
0102 words

The cry that Custe uttered, manipulated by Ver and attacking Ray. It was about killing yourself and asking for Vel.

Ver, who was listening to the cry, leaks a laugh in unexpected ways.

"Come on, come on. Ah, ha, ha, ha! That Custe! Only pride as a nobleman is high, that Custe! You know, kill yourself on Ray that I hated so much! Hahaha. Hi-ha-hi-ha-hi-ha. No, no, no. Die laughing. Wah, flanks...... I see. Are you trying to kill me with a laugh? Well, then the plan is going to succeed!

Ver laughs out loud while holding his flank.

But Custe's gaze at Ray, who is avoiding, avoiding and preventing his attacks without even looking at him like that.

"... kill me. And fight him. If you were hired as Elaine's escort, take full responsibility for it!

Ray checks the surroundings while turning away only a few centimeters and avoiding the pieces of paper by aiming at the face.

There is still a fierce battle between Seto and the Golem a little further away. If you try it as a battle, you can say one step at a time, but the Golem shield was already worn out and at the same time there were a few scars on the Golem. In contrast, Seto is lightly damaged by the sword that the Golem waved ready to strike, but he is recovering the damage inflicted by the effect of Shizukuishi of Mercy, a magic item hung around his neck, from one end. It would be obvious which would be advantageous if we looked at them. However, the Golem, which still has no such thing as its own will, does only faintly what it is commanded to do, and there is nothing frightening about it because it has been hurt, and there is no head to think about things such as retreating and making an attitude.

(Seto's victory is definitive, but it will still take a while...)

The next thing I looked at was Elaine and Arla, who had lost their minds near the altar of inheritance and were falling into the magic formation.

It must be an influence forced to be interrupted in the middle of the ritual. There is no sign of ever waking up, even if there is a battle going on so close.

(Is this one hopeless, too? Then……)

The last time I turned my gaze as I leaped backwards was Custe. In the next moment, the blow of the tyranny of the demon spear of the water that Custe unleashed where Ray was until a moment ago passed.

"... okay?

It is difficult to avoid Custe and approach Ver, but it is not impossible. But given the power of the automatic defense provided by the tentacles that are stretching from Ver's nose, Custe, who was manipulated before he could finish Ver, turns to cover and ends up fighting two opponents. I have to stop Custe's movement first to avoid it, but as it is now manipulated, it won't be possible to stop the movement with some damage. I mean, seriously, we're gonna have to die or live or hit a critical blow.

"Whatever.... For the last time, I don't like you. You can say you hate me. You lack respect for your existence as an aristocrat, your language is coarse, and you do not know how to be polite. I think I'll be comfortable with Elaine."

He pokes his face as he opens his mouth, pays under his feet, and rips his torso off with a blade to return.

Prevent and evade those attacks with death sizes as ever, Ray listening to Custe's words as he does without them.

It's true that you don't like the spear man standing in front of you, but what you're currently putting out in your mouth is a word that could be Custe's last will. Decide it would be polite to listen to it until the end if you think about it, and listen to Custe's words while avoiding the attack.

"You're the one who hasn't got anything like that, but I have to admit only that strength. Anyway, you're beating me for not using a spear. And even though Ver manipulates me like this, he keeps trying to prevent me from attacking him with more physical abilities."

"Uh, are we still talking about boredom? If I'm free, I don't have anything to do with Elaine or Ara, right?

"Huh!?... So, shame on you, please! That shame that betrayed the trust of Elaine and also betrayed the kingdom of Mireana, my home country..."

"... Got it. Sleep first."

With words, the protruding spear tip is launched from the bottom in a death-size pattern.

Launched at a death size of more than 100 kg, Ray's demon spear, which is known among the Knights of the Duke of Kelp as one of the leading spears, is launched high into the sky and thrust into the ceiling. Then spin the kurli and death size one turn while in that launched position, letting the tip of the pattern touch the belly area still wrapped in the armor of Custe...

Bagang! and Custe blows up sounding sounds that aren't the kind of sounds people can make. Shot out of zero distance in a Death Size pattern, the torso portion of that full plate mail is completely shattered with the effect of a blow on the pigeon-tail portion it gave earlier, with fragments of armor scattered all over the floor.


I guess that blow was just as intense. Custe losing his mind with a groan ahead of him being blown away. It was Ray who thought for a moment in his head that he could attack even if he was lost his mind, as he did when he first attacked Ver, but now he kicks the ground toward Ver, who is looking at himself with a hellish grin when he can't miss that chance that Custe created by abandoning himself or begging himself to hate him.


That blow unleashed with the roar. A blow with sharpness, speed and strength strikes Ver as if even space were to be slashed and torn apart...

"I'm sorry to hear that!

What remained in Ray's hands with Ver's teasing words was neither the feeling of slashing and tearing meat, nor the feeling of crushing bones. Hands as if they crushed metal or stone.

"Golem, you say?

Ray accidentally puts out his mouth the identity of that slashed feeling. Yes, it was the golem that emerged from nowhere that took the blow of Death Size's death that was unleashed toward Ver. No, not from anywhere. Where that golem appeared from was well reflected in Ray's eyes. A pouch hanging from Ver's waist, that's where he showed up.

"Oh, surprised? Surprised after all? You didn't think I had a spatially expanded porch, did you? Well, if it's meant to be, it's not very much the Viscount's property, but it's a substitute that you can't afford."

Chirali, and Ray's gaze was directed at the figure of Elaine, who is losing her mind in front of the altar of inheritance. Its creased waist remains with a spatially expanded pouch that I saw the night before.

"Hmm? Too bad. This porch of mine didn't take Elaine's stuff or anything like that."

"... the Bestian Empire, huh"

"Well, do you understand?"

"Hmm, after you betrayed your homeland, the kingdom of Mireana, to the Bestian Empire, I guess the Bestian Empire is highly skilled in alchemy, given what's been going on. That giant camera-like chimera is the best of it all."

"Big right! I guess the Bestian Empire is equivalent if only at the level of alchemy compared to the magic city of Ozos.... Well, it still costs a lot to make a spatially expanded pouch. Besides, my porch has a pretty small storage capacity compared to Elaine's."

"Sounds like it."

Ray whines as he turns his gaze to the golem he just slashed and ripped.

At the end of that gaze was a golem that was smaller than a goblin. That golem has fallen on the spot after a death-size blow splitting his body in two parts, left and right.

(Elaine tells me that even when it comes to spatially expandable porches, it's the limit of a single tatami or a double tatami. Then there's no way you can keep that big golem in. In fact, the only thing that prevented my blow was the size of a goblin. I mean, there shouldn't be as many bills! Plus, most importantly, this guy has a lot of stuff to poke at me. Then I'd better take the lead in the fight)

Think that far in an instant, swinging a death-size reflexively at that moment when you see something moving at the edge of your vision. It was the tentacles stretching out of Ver's pocket that were cut off.

"Don't think an attack of that magnitude would lead to me!

Swing the death size wide, wrap up a few tentacles that are stretching and slap off a few.

Even though it is thought to be made of alchemy, it is not just enough to prevent the death size that wraps up magic. But...

"Whoa, that's right, Ray. It's definitely a Rank A level if you look at it just in terms of combat power."

Even though they continue to cut tentacles that are gradually stretching out of their nostalgia, Ver still has a grin on his mouth. However, at the next moment the grin changes from a grin that looks interesting to a niggling grin that a child with a successful prank floats.

"But come on... do you mind just me?


Ver's gaze. Understand what's in it for those with that gaze, play it together and jump big backwards with tentacles that are about to tangle in your body with a death-size pattern. That way, the tentacles and tentacles will grow again, but then the physical ability of the hair ray will prevail and the tentacles will grasp the sky.

At the end of the gaze pointed in the air is the figure of Elaine falling unconscious.... and a familiar little golem approaching there. This is the golem that defended Ver from the blow of Ray's death. It must have been destroyed by Death Size. Keep your head intact, the golem is approaching Elaine, though surely.

The reason the Golem is yowling would be because of the huge sword in its hand in addition to the head that is being destroyed.

No, that just looks like a giant sword because the little golem has it. It's actually just a normal long sword. Yes. A normal long sword that can kill people if you stab or slash them.


Ray kicking the ground. But the Golem has already lifted its long sword and is about to swing it down to Elaine's neck, who has passed out...

(Damn, I can't make it!?

I try to take the dagger out of the mystering and throw it with a golem on it, but that sword is already swung down...


A distressed voice that echoed at the same time that the tip of the sword pierced the meat called Zakuk. But the Lord of that voice is not Ray's anticipated Elaine's. Lower voice. Consciously listening to its distressed voice, Ray threw a dagger and flew away, slashing and tearing the sky. The dagger pierced the torso of the golem, and at the same time the golem, skewered by its impact, blows up and hits the wall, falling on the cobblestone like a broken toy.

And what came into Ray's sight after the Golem disappeared was the figure of Custe, who was so damaged that it could be said that he was dying from Ray's blow earlier. On its back is buried the tip of a long sword that has been swung down until it is half-baked. However, thanks to Custe, his body is standing on the cobblestone, not Elaine.


Ray screaming unintentionally.

Earlier, a blow that blew up Custe. It was probably a blow that could have been prevented if the plate mails hadn't even been smashed down by a powerful, extreme magic item called Death Size and Ray's out-of-the-way force.

"Guh, what are you... doing. Get Ver... talk to him!

Return your gaze to Ver, biting your lips for only a moment, to that voice that literally screamed blood out of your mouth.

"Eh, you're gonna stand up and protect your people and do some boring imitations"

"Magic Shield!

Ray uses Magic Shield, a death-size skill. At that moment one shield made of light is formed and floats around the ray.

"Apparently, you don't have any more tricky means left!

"Sure, it might be, but yeah, it's not gonna be easy for you to get hit."

Ray shrinks his time as he kicks the ground and wields a lot of magic through his death size. Multiple daggers are thrown toward that ray, but most of them evade with minimal movement of the body.

"It's not popular right now to tear or anything like that!

The intermission shrunk and the next thing to hit Ray was a tentacle stretching from Ver's nose. More than a dozen of those sharp cuts stretch through Ray's body. But...

"Out of the way!


Death size shaken off with Ray's temper sweeps away with tentacles wrapped together.

"Come on!"

I guess you just decided it was dangerous as it is. Ver quickly throws some kind of glass bottle removed from his hip pouch as he leaps backwards. That glass bottle flew to Ray while arguing...

"It's sweet!

Switch the Death Size to your left hand and catch that glass bottle with your empty right hand. Throw it right back toward Ver.


I guess I didn't know what happened now. He makes a noise and still tries to avoid noticing that his glass bottle has been thrown back...


Tentacles stretching from Ver's nostrils move on their own, intercepting that glass bottle.

Yes, the tentacles stretching from Ver's nostrils were created in alchemy, given the nature of automatically fighting back against the attack. Even if that attack is a sword, a spear, or a great sickle like Death Size.... and even if that was a glass bottle, it didn't change what I had to do. In other words, the sharp tip crushed the glass bottle coming towards Ver.

Or maybe if it was a regular glass bottle, it would have rolled onto the floor without crushing it. But what Ver threw now was something that was deliberately made to crack easily for throwing. What would have surprised Ver most about what happened now was Ray's amazing skill at not breaking it while accepting that glass bottle.

The glass bottle can be crushed. That means the liquid that was inside is going down to the vel.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Ver screaming in a decent bath of the liquid that was inside the glass bottle, suppressing its face. It was Ray who tried to shake down the death size at that moment when he stopped moving, but the moment he put Ver's face in his sight was ugly and melted away, the stunned, death-size waving orbit deviated...... it wasn't Ver's body, it was slashing its left arm off his shoulder.

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