Legend of Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 384: Get it done

   "Boss, in addition, Clarins and L'Occitane have agreed to our acquisition and are willing to sell the brand to us."

   "However, the founders of Clarins and L'Occitane have made conditions that we cannot cancel the Clarins and L'Occitane brands after the acquisition." Nelson Tabia said.

   "Of course, we did not buy Clarins and L'Occitane to eliminate these brands, but to make them the flagship products of the new cosmetics group." Li Zhiwen said.

   "A new cosmetics group?" Nelson Tabia whispered suspiciously.

   "Yes, a new cosmetics group must be established, otherwise the Louis Vuitton Group will be too bloated after the acquisition of the Juyue Hennessy Wine Group."

   "So I plan to spin off the cosmetics business and establish a new Helena Group, and the cosmetics business in the Louis Vuitton Group will also belong to the Helena Group." Li Zhiwen said lightly.

   Nelson Tabiya was at a loss for a while. He never thought that he would shoot himself in the foot. Not only did he fail to expand his business, he also lost the group’s original cosmetics business.

   Nelson Tabia wanted to fight again, so he said: "Boss, Jennifer Lubingstein may not necessarily sell us the shares. At this time, we only have two brands, Clarins and L'Occitane."

   "And these two brands are still not well-known, will we wait until the Helena Group shares in Jennifer Lubingstein's hands, let's talk about it?"

   Nelson Tabia did not expect that Li Zhiwen and Jennifer Lubing Stan would finalize the share transfer when they met. He thought it would take longer.

   And here Nelson Tabia also has his own cleverness, put Clarins and L’Occitane under his own banner, and wait until the Helena Group is taken, and at that time, as long as Li Zhiwen's attitude is not tough, he can turn around.

   "No, I have signed a share transfer agreement with Jennifer Lubingstein the day before yesterday, and the shares of Helena Group in her hand have been transferred to me."

   "Yesterday Jennifer Lubingstein also introduced me to two Helena Group shareholders. These two shareholders hold 13.5% of the shares and I also took them."

   "So at this time, I hold 53.5% of Helena Group. We are the major shareholders of Helena Group." Li Zhiwen said lightly.

   Jennifer Lubingstein really struggled for a commission of two francs and one share. She used the business acumen she hadn't used for many years and successfully managed to sell the shares of Helena Group by two shareholders.

   When the two shareholders reacted and the transfer agreement had been signed, there was no alternative.

Fortunately, the two shareholders also know that there is absolutely no possibility of victory against Li Zhiwen at this time. After all, since Jennifer Lubingstein asked them to sell their shares, obviously their shares have also been sold. This is a disguised departure from Helena. The group is spreading the quagmire.

   Of course, it was not Li Zhiwen who came forward here, but Isabel Adjani came forward, adopting the identity of the CEO of the Louis Vuitton Group.

   The two did not doubt the identity of Isabel Adjani, after all, Jennifer Lubing Stan could not recognize who Isabel Adjani was from, but the two old critics came out as the glamorous and moving CEO.

   There are rumors in the outside world that Isabel Adjani has become the asceticism of the boss behind the Louis Vuitton Group. At this time, it seems that the outside rumors are not false.

   And Li Zhiwen asked Isabel Adjani to come forward, also in order to push Isabel Adjani to the front desk, on the other hand, let Isabel Adjani familiar with her and exercise her abilities.

   Nelson Tabiya heard Li Zhiwen's words, he knew that it was impossible, and he could only accept the reality, and then casually asked: "The boss, who is the president of the new Helena Group?"

  Although Li Zhiwen had not yet gone to the Helena Group headquarters to hold a shareholder meeting, but in the office, all three of them knew that the Helena Group's affairs were already fixed and could not run away.

   "Isha will come forward as the president of the new Helena Group, Nelson, Isha will enter the business world for the first time, you have to help her a lot," Li Zhiwen said.

   And Isabel Adjani on the side also said: "Mr. Tabia, I'm sorry to trouble you."

   Hearing Isabel Adjani's words, Nelson hurriedly said: "No trouble, no trouble, it should be, Miss Adjani can ask me any questions."

   Nelson Tabia was complaining in his heart. The boss was really confused. In order to please a woman, he even let a workplace like Isabel Adjani serve as the president of a large group.

   Nelson Tabiya also felt a lot better. From the view of Nelson Tabiya, Li Zhiwen's move was obviously not to divide his own rights, but to please Isabel Adjani.

   also sighed that Isabel Adjani was so lucky, and she lay down as the president of a large group after that trip. This status is not more powerful than being an actor.

   And Li Zhiwen wants this effect, which can reduce Nelson Tabia’s suspicion.

   And as for Li Zhiwen's words to let Nelson Tabia help Isabel Adjani, it is not casual.

   After all, the luxury goods industry is interlinked. Helena Group can cooperate with Louis Vuitton Group to stimulate consumption.

   For example, buying some high-end Louis Vuitton Group ~www.readwn.com~ giving away some Helena Group cosmetics activities will definitely attract consumers.

   or the Louis Vuitton Group can produce a series of clothing, bags and other products suitable for the Helena Group's cosmetic set series.

   This is definitely a practice of one plus one greater than two. If you make it bigger, the Louis Vuitton Group, Helena Group, the future watch group, and Victoria's Secret can sell a complete set of products together, which will definitely detonate the entire fashion industry.

   After all, only Li Zhiwen can make such a big move, and only Li Zhiwen can bring these groups together.

   "Nelson, there is one more thing you need to deal with at the moment," Li Zhiwen said.

   "Boss, you arrange!" Nelson Tabia said.

"At present, we hold 53.5% of the Helena Group shares, which has already reached the holding. So I need you and Isabel Adjani to go to the Helena Group headquarters to hold a general meeting of shareholders, abolish the board of directors, and elect a new board of directors to ensure Isabel Adjani’s success. Serve as the new president of Helena Group." Li Zhiwen said.

   "Don't worry, boss, leave this to me!" Nelson Tabia said.

   "In addition, we will do our best to acquire the shares of Helena Group, and we must privatize them all!" Li Zhiwen said.

   "I understand!" Nelson Tabia said.

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