Legend of Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 381: Beauty industry

   "In addition, the boss, I suggest to lay out the field of beauty cosmetics. Although each brand of our Louis Vuitton Group has some cosmetics categories, everyone is not mainly doing this, just to enrich their product lines."

   "So I think we need a leading brand in the field of beauty and cosmetics." Nelson Tabia said.

   Li Zhiwen nodded, agreeing with Nelson Tabia.

   In fact, Li Zhiwen felt his shortcomings when he was getting along with Elizabeth Adjani.

   It's not about how Elizabeth Adjani is, but in getting along with Elizabeth Adjani, Elizabeth Adjani has never used any cosmetics under her own group.

With Isabelle Adjani knowing that both the Louis Vuitton Group and Prada Group are not used by their own companies, on the one hand, it can be regarded as a serious shortcoming of their own cosmetics, on the other hand, it may be that their own cosmetics do not do how.

   And Elizabeth Adjani has always been a practical product under the French L'Oreal Group.

   In fact, Li Zhiwen is really coveting the French L'Oreal Group, but at this time L'Oreal Group is too large for Li Zhiwen to eat in one bite.

   However, Li Zhiwen is also secretly acquiring some shares of L'Oreal Group, in case of emergency, what if there is a chance to buy it?

   "Boss, I think in terms of the current strength of our group, the HR Helena brand is the most suitable for us."

"HR Helena was founded by Helena Rubinstein in 1908. The beauty and skin care products of HR Helena Group not only have specialty stores in Paris, London, San Francisco, Boston, Philadelphia, Rome and other places, but also have beauty salons in these cities. "

   "And Jennifer Lubingstein, the third-generation manager of HR Helena Group, is a strange woman who yearns for poetry and distance, and she doesn't value HR Helena Group too much."

   "She hates troublesome business and wants to spend her money on travel, so she wants to sell 40% of the shares of HR Helena Group."

   "But many of her uncles disagreed. These shareholders want to take over the shares in Jennifer Lubingstein's hands, but they don't have a lot of funds in their hands, so they set the price very low."

"In this case, Jennifer Lubingstein disagrees at all, so the two parties are deadlocked there. I think as long as our prices are in place, we can completely take over the shares in Jennifer Lubingstein’s hands, and then secretly acquire some small ones. Shareholders’ shares can be held in an instant.” Nelson Tabia said.

   Li Zhiwen wanted to laugh when he heard the longing poem and the strange woman in the distance. What strange woman, to put it bluntly, is not to eat the fireworks and yearn for the petty bourgeoisie.

   I want to sell the ancestral property like this. After the funds are spent, she can't eat the fireworks.

   But Li Zhiwen was also fortunate to meet such a person. Such a person is also the best to conquer. Isn't it just money? What money can do is not a big deal.

   So Li Zhiwen said to Nelson Tabia: "Nelson, you help me make an appointment with Jennifer Lubingstein. We will try to take her at one time, and then hold the HR Helena Group as quickly as possible."

   "Yes, boss!" Nelson Tabia said in surprise.

   HR Helena Group is already its own subsidiary in Nelsen Tabia. After all, this acquisition is best achieved, and the power in his hands is also increasing.

On the other hand, Li Zhiwen did not want to put the HR Helena Group under the Louis Vuitton Group. He even had the idea to spin off the Louis Vuitton Group’s cosmetics business and put it in the hands of the newly established group. On the one hand, because the two really do not match. On the other hand, the more important reason is that in that case, the power in the hands of Nelson Tabia is too great, and Li Zhiwen is not in France for a long time, it is difficult to guarantee that Nelson Tabia will not make small moves.

   "Other boss, I also value Clarins and L'Occitane in Manosque in the cosmetics industry."

   "Although these two brands have not been established for a long time, they have great potential."

   "Clarins was founded in 1954 by Jacques Gooden, who pioneered the concept of plant essence beauty and skin care."

   "And in 1979, the world's first oil-free formula eye gel was launched. In recent years, it has been very powerful in the field of high-end skin care products."

"Although L’Occitane has only been established for five years, L’Occitane’s soft soap, nourishing and moisturizing fruit series products launched this year are very popular in Provence. I think this product will become an epoch-making product for this company. This company is heading for glory.” Nelson Tabia felt that all of these could increase his power, and naturally he kept recommending it to Li Zhiwen.

   "Okay, Nelson, you first try to contact these two companies to see if they have any idea of ​​selling or accepting financing, then you will report this to me." Li Zhiwen said.

   Of course, Li Zhiwen could see Nelson Tabia’s careful thinking, but Li Zhiwen didn’t care. After all, it was Li Zhiwen who wanted to spin off the cosmetics business. Nelson Tabia’s careful thinking could only be in vain.

   As for the two brands of Clarins and L’Occitane, Li Zhiwen has heard of it in later generations. The development is OK, and you can consider acquiring them.

   And Li Zhiwen is also the most fancy brand of Helena, which can be said to be the second major product of the later L'Oreal Group besides Maybelline, so Li Zhiwen is quite interested.

   "Yes, boss, I'm going to make arrangements!" Nelson Tabia left the office happily.

   The office was calm again, only Li Zhiwen and Isabel Adjani were left.

   Isabel Adjani looked at Li Zhiwen after listening to the morning report, and was a little tired, so she took her delicate jade finger to Li Zhiwen and pressed her temple.

   It’s just that Isabel Adjani’s pressing technique is different from that of Lizhi. Lizhi likes to put two big steamed buns on Li Zhiwen’s head now behind Li Zhiwen and press with both hands.

   And Isabel Adjani also sat directly in Li Zhiwen's arms, let Li Zhiwen carry her weight while pressing with both hands.

   "Isa, do you want to be the president of the new group~www.readwn.com~ and help me?" Li Zhiwen suddenly said.

   "Me? What new group? How can I do it?" Isabel Adjani asked three times.

   "It's the newly established cosmetics group, why can't you? Besides, someone will definitely help you." Li Zhiwen said disapprovingly.

   "Don't you put the cosmetics business in the Louis Vuitton Group?" Elizabeth Adjani asked strangely.

Li Zhiwen did not explain positively, but said: "Isha, you also understand that the performing arts industry is a youth meal. When you are old and declining, there will be very few audiences. Instead of doing this, don't transform yourself. Besides, you don't want to have Are cosmetics branded under your own name?"

   "Of course I did, but I'm afraid I can't do it well." Isabel Adjani said.

   Isabel Adjani knows that the acting industry is a youth fan, and she has few jobs now. On the one hand, she is demanding, and on the other hand, because there are not many directors in the circle who can find her for filming.

   Besides, Li Zhiwen’s proposal is too tempting. It is a cosmetics brand established by his first name or last name.

   "If you don't do it well, you can only pay for it!" Li Zhiwen smirked, and put Isabel Adjani directly on the huge desk, and soon the lavish sound in the room sounded.

   Sophie Marceau, who had dealt with the matter soon, came to the office. Seeing the situation at this time, she was not ashamed and joined the battle group directly.

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