Legend of Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 387: Lucheng Family Winery

The Bordeaux region is located in southwestern France. It is the capital of Aquitaine, the capital of Gironde, and the fourth largest city in France. It is located behind Paris, Lyon and Marseille and has unique climate and geographical conditions.

Facing the Atlantic Ocean to the west, the Gironde River flows slowly through Bordeaux. The maritime temperate climate makes the weather in Bordeaux always so gentle and smooth.

Grapes mature slowly in such an environment, and the climate with little change throughout the year is conducive to the production of complex and aged wines.

The Bordeaux region mainly produces red wine, which has a soft and elegant taste and is very feminine, so it has the title of "Queen of French Wine".

Bordeaux has many beautiful and well-preserved medieval castles, as well as many well-growing vineyards.

Because of this, Bordeaux is known as the World Wine Center. Every two years, the Bordeaux Wine Association organizes a grand international wine and spirits exhibition.

The Bordeaux Chamber of Commerce divides all wineries into five levels, and each Gironde wine producer is included in one of the levels.

There are a total of fifty-eight wineries in the Bordeaux region, of which there is one super first-class winery, Lusalus Winery.

Château Lusaluz is also known as Château Dijin. This winery is located on a small hill in the southernmost part of Bordeaux, the smallest of the wine-producing regions.

Five first-class wineries, Chateau Lafite, Chateau Latour, Chateau Hongyanrong, Chateau Margaux and Chateau Mouton.

In addition, Bordeaux has 12 second-tier wineries, 14 third-tier wineries, 14 fourth-tier wineries and 17 fifth-tier wineries.

Almost all the classified grape plantations come from Medoc, the only exception is the Hongyanrong Winery, which comes from Graf's legal appellation.

Of course, Li Zhiwen doesn't need to consider getting the super first-class winery Lusalus Château and the five first-class wineries in Bordeaux.

This kind of thing, without a certain social status and a certain opportunity, it is impossible to control these six famous villages.

This is also what Nelson Tabia meant to persuade Li Zhiwen to dispel the first-class famous estate.

Afterwards, Li Zhiwen identified the winery in front of him as the first winery of the Louis Vuitton Group in the Bordeaux region in the information collected.

Later, Nelson Tabia acquired the winery, Lucheng Family Manor, under the order of Li Zhiwen.

Luchen Family Manor is located in the Margaux Village of Medoc, Bordeaux, France. In the Médoc grading in 1855, Luchen Family Manor was ranked second.

The history of Luchen Family Manor can be traced back to 1661, and it has a history of more than 350 years. At that time, Pierre De Moshuluchen bought a piece of land in the Margaux area from the Geske family and built Luchen Manor on it, which was also the predecessor of Luchen Family Manor.

In 1692, Pierre died, his three sons inherited his estate in Margaux, and his daughter Teresa inherited the land of Pauillac. In the 18th century, Luchen Manor split into two independent wineries: one is Luchen Family Manor, and the other is Luxiange Castle, which is also a 1855 second-level chateau.

In the seventeenth century, Jean Rouchen, then Pierre's son, booked a ship full of wine, sailed confidently to London, docked on the banks of the Thames, and began to sell wine everywhere.

However, what is unsatisfactory is that the locals are not willing to buy his wine.

So, he opened the bottle and poured the first batch of wine into the river. After pouring several batches, the boatmen finally started buying wine because they didn't want to see such a good wine used to feed fish. Since then, the wines of Chateau Luxon have gradually been loved by the British people, and even the supply of them is in short supply.

Under the management of Luxon Family, the winery is in good operating condition and excellent in quality.

In 1787, the third US President Thomas Jefferson, who was then the US ambassador to France, visited Bordeaux. After tasting the wines of the Rouchen Family Estate, he admired the quality of the wines and ordered ten cases. It is believed that the Luxon Family Manor is undoubtedly the best in the second-level estate.

In 1866, Eugene Durandassi bought the winery from the Luchen family.

In 1956, a severe frost disaster destroyed many vines in the vineyards of the winery. Since then, the winery has changed hands several times, but nothing has improved.

No, Mitchell Aotejia, the current owner of the Lucheng Family Winery, still has no improvement in transforming the Lucheng Family Winery, and in the case of insufficient funds, he can only sell the Lucheng Family Winery. , After all, there is no improvement, no one can afford such a consumption.

The vineyard area of ​​Luchen Family Manor is approximately 72 hectares. The subsoil of the vineyard is mainly composed of clay and limestone. The color of the clay varies from blue gray to deep red, which helps to maintain the freshness of the grapes.

The top soil is dominated by gravel with good drainage. This delicate combination of subsoil and topsoil provides superior conditions for the growth of vines.

The door of such a second-level village opened today to welcome Li Zhiwen.

Mitchell Ottega led the family to greet the new owner of this place at the gate of the castle.

When Li Zhiwen appeared here, Mitchell Otega was very surprised.

During the negotiation, Mitchell Ottega knew that the person who acquired the Lucheng Family Manor was an authentic Frenchman.

This also leaves Mitchell Ottega with the last touch of happiness. At least this winery with a history of several hundred years can be passed on, and it is also possible to reproduce its glory again.

But today is an oriental face, which makes Mitchell Ottega very angry. According to Mitchell Ottega, the Orientals know what wine is.

So when Li Zhiwen walked to Mitchell Ottega ~www.readwn.com~ Mitchell Otega said angrily: "You liar, I will not give you the Lucheng Family Manor. , You will ruin the Lucheng Family Manor."

Li Zhiwen was boring when Mitchell Otega said that he didn't know what happened, but Li Zhiwen reacted immediately after years of high-ranking tolerance.

Li Zhiwen said: "Mr. Aotejia, it's useless for you to say this, you are no longer the master of this place."

"If I remember correctly, you have sold the manor here to the Louis Vuitton Group. Why didn't you say this when you collected 70 million US dollars? You are generous with other people’s property, and this place no longer belongs to you. So please disappear from the Lucheng Family Manor within three days, otherwise I will sue you for trespassing on someone else’s territory. This is a felony."

Since Mitchell Ottega is not polite, Li Zhiwen will naturally not get used to Mitchell Ottega. Besides, the transaction has been concluded, and if you say you regret it, then you regret it. How could that be possible.

"You wait, someone will take care of you." Mitchell Otega left the manor angrily after speaking, apparently looking for a helper.

And Li Zhiwen didn't care and walked straight into the castle, while Mitchell Ottega's family on the side were very confused and did not stop Li Zhiwen.

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