, there is room for manipulation, but don't think about military industry Mr. Li. This country must be handed over to reliable people." Margaret said.

"Of course, and I'm not interested in this aspect. We only need a 10% stake in British Airways. In addition, I will let my media assist Ms. Margaret's arrangements, denounce Argentina's ugly face of provoking war, and unite the entire United Kingdom. By Ms. Margaret's side." Li Zhiwen said.

Margaret thought for a while, 10% said that the high was not high, and that the low was not low. It happened to be within the acceptable range. With the support of the media, Marguerite agreed.

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