
0189 words

Ray, Sazanas and Seto, who left the inn to see how the distillery was being kept, were proceeding through the city with Sazanas guidance.

Most people are still asleep because the vast majority of people who have not recovered their health, like the owners of the inns, even if they are using special effects of exorcism. Still, those whose sun was shallow since the onset of Devil's Fever were feeling completely better, and the number of people in the city was clearly higher than Ray saw yesterday.

Those people look at Ray and the others all the same… Seeing Seto to be precise gives them a surprising look, but most of them immediately smile and bow their heads.

Those who handed out the medicine know who brought the powder from the Aurani grass.

At the same time, the Deer logo instructed residents not to panic when they saw a monster they would never see in this city called Griffon.

"... so how many distilled liquor stores are there in this city?

Ray asks Sarzanas, who is guiding him through the front, rubbing his head and stroking Seto's head, which is sweetening.

In response to Ray's enquiry, Sasanas gently glanced over his shoulder and turned his gaze toward the wall covering the city to avoid the monsters.

"The biggest one is south of the city. There's one more to the east and one to the west. Those three are the big ones, and if there's nothing there, it's probably where I keep it personally."

"What are you doing imitating that nasty smell again? Maybe we should wrap it in one place."

"Well, you don't even know what's going on around there. I remember hearing that there are many conditions for aging alcohol and following it. In fact, each of those three places has a different taste."

"I see."

For Ray, who was only a regular country high school student until he came to Elgin, his knowledge of alcohol is only like what he saw on TV or some feature. Therefore, I could only snort to see if that was the case if it was explained to Sasanas.

Walk about 40 minutes as you speak to the public and eventually arrive at the south storage area.

Exactly where the city's specialties are kept, and the city's guards were firmly in front of its gates, but those two guards look at Sasanas and sound surprised.

"Mr. Southern!? What's wrong, in a place like this?"

"Come on, you don't have a place like this. Even if it's where we keep Barr's city specialties."

"... you can't just give it to me, can you? It's been checked to see how much is stored properly."

"Bullshit, you keep your jokes on track. I'm just here to find out what caused the epidemic of Devil's Fever in the city of Barr!

"Is it the cause of Devil's Fever? In a place like this?

One guard is pointing a suspicious gaze at Sasanas.

That gaze was a true representation of what Sasanas usually thought.

But a guard who wasn't dealing with Sasanas slaps his partner lightly on the shoulder.

"Hmm? What's up?

"Look, one and one behind Mr. Sasanas. Aren't you the one who brought me the powder from the Aurani grass you were talking about?

"... oh, sure. Mr Sarzanas, apparently the legitimacy of what Mr Sarzanas is saying has been acknowledged. Please come in."

Sasanas smiles nervously as he lifts a blood vessel up his forehead against a guard who tells him so lightly as if to return a flat hand.

"I finally know what you guys think of me. Looks like we're gonna need to get that assumption right in our next joint training."

"Oh, that's sloppy, Mr. Sasanas. Isn't it because Mr. Sasanas has caused so much trouble?"

"Huh? When did I do that?"

"Early last month, for example. You had a brawl with an adventurer who came to the city, didn't you?

"That's because you stopped that adventurer from getting tangled up in the city people!?

"Later last month, we had a drunken banquet with a blacksmith in the city."

"Oh, that's it. You've decided to marry the blacksmith's daughter."

"So there's no way the captain of the guard on duty is going to make a scene."

"Gu, gu..."

Sasanas can be blamed for being drawn out for fine events afterwards.

You just felt sorry for the way it went, Ray pinches his mouth with a bitter smile.

"I'm sorry, but can you let me in on this guy because I'm keeping a close eye on him? It's true that you want to proceed with the investigation of the fever."

"You can't help it. All right, Mr. Sasanas. Don't lose temptation and drink inside."

"… Copy"

Sasanas, who was glocky because of the guard's verbal reproach, walks into the open vault, waving gently and sighing.

To Ray, who then tried to follow, the guard, who until earlier had spoken of the disturbance in Sasanas, bows his head small.

"It may be a lot of trouble, but I'd like a amulet for Mr. Sasanas. Yeah, I can see it. I'm a hugger."

"... he said a lot for it?

"That's about right. It's also true that it causes a lot of noise."

Ray also smiles small again at the guard who is smiling bitterly and nods, entering the storage center for distilled liquor.

Along the way, the smell of wood barrels and the aging smell of distilled liquor entered Ray's nose.


I guess Seto did the same with that again. If you like alcohol, you can describe it as fragrant or aromatic, but it didn't smell very pleasant if you took it from Ray or Seto, who didn't like alcohol that much in the first place.

Look around with patience at the smell.

It is large enough to contain about five ordinary houses in the city, and there are stairs leading to the second floor.

"Well, Ray. So let's just split up and see if there's anything strange going on."

"... let me tell you something, don't really let the liquor out a little bit, huh? If you do that, you'll have to report it to the Alliance Master and the Lords."

"Don't let those lies fool you, too. Whatever it is, I know I'm not in the mood to look into it."

"I hope so. Somehow they're teaching you how to do what you do."

"Gu,... well, fine. Here we go. The second floor is narrower than the first, so I'll check upstairs. You and Seto ask for the first floor."


Did you call him? Sasanas quickly heads to the stairs, though he reaches out for a moment to Seto, who just turns his circular eyes toward Sasanas.

Seeing such hindsight, Ray and Seto began the investigation on the ground floor as soon as possible.

"... Seto, do you feel any strange magic?


Seto shaking his head at Ray's words.

(So, magic has nothing to do with it? I don't think it's strange if magic or anything is involved because it's called an exorcism.)

"I can't help it. Take a look around the tunnel."

A shadow of a place stacked in a barrel for aging, or perhaps going to add booze, an empty barrel yet. Alternatively, I went around to the repair work site, but there was nothing particularly unusual to discover.

"Um, don't you have one clue? No, you don't know that from what I've seen just here yet. I need to go around the other two."

As he sighs, he hears footsteps coming down the stairs leading to the second floor from Sasanas.

"We don't have a clue. That's... No, I don't think so."

"Oh. I don't think there's anything particularly odd about it. You couldn't find it in my eyes with less."


Don't forget about yourself, Ray stroking Ceto rubbing his head all the time.

"Right. If you can't find a suspicious place using the feeling of Seto, who is also a griffon, you can assume that there is nothing here."

"So what do we do? You want to go somewhere else?

"Right. If you don't have anything for now, you don't have anything, so let's do it. It should have been west or east to stay, but which is closer?

"Neither of them will change the distance, but if you dare to raise it closer, it's west."

"Then go west? Seto, we're going outside."


I guess I'm concerned about the smell of alcohol leaking slightly from the barrel of wood. Ceto sounds happily in the back of his throat, but he's going to go to another storage facility again, so it can only be temporary.

"Ah, Mr. Sasanas. You didn't steal or drink, did you?

That's what the guards told me as soon as I got out of storage to the surface, plain but snagging sasanas.

Watching how it goes, Ray just nods that he doesn't have to worry while smiling bitterly.

"Don't worry. Seto, the griffon there has a good nose. If you were drinking, you'd know in one shot."


What do you say! A set of chests all the time.

There is little majesty in a Rank A monster like that, and it may have looked like a bigger pet in one way or another.

Pets over 2m in length though.

"Ah, haha. Surely with such a strong watch, Mr. Sasanas can't steal or drink."

"What the hell do you think I am?... Well, fine. Look, we're going to the west vault."

"Oh.... you put in a lot of trouble"

"No. Fortunately, there are signs of convergence when it comes to demonic fever, but you can't be completely relieved if you don't know what caused it. Now, I'd like to ask you to investigate the case of Devil's Fever."

Dropped off by Pecori and two guards bowing their heads, Ray, Seto and Sasanas walk out toward the western storage center.

"You're quite admired."

"Really? Something seems to be licking me subtly. Well, I'm still attached to this city, that's fine."

If you keep walking for a while while while having a conversation like that, or asking Sasanas about the city of Bahr, you will see a building similar to the one in earlier storage.

"That one."

"Oh. West Depot.... If there's anything strange, I'd like you to find it here."

Whimpering, two guards eventually show up just like they did at the south depot when they headed toward the depot.

"Mr. Sarzanas? What's the matter, sir?

"It's an investigation into Devil's Fever.... Look, haven't you heard? This is the one who brought me the powder from the Aurani grass, Ray."

As Sasanas turns to Ray and Seto behind him, one of the guards approaches him with a smile on his face.

"You're Ray, that's you! No, I hear you delivered the medicine ingredients. Thanks for your help. My father was infected with Devil's Fever, too. The doctor told me that if it weren't for the ingredients you brought, it probably wouldn't have helped."

Ray, slightly overwhelmed but nodding small by a guard who wields while holding hands.

"Ah, oh. I'm glad you saved me.... So, as Sasanas said, we are currently looking for the cause of the sudden epidemic of Devil's Fever. There might be something in this vault, so can I take a peek?

"Yeah, of course. Just..."

Guards looking to Chirali and Sasanas. A little further away, the other guard is also sending sights similarly close to Zito's eyes to Sasanas.

(This guy, how bad the hell he's been)

Ray sighs at the way he is, and puts his hand on the guard's shoulder so that he can forgive him.

"Don't worry. 'Cause I'll keep an eye on you so you don't drink on your own."


"Absolutely, you... trust me a little bit..."

"Yes, sir. That's what Mr. Sasanas does on a daily basis."

and had the same interaction with the South Depository before going inside.

"Hmm, nothing in particular as far as what's going on around me... Seto?


I went upstairs to drop off Sasanas and look around the ground floor Ray. I ask Seto, who is walking next door, but he still doesn't feel anything like magic here, and he shakes his head small.

"Then... is the rest east? Uh, was it my overthought that there was something in the vault, after all? But there's no other way to guess."

Still, just in case, I looked around every corner at the ground floor part, but there was still no abnormality.

By that time, Sasanas would also come down from upstairs again and shake his head small.

"The only thing left after that is the eastern storage center,"

"Hey, could it be a perfect waste of foot?

"That being said, is there anything else that might lead us to?

"No, that's not..."

Leaving the vault, speaking of foolishness that cannot even be described as mutual stupidity, the guards escort us to the last remaining eastern vault.

In any case, there is nothing more motivating than an unsuccessful investigation. It was in that condition, but for the passive reason that there was nothing else to guess, we reached the eastern storage center...


As soon as we put that depository in sight, Seto makes a roar of vigilance.

"... apparently, just in case you hit the odds"

Ray also felt something he couldn't handle while putting the vault in his sight and squealed like that.

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