Legendary FBI Detective

Chapter 824: [Counterfeit Twenty Dollar Bill Case]

Chapter 824 [Counterfeit Twenty Dollar Bill Case]

 The FBI headquarters building in Washington, a temporarily borrowed office.

“The Trace Inspection Department discovered a new situation.”

Seeing Michelle say this with a serious face, Trick Kennedy was stunned for a moment. Roan frowned slightly and asked:

“Could it be that the guys everywhere who were hit by grenades weren’t Giannido the man with glasses?”

Michelle was stunned for a second when she heard this. After she realized what she was saying, she shook her head and walked to the side to get out of the way:

“That’s not the case. If the situation is specific, the agents from the Trace Inspection Section have already arrived. Let’s let them explain.”

Michelle opened the door, and two agents from the Trace Inspection Section, a man and a woman, walked in one after another. After entering the room, the two first said hello to Trick Kennedy:

 “Good afternoon, sir.”

Trick Kennedy nodded and asked directly:

 “What have you discovered? A new type of reading material?”

 “No, it has nothing to do with the reading.”

  The female agent put the briefcase she carried on the table and slowly took out a transparent evidence bag from it. The transparent evidence bag contained a twenty-dollar bill.

 “Twenty dollars?”

Trick Kennedy frowned slightly, took the evidence bag and examined it carefully. Luo An quickly understood and asked:

 “Is this counterfeit money?”

 “That’s right.”

The female detective from the Trace Inspection Section nodded with a serious face and introduced:

“Captain Luo An, your operation ended last night. At first, our Trace Inspection Section only found the reading materials downstairs in those warehouses.

This morning, one of our detectives accidentally discovered a secret room in an underground casino belonging to the Giannido gang.

 In addition to some chips and some necessary cheating equipment for casinos, there was more than half a million dollars in the secret room. We thought that the money was the casino's gambling funds.

 After careful inspection, it was discovered that only $40,000 of the $540,000 was genuine, and the remaining $500,000 were counterfeit bills with a face value of $20. "

“Fake banknotes totaling half a million dollars?!”

After the introduction of the female agent, Trick Kennedy's face darkened instantly. Luo An's expression remained unchanged and he asked:

 “What’s the style of the counterfeit money?”

The male detective next to him had a solemn face and said seriously:

“It is very similar to real banknotes and is almost impossible for ordinary people to identify without relying on banknote verification equipment.

 Even without careful inspection, we almost didn’t find the problem in the first place. "

 The male agent then took out a folder from his briefcase and said in a deep voice:

“In addition, there was also a counterfeit money case in California three years ago.

The counterfeit currency in this counterfeit case was also twenty dollars, with the same skill and skill, making it difficult for ordinary people to distinguish.

However, the total amount of counterfeit banknotes in that case was not large, and the total amount did not exceed one hundred US dollars.

 For some reasons, the case was not solved and there were not many clues. Only a few counterfeit banknotes at the time were preserved. "

Trick Kennedy was still looking at the counterfeit banknote carefully and found nothing wrong at all. Luo An reached out to take the folder and asked while checking:

“Are you sure that the counterfeit money we found today and the counterfeit money found in California three years ago were made by the same people?”

 The male detective shook his head and explained:

“We are not sure at the moment. The Trace Inspection Department’s research on counterfeit banknotes is not very deep. It’s just that the production technology of both is very high, so we have this suspicion.”

 “OK, thank you for your hard work.”

After a brief discussion, the male and female detectives from the Trace Inspection Section turned and left the office, while Luo An left the folder and a counterfeit banknote behind.

Looking at the counterfeit banknote in Luo An's hand, Trick Kennedy frowned and asked in a serious voice: "Luo An, what do you think about these counterfeit banknotes?"

“There are very few clues at hand, and I haven’t thought of anything yet.”

Luo An picked up the counterfeit banknote and looked at the sun, but found nothing wrong with it. He even felt no abnormality in the hand. He was silent for a while, then raised his eyebrows and said with a smile:

“Sir, I will contact the state of California later and ask someone to retrieve the counterfeit money from three years ago.

Then I plan to invite some currency experts to check whether the counterfeit banknotes from that year and our newly discovered counterfeit banknotes are made in the same way.

However, I don’t know many people who are currency experts, and I hope the superior can provide some help. "

"no problem!"

Trick Kennedy smiled and nodded, and agreed without hesitation.

 After a brief discussion, Trick Kennedy frowned and left the office first. He thought that the gang and the book seller would be captured and the case would be over. Unexpectedly, there would be new discoveries later.

After thinking for a few seconds, Luo An also walked out of the office. After listening to Luo An's introduction, all the agents in the office area looked at each other. They also did not expect that counterfeit banknotes would be found in the casino.

Taken the counterfeit banknote and looked it up and down carefully for a long time, Lacey's face was full of doubts:

"Luo An, are you sure this is a counterfeit banknote? It seems to be no different from the real banknote. Could it be that the Trace Inspection Department made a mistake?"

Chenelle rolled her eyes at Lacey, reached out and grabbed the twenty dollars, checked carefully for a few seconds, and found nothing wrong, and said with a strange expression:

“There’s nothing wrong with the watermark, texture, and feel...Which group has such great technology? It really doesn’t look like fake banknotes.”

 “Show me again.”

 Lacie once again reached out and snatched the counterfeit money:

“This is the first time I have seen such a real counterfeit banknote. The other person is really awesome.”

 “Don’t grab it, it’s the first time I’ve seen it too!”

Chenelle and Lacey started to quarrel like this. Mona glanced at them and didn't bother to talk to them. She looked at Roan and asked:

 “Luo An, what should we do next?”

Luo An picked up the coffee, took a sip, and said with a smile:

“No rush, let’s deal with the flour downstairs first, as well as the book sellers and gang members temporarily imprisoned in the prison, and then investigate this counterfeit money case.”

This counterfeit banknote case happened suddenly, and no one expected it. In addition, the nature of the counterfeit banknote case determined that the investigation of it would definitely take a lot of time, so Trick Kennedy was not in a hurry, and Luo An was also prepared to go ahead. Let’s deal with the case at hand first.


Luo An's eyes moved slightly, and he suddenly remembered the information in the folder. He clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention and said:

“When interrogating the criminals under Giannido these days, I would like to ask if any of them know where the counterfeit banknotes came from, and try to get some clues.”


"no problem!"

All the detectives nodded in agreement, chatted and laughed for a while, and then began to handle the follow-up work of the case again.

Not long after, the press conference officially started downstairs. The media did not see Roan Greenwood, the team leader they most wanted to see, and they all looked disappointed. The originally warm atmosphere at the scene was reduced a lot.

Trick Kennedy was quite speechless standing in front of the media, but in the office upstairs, Luo An was in a good mood.

 In the office, Luo An closed his eyes tightly and pretended to rest, but in fact he was checking the light blue system page in his mind.

After the [Polonium 210 Case], Luo An experienced the [Murder Case of the Toy Company President’s Granddaughter] brought to his doorstep by the murderer himself; the [Throat Cutting and Footprint Death Case] ​​related to the Trial Process Church; and the murder of a couple while reading. A small case evolved into the "Balloon Case" that wiped out three gangs.

After the [Lieutenant Governor’s Heart Transplant Murder Case], Luo An discovered that the more treasure boxes he accumulated, the higher the probability of finding the medicine he wanted later.

 Taking a few deep breaths, Luo An's spirit moved slightly and he opened the first treasure box.

 (End of this chapter)

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