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Despite the huge series of trees surrounding the building, for some reason the clear light of the morning plunges in. The ambient air was also very clear in the morning. If anyone wanted to take a forest bath, this would be a great place.... if I could get this far, though.
Taking one step with Seto from such a building, Ray checks the surroundings.
"According to Zeppyre's knowledge, there is a junction around this building with a radius of about 100 meters..."
Seto nods at Ray's words.
"And if you take one step out of that juncture, it's already a paradise for demons.... Ready?
Switch the Death Size you were putting on your shoulder to your right hand so that you can always use it.
Seto roaring with a caged roar of war. One person and one person move on, even though they are counting on it. And after walking for about three minutes, I could see something like a thin membrane attached to the lab.
"Is that the juncture? I'm nervous about leaving... but if I don't get out here somehow, I'm gonna starve to death."
Yes, the food that was supposed to have been left for 10 days already poked the bottom at breakfast this morning. It was naturally Seto who was alert next to Ray and was acting to shelter Ray at any time, eating up just two days of food.
I would have liked to have left a few pieces of bread for myself in the woods, Ray, but my last bread is already in Seto's stomach because I lost to Seto, who wants bread with his sad eyes because of his hunger.
"... well, good. I need to get a job where I can make money as soon as I can, given my upcoming food bills. And then this place is, like, an adventurer or something?
According to Zeppyre's knowledge, an Adventurer's Guild exists, but if it's not an extra big city, it doesn't have a branch of the Guild. I mean, Seto and I have to go through these woods to the big city as soon as possible to earn our own food.
"If you're just going to think about Seto's meal, I guess you can take down the demon or whatever and eat that meat. Fortunately, Seto, a magical creature, eats more than a crowd, but he converts it all into magic and absorbs it into his body, so he doesn't have to worry about the bathroom."
However, in that case, the question also arises of what to do with Ray's cost of living. If you think about it without difficulty, there are ways to sell horn claws and skins that can be used for some ingredient in a part of Seto that you don't eat, but in the end, it's probably the best way to get out of this forest and go to a city with an Adventurer Alliance and act as an Adventurer. There's a chance you'll get paid separately.
Rei, once again cementing his determination, takes a step outside the juncture with Seto.
"Wow, you're serious"
As soon as I stepped outside the juncture, I felt the intense signs of the overwhelming creatures. Lingji lived in a rural town in the northeast before becoming Ray. Naturally there were mountains nearby and rivers. It's not so uncommon to see animals like rabbits and squirrels, deer, monkeys, foxes, foxes and pigs. If you go to the back of the mountain, you may even find a bear, albeit from a distance. However, many of the signs that Ray now feels were overwhelming compared to them.
"And that's the other world."
Plants such as trees and grass that cover the perimeter of the junction. Those were more of the first things to see for Ray, who lived with mountains just around the corner.
Start walking in the woods with Seto, breathing in the fresh air in the morning.
It's just been left alone for hundreds of years, and there's no road-like path. There are a large number of trees growing enough to look up, so the appropriate spacing is open, and it's not that hard to walk, but I still feel some narrowness if I try to make it a ceto that goes over 2m, and sometimes I roared in the back of my throat in frustration.
Seto rubs his face this way as he gently moves his wings. They want to fly and move through the skies with nothing to block them, not annoying ground.
I squeal like I'm telling you as I scratch that head with dust.
"Calm down. As I said yesterday, there are dragon species living in these woods, too. If you fly out of the sky, they'll make you a light breakfast."
Seto drops his shoulders snugly on Ray's words. The figure is large, but patience is still not enough because it is still the second day of life at any rate.
About 30 minutes after leaving the junction. Ray, wearing Slapenil shoes that would be like that in time but increase speed, and Seto, a griffon, were going through the woods at considerable speeds. In the meantime, Ray turned a blind eye to a tree that had something a little bit more like red fruit. Travel to the front of the tree and reach out to take the fruit growing from the tree into its hands.
"Hey, Seto. You think you can eat this?
Ask Seto with the red fruit of his fist, which also looks like an apple at first sight.
But naturally Seto could only tilt his neck without that discernment.
Ray stares at the red fruit with such a ceto. But soon I laugh at you for coming up with something.
"This is the time to use Zeppyre's knowledge."
Draw information on apple-like fruit in your hands from Zeppyre's knowledge.
"Clara Fruit"
A kind of fruit that is wooded. Its pulp is sweet and sour and delicious. However, if you find Clara's fruit because there are many warcraft and beasts who prefer the fruit because it is delicious, be careful around.
I read that description. Ray's face catches on.
"Shit. Seto, let's just get out of here. This fruit..."
He was Ray, who tried to leave the scene immediately, but he was looking at the right side of the woods one foot late and roaring like Seto was on guard.
"... was it too late? But, well, I can't help it if I say so. I want you to feed me and Seto."
Calmed as if he had switched consciousness in an instant, Ray stows the Clara fruit he had into mystering before setting up a death size.
I wasn't aware of him at all at that time, but there was no such thing as excessive fear or hesitation about the fight in Ray's mind.
"Okay, what's coming out? At least I'm glad it's not a demon, but a pig or something wild."
It was a hope that I couldn't even call such a hope, but betraying it and showing up snuggly looked like a bear about 2m long at first glance. But the kind of bear that wraps water around his fur would be more of a demon than a wildlife, no matter what he thinks.
For a few seconds, Ray and Seto stare at each other silently with the bear in front of them.
It is less than 2m in size, but feels bigger than Ceto for a minute that is bigger vertically. He had a disappointing body to see, and at the same time his fur was wrapped with water. They also have sharp, long nails stretched about 30 cm from both hands, giving them a sense of disastrousness. In my head, why doesn't the water fall off my fur? Ray thought so, but it was the water bear (tentatively) in front of him who broke the silence as a matter of course.
He crawled on all fours and attacked Ray and Seto with a roar that echoed all around him.
"Chi, do we have to do this? Seto, let's do it!
Copy that. Seto, who raised his sharp voice all the time, goes forward to intercept the water bear. Ray also builds Death Size again and continues thereafter.
Recognizing that the prey had come toward him without escaping, the water bear swings its sharp nails down to the ceto, also at the speed at which he moved while stripping out his fangs of what would be 10 cm.
Seto jumped that blow to the side and dodged it. Kick the tree that was growing ahead of you when you jumped and beat the eagle's sharp forefoot to the torso of the water bear who removed the attack under the guidelines of a triangle jump.
Ray, who confirmed the broken tree with a chilling noise because Seto scaffolded it, puts up a death size while smiling bitterly at Seto's power.... but in a way that puts out the pattern first, not the blade one. In any case, there are few places in this forest where you can swing a sickle 2 meters long freely. He therefore decided to use the patterned part like a spear.
The water bear, torn apart by Seto's hook paw, waves down its paw again as she raises her distressed voice to Seto.
Avoid that attack by jumping backwards. Off the attack, the water bear is out of balance... Ray sticks the Death Size pattern out towards the flank of the water bear as if it were going to poke through that gap!
A death-sized pattern penetrates the flank as if ignoring the wrapped water and fur of a water bear while making the dull noise of dossu.
While slightly frowning at the feeling of piercing the gnurry meat, Ray, who sees the water bear shake up its right nail, pulls the death-size pattern out to power and takes his distance before the blow of the auspicious arm is shaken off. The moment the pattern is unplugged, the water bear's blood spills slightly and sprinkles to the grass that grows around him, but the water bear waves down his vicious nails just because he doesn't care about that.
He was a water bear barked in surprise and exasperation, scratched like a small creature in front of him, but the wound was never small. However, if you consider the life force of a demon, it is not a fatal wound.
While observing such a water bear, Ray could not hide his inner surprise in his physical abilities. Anyway, it was only the patterned part of the sickle. Naturally, there's no blade there, so I didn't think the blow I fired was powerful enough to pierce the body of the water bear.
(They're more physically capable of this flesh than expected)
Whimpering inside, check on the water bear.
"... what?
But now it was Ray's turn to be surprised. The flank of the water bear, which should have been pierced by a pattern, is regenerating at a rate that I can see with my eyes when I wonder if it was covered with the wrapped water. The blood that was flowing from the water bear's flank wound in about 10 seconds when Ray was amazed and solidified stopped, and the wound itself disappeared.
"That's the demon... that means you'll have to do a lot of damage in one blow without giving him time to heal"
Turn your gaze toward the part of the chirali and death size blade, but I notice it there.
(Shit. You forgot you had the ability to increase the power of Death Size if you shed magic. Exactly nervous in the first fight...... nervous?
I thought that far and finally realized how nervous I was. I'm nervous, but there was nothing in the novel that made me nervous and my amateur not move too much.
(Is this also the fruit of fusion)
While I think of it that way, I watch how it goes with the water bear who is not sure which way to launch an attack on Ray or Seto.
(Death size is the most aggressive bill in the current situation, but it is difficult because there is not enough space to swing freely in this forest. awkward no matter what you think about using flaming magic in the woods)
Even while Ray was thinking in his head, one and two of Seto, Water Bear and Ray were glued together without being able to move in a detour.
If you try to be a water bear, if you attack Ceto, that ray will poke you through that gap, and vice versa, even if you attack Ray, Ceto will poke you through that gap.
If you try Ceto and Ray, you will recover enough blows to penetrate your flank in about 10 seconds, so it seems pointless to attack them in vain.
As a matter of fact, even if the water bears wrap themselves in the water, it drains magic if they use it to recover, as earlier, but this is what Ray in the first line didn't realize. There were still many ways I could have taken it if I had noticed it there.
Water bears and Seto are roaring at each other intimidating each other. Watching how it went, Ray was desperate to work his head off.
(What do you want me to do, shake it off with the part of the sickle through magic to some death-size? Perhaps the ability of this flesh could cut down the bear with the trees around it.... No, should imitation like that be a last resort? Or is there some other way... to prepare for a fire and use the magic of fire? That won't do. If you consider the size of this forest that you have drawn from your knowledge, it could be a fire that will not spill.... No, wait. Fire or fire magic? Death Size Pattern...... Huh!? Right!)
The idea came to mind, and Ray, summed up in an instant, spoke to Seto, who was staring at the water bear.
"Seto, I'm sorry, but you need to break that water bear's posture again, like you just did! When that happens, I'll do something about it!
Leave it to me, Seto, who rang so high, walks around to focus his water bear consciousness on himself.
The water bear also couldn't just throw that away, gradually deflecting his consciousness from Ray and concentrating on Seto.
How long would that have lasted? It was that confrontation that lasted a long time with Jirijiri if I tried it on Ray, but I guess it was actually a few minutes or something. Water bears bark high and can no longer tolerate glued conditions.
At the same time as its roar, the water that was attacking the water bear's fur rises and turns into three small water polo balloons in front of him. And in the next moment, that water polo is shot out toward Seto.
(Right here!)
To the state of the water bear and Seto, Ray, who decided this was the division of the battle, clutches the death-size pattern as he concentrates his consciousness and prepares to cast a spell at any time to watch where the battle goes.
Water polo released from the water bear as if to rip the sky, three of them. Having confirmed that, Seto tries to sew between the trees to narrow the distance from the water bear.
One of the water polo hits the tree that Seto shields and chooses the trunk of the tree.
Dodging a water polo that didn't decide Seto's head in an instant. Passing overhead, the water polo hits the tree behind it and sprinkles the water around with the trunk of the tree.
From laying low on the ground, use the spring all over your body to advance forward. Waterbears hang and rapidly pack the distance.
That condition is about to strike the water bear before the last water polo hits itself.
... like, it looked like a water bear. A water bear raises the roar of victory for it. But.
A water polo that changed course in the air and hit me right from the top with Seto's torso on it. The blow broke apart abruptly, as if blocked by something, just before hitting Seto's body.
A water bear who doesn't know what happened. That would be natural, too. I don't know that one of Seto's bracelets, the Windmill Bracelet, is limited to once every 10 hours, but it will disable all flying tools and attack magic. Hence.
Diving into the pocket of a water bear, Seto strikes a blow with his right forefoot as he roars up the foot of the water bear in front of him!
Water bears literally fall under their feet and fall on the spot. That was due to the strength increased by "Rigid Bracelet," another bracelet that Seto is wearing.
Believing in Seto, Ray, who was watching his way through, runs out toward the fallen water bear as he works out his magic and casts a spell the moment the water bear falls.
"O flame, thou art a serpent. So burn down your enemies as I please."
The magical caged spell rewrites the world. As a result, flames gather in Death Size, a magic activator...
Complete the final spell by poking the Death Size pattern again onto the back of the fallen water bear.
"Dancing, dancing, flaming snakes!
As soon as the spell is complete, the snake, made of flames emitted from the Death Size pattern, ascends as it burns the interior of the flesh from the back of the water bear to the head...
With a scream filled with fear and pain that burned his brain, the water bear collapsed to the spot as it was.
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