Legendary FBI Detective

Chapter 398: Discussions in the conference room, arrest plan

Chapter 398 Discussion in the conference room, arrest plan

 Special Investigation Team, conference room.

At the center of the whiteboard, there is a photo of a middle-aged white man wearing a black suit and wearing a federal standard smile with eight teeth.

“This is the guy we want to send to jail in this case.”

Luo An pointed at the guy in the photo and introduced to the agents in the conference room:

“Trewayne Sheffield, 39 years old, has a wife, Lonique Sheffield, and a son who is studying in a country outside the Commonwealth.

FBI internal database shows that Treveon Sheffield is a standard template for someone who started in the underworld.

At first, he led a few people to rob many banks and saved the first pot of gold. Later, he started selling drugs and smuggling. Instead of grabbing territory like ordinary gangsters, he continued to expand his legitimate industry and used the money to open wallets. The company helps itself launder money and make money. "

After Luo An finished the brief introduction, he turned his attention to Team Leader Cecilia from the Ministry of Justice. The other party was not polite when he saw this. He stood up and walked to the whiteboard, took the pen Luo An handed her, and continued to introduce:

“Treveon Sheffield is a guy who likes to make quick money.

 When faced with industry competition between companies, he often hired killers or asked his men to directly kill the other company's boss.

At the beginning, when Treveon-Sheffield's company lacked funds for expansion, this guy directly used kidnapping, extortion, and bank robbery to get money, laundered it, and injected the money into the company in batches.

  We have noticed Treveon Sheffield a long time ago and have sent undercover agents to him, but the other party is very cautious, and we have never been able to catch him..."

Team leader Cecilia from the Ministry of Justice was talking nonstop while holding the documents in hand. Luo An listened for a moment and finally figured out why they had not brought down each other for so long:

Not only does he rigidly implement federal laws and regulations, firmly believe in procedural justice and cannot find key evidence, he is also selfish and has no spirit of cooperation. He has always wanted to handle the Treveon-Sheffield case by himself and eat the cake himself.

If Luan hadn't led the special investigation team and first caught the killer Sampson who killed Judge Taylor Davis, Witness Club owner Hex, and juror Annette, Team Leader Cecilia of the Department of Justice would never have done it. Attend this meeting.

Even if she participated, Team Leader Cecilia would not say so much. She might even pass the document with 98% of the content blacked out to Roan and Elmer.

Thinking of this, Luo An looked at Team Leader Cecilia with prominent cheekbones, a hint of disdain in his eyes, and then looked at Team Leader Elmer sitting opposite him.

  After hearing Team Leader Cecilia say that the amount of money laundered by Treveon Sheffield over the years may exceed 100 million U.S. dollars, Team Leader Elmer's breathing quickened slightly.

 There is less than a month left until the Federation’s annual Christmas.

Every Christmas, the IRS conducts an internal comparison of work content in various aspects, and the good ones are promoted and the mediocre ones are demoted.

 When this case is resolved, Elmer feels that he may have the opportunity to take another step forward.

Team Leader Elmer subconsciously turned his head and looked at Luo An with joy in his eyes, only to find that Luo An first looked at Team Leader Cecilia who was talking eloquently in front of him, and then gave him a look. Elmer was stunned for a moment, and then handed over He gave Luo An a look back.

 The next second, the corners of the mouths of the two foxes, one old and one young, raised slightly. They both understood what the other meant:

The cake of this case is not small, and the leadership cannot be left to team leader Cecilia of the Ministry of Justice. We must first work together to squeeze her out, and then discuss which of them will take the lead.

So when Team Leader Cecilia, who was standing in front of the whiteboard, said that they had been investigating Trevion Sheffield for a long time, and that her investigation team would be responsible for the follow-up work, Team Leader Elmer immediately He stood up with a smile:

“Team Leader Cecilia, how about how to solve the Treveon-Sheffield case next? How about I tell you my plan?”


Team leader Cecilia had no reason to refuse. She nodded and left the whiteboard and walked back to her seat. Elmer coughed twice and said:

“What we can do next is, first of all, our IRS-CI (Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation) can bring Treveon Sheffield to us first…”

Elmer's plan is very simple. Just like how he solved the problem of Mafia boss Al Capone, he directly takes Treveon Sheffield to the IRS for a period of time, and keeps tossing him about tax issues so that he can't do anything. Focus on dealing with other things to achieve the purpose of cutting off his contact with the outside world.                                                                 Federal law stipulates that the IRS‐CI has the power to arrest people first and then provide evidence.

During this period, other law enforcement agencies took advantage of Trayvon Sheffield's men to panic, quickly searched for evidence, arrested and interrogated them, obtained key evidence from these people, and finally put Trayvon Sheffield in jail. .

 The plan is a bit old, but Elmer doesn't care. The routine is not new but effective, as long as it succeeds.

 After listening to Elmer’s description, team leader Cecilia, who had always wanted to take the initiative, shook her head and stood up, saying:

 “No, do this...”

“As expected of Team Leader Elmer, he was able to think of a solution to this case so quickly!”

Before team leader Cecilia could finish her words, Luo An stood up with a smile and applauded, interrupting her.

Elmer smiled slightly, and then he and Luo An quickly worked out a specific action plan together, without giving team leader Cecilia a chance to interrupt.


Team leader Cecilia, who has worked in the Ministry of Justice for so many years, is not a fool. She quickly realized that Luo An and Elmer had already privately discussed the matter of taking the lead in the case.

After making the plan with Elmer, Luo An smiled slightly, turned to look at Team Leader Cecilia, and asked with a smile:

“I wonder, Team Leader Cecilia, if you have any suggestions for this action plan?”

In view of the fact that the plan formulated by Luo An and Elmer together had a much higher success rate and faster efficiency than the plan he had drawn up before, Team Leader Cecilia glanced at the other agents in the conference room, took a deep breath and pressed down With the anger in his heart, he chose to suffer this secret loss and replied:


The plan drawn up by Roan and Elmer seems fair:

The IRS imprisoned Traywin-Sheffield, cut him off from the outside world for a short period of time, and investigated Traywin-Sheffield's tax issues.

 The Special Investigations Unit cordoned off Traywin Sheffield's companies and properties to arrest his associates and prevent anyone from leaving the Commonwealth or transferring funds.

Cecilia's investigative team from the Department of Justice holds a pile of evidence and is responsible for interrogating Trayvon Sheffield's men. The Special Investigation Team is assisting to quickly find out what can send Trayvon Sheffield to prison. key evidence.

Of course, as mentioned before, the action plan "looks" fair.

 Because one of the most important elements is not included in the plan, and that is how the harvest will be distributed after the case is over.

Most of the companies and funds in Treveon-Sheffield's hands were illegally obtained, and federal law enforcement agencies have the power to block and confiscate them afterwards.

Federal law enforcement has no need to operate them and will simply sell them to anyone willing to acquire them.

The vast majority of the money will be collected by the federal government, but the law enforcement team handling the case will also receive a small portion.

 How to divide this small part...

Roan and Elmer looked at each other, smiled, and turned to look at Team Leader Cecilia.

Team leader Cecilia from the Ministry of Justice: “…”

 (End of this chapter)

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