Legendary Godfather

254: Rodgers was also fired and resigned by Crystal Palace.

Won, Crystal Palace finally won!

They defeated Liverpool away at Anfield, which was beyond many people's expectations.

The Liverpool fans at the scene did not expect it, and their faces were very ugly.

Then, then the Liverpool fans erupted!

The Liverpool fans uniformly shouted "Rogers, out! Rogers, get out! Rogers, get out of class!"

Yes, Liverpool fans vented all their anger on Rodgers.

You Rogers are a piece of shit!

You can't even beat the Crystal Palace team led by Campbell, so why do you have the dignity to stay in the coaching position of Liverpool?

Get out, get out of class is over!

There are even many extreme Liverpool fans who want to jump into the stadium to argue with Rogers and let him see what Wing Chun means!

Fortunately, there were many security personnel at the scene and they were focused, so these guys were not allowed to break through the defense line, rush into the stadium, and cause a riot.

Rogers was instantly stunned when he heard such a cry.

Then, Rogers sighed, losing all his energy, as if he had aged several years all of a sudden.

The Liverpool players on the field buried their heads one after another, left the field in dejection and rushed into the locker room to take refuge!

This game really made them unable to hold their heads high.

The media reporters at the scene were also in a state of confusion. They did not expect that Crystal Palace could win this game. This guy Campbell actually won such a critical and difficult battle. Campbell stood up.

Campbell is awesome!

This victory is very, very important for Crystal Palace.

This is almost the focus of Crystal Palace's attempt to defend the Premier League title. If they lose this game, Crystal Palace will basically bid farewell to the Premier League title this season. After winning this game, Crystal Palace is taking the initiative into its own hands.

This game is likely to determine the Premier League championship this season!

The media reporters all stared at Campbell, with disbelief on their faces.

Campbell rushed into the stadium excitedly, ran around the stadium, and then hugged the Liverpool players one by one to thank them for their efforts in this game. Without these players, there would be no victory in today's game. Long live the players of Crystal Palace!

At this time, the Crystal Palace people also had to know that the Chelsea people actually lost in this round of the game.

This moment made the people of Crystal Palace celebrate.

This is simply a double happiness!

Crystal Palace got three points and Chelsea lost three points. It was simply a six-point game.

In this round of competition, Crystal Palace was chasing 6 points.

This is really great, an unexpected surprise


The Crystal Palace players immediately cheered and even sang and danced in Anfield Stadium, which aroused the disgust of Liverpool fans. Countless Liverpool fans at the scene wildly cursed and criticized the Crystal Palace players. The Crystal Palace players didn't care at all and celebrated excitedly.

Champions, their Crystal Palace will defend their Premier League title this season.

Long live Crystal Palace!

Some even shouted "Long live Campbell".

Campbell was very excited and very happy, and then he immediately turned around and hugged his colleagues one by one.

They were also filled with emotions!

This season, Crystal Palace has really had its ups and downs. I didn't expect that they would actually accomplish such a feat near the end of the season. He would have the opportunity to counterattack Chelsea and defend the Premier League championship this season.

They were very excited.

Campbell looked up to the sky excitedly and roared, "Thank you boss! Thank you Huaxia Tong!"

Without Tong Yi's guidance, Campbell might not be able to lead the team to victory in this game. He really has to thank Tong Yi. This game will definitely be a highlight on Campbell's resume, and it will definitely affect his future coaching career.

Thank you Tong Yi for your help, thank you for your trust, thank you for your training!

Without Tong Yi, Campbell would not be where he is today.

Now, Campbell is very lucky. Fortunately, he did not refuse Tong Yi's invitation because of money and went to the English League Two team Notts County on loan. He was glad that he had made the right choice and followed Tong Yi to Germany. Otherwise, where is Campbell now?

Campbell was so excited that tears came to his eyes!

At the post-game press conference, Campbell was still very excited.

Of course, compared to Campbell's excitement, Rogers seemed unusually calm.

To be honest, none of the media reporters at the scene expected Rogers to be so calm at this time. It was unnaturally calm. Even Campbell couldn't help but look at Rogers a few more times.

Rogers immediately said, "First of all, I want to say congratulations to Crystal Palace. Congratulations to them for winning this game. Congratulations to Campbell. His current coaching ability is very good."

Campbell looked at Rogers humbly and nodded.

Rogers continued, "The biggest reason why our Liverpool lost in this game was me. In this game, I misjudged the strength and status of Crystal Palace, and also misjudged Campbell's ability. Before the game, it was indeed I underestimated Crystal Palace a little bit, and the entire responsibility for losing this game lies with me!”


Reporters and fans nodded, it was indeed the case.

In this game, Rogers really underestimated Campbell and the others. Otherwise, Liverpool would not have played like this in this game!

This guy Campbell is really confusing.

Rogers paused and then said, "So, I have made a decision here. After the end of this season, I will no longer continue to coach the Liverpool team. I resign! Someone must stand up and take responsibility for Liverpool's poor results this season, and this It has to be me! I am very grateful to the club's senior management for their support during this period, and also to the players for their trust in me. I am very sorry that I have let you down." .??.??


Like a missile exploding in the sea, the waves suddenly became angry and the mountains and rivers shook!

Everyone was shocked!

Although they are all speculating that it is impossible for Rogers to stay in Liverpool, Rogers is likely to be fired by Liverpool soon. But they really didn't expect that Rogers would resign himself.

This is so unexpected!

Campbell was also shocked. He immediately turned to look at Rogers, his eyes wide.

Rogers didn't speak any more, stood up and left.

Seeing Rogers leaving, everyone was stunned and speechless for a long time.

Campbell didn't expect it either, and was still a little confused at this time. But seeing everyone looking at him, he knew that the next moment would be his.

After playing with the microphone and clearing his throat, Campbell said, "To be honest, this news is so sudden. I didn't expect Mr. Rogers to resign. This is really surprising." .”

The media reporters also nodded one after another, which is indeed surprising.

Campbell continued, "Actually, Mr. Rogers is still very good, and his coaching ability and results are not particularly bad. This season, their lineup is indeed incomplete, especially Lovren's serious injury, which has a great impact on him. Big. So, I don't think Liverpool... I don't think the blame is all on Rodgers."

The media reporters nodded like garlic, and Campbell was simply their mouthpiece, speaking their minds.

Campbell continued: "Seriously, it's a pity that Rodgers left Liverpool!"

The media reporters also nodded wildly, it is indeed true!

The scene was silent for a while, and then Campbell said, "Of course, I am very excited and excited now. Today we got a very, very important victory at Crystal Palace. These are all the work of my players, and even more so." The credit goes to our boss Mr. David. Without his guidance, it would be difficult for me to lead the team to victory in this game. Everything is the credit of our boss.”

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The media reporters laughed one after another. Campbell, this guy, knows how to work in the workplace. If such a person fails, who will succeed?

Campbell smiled bitterly. He was not flattering. This was what he said in his heart, but few people believed it.

Campbell continued, "To be honest, Liverpool also caused us a lot of trouble in this game. If we hadn't been slightly luckier, the outcome of this game would have been unknown. I'm glad we got this win." For the victory in this game, I am very grateful to my players for their dedication and hard work. They are the heroes and they are the key to victory."

Bang bang bang!

The media reporters at the scene gave Campbell applause one after another. This guy Campbell has no stage fright at all!

At this time, Campbell was asked about Chelsea's loss.

Campbell said, "This is really something we didn't expect. Chelsea actually lost. It's unbelievable! Of course, this is also an opportunity for us to attack. Now that the opportunity arises, we will definitely seize it with all our strength. In the next game, we at Crystal Palace will definitely We will go all out and we will definitely defend our Premier League title this season.”

The media reporters nodded one after another.

In their view, the initiative is now back in the hands of the Crystal Palace people. If the Crystal Palace people do not make mistakes like the Chelsea people and ruin the good situation, the Premier League championship this season should belong to the Crystal Palace people. .

After the 37th round of the 2014-2015 Premier League season, the standings are as follows

Ranked first is still Chelsea, with a record of 24 wins, 9 draws and 4 losses, and 81 points.

The second-ranked team is still Crystal Palace. Their record is 25 wins, 4 draws and 7 losses, with 79 points.

The third-ranked team became Manchester City. Their record was 22 wins, 7 draws and 8 losses, with 73 points.

Ranked fourth is Arsenal, with a record of 20 wins, 9 draws and 8 losses, with 69 points.

Ranked fifth is still Manchester United, with a record of 19 wins, 9 draws and 9 losses, with 66 points.

Ranked sixth is still Liverpool, with a record of 17 wins, 8 draws and 12 losses, with 59 points.

Tottenham Hotspur, ranked seventh, has a record of 17 wins, 7 draws and 13 losses, with 58 points.

Ranked eighth is Southampton, with a record of 17 wins, 6 draws and 14 losses, with 57 points.

The 20th-ranked Queens Park Rangers have a record of 8 wins, 6 draws and 23 losses, with 30 points.

Currently, Crystal Palace is only 2 points behind Chelsea in one round less, so as long as Crystal Palace gets three points in the next round of make-up games, they will overtake Chelsea and reach the top of the Premier League.

Crystal Palace is about to fight back and defend its Premier League title.

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