Legendary Godfather

468: Do you dare not give me a red card?


Liverpool overtakes!

The Liverpool fans at the scene were in a frenzy and danced wildly. They started dancing all kinds of dances, including seaweed dances, square dances, and other dances.

Champions, we Liverpool are champions!

Some Liverpool fans even began to mock and humiliate Crystal Palace, making all kinds of humiliating gestures.

Today, the new kings of Wembley are us, Liverpool.

Crystal Palace people, just watch us win the League Cup.

Firmino, who scored the goal, was also very excited. He turned around excitedly and quickly rushed to the sideline. He made a passionate and wanton slide, which caused the Liverpool fans at the scene to scream wildly.

Two to one, it was like they had won the championship.

The Crystal Palace players didn't pay much attention. ??

After all, it was only two to one, and there was still the entire second half of the game, so why panic?

However, when the second half of the game just started, the Crystal Palace players were really panicked.

Because just three minutes into the second half, Crystal Palace's super rookie center Ignacio, a strong contender for the Premier League's top scorer this season, was injured.

Not only the Crystal Palace players were panicked, but even Tong Yi was a little panicked!

Ignacio cannot be injured.

This is one of Crystal Palace's offensive strengths this season.

Tong Yi immediately asked Wagner to go see what happened to Ignacio immediately? He really didn't want Ignacio to get hurt. But it's difficult. The situation just now should be inevitable.

Just now, Crystal Palace launched a rapid attack.

After midfielder De Bruyne intercepted the ball, he immediately sent the football to the feet of Ignacio at the front of the penalty area. At this time, Liverpool's defense had not yet reacted and was a little panicked. At this time, if Ignacio turns around, he will go directly into the penalty area to face the goalkeeper.

Therefore, when Ignacio stopped and turned around, a somewhat panicked Zhan directly shoveled it diagonally from behind. He did not shovel the ball, but directly shoveled it and hooked Ignacio's right leg. Zhan instantly fell to the ground and directly pinned Ignacio's right leg, which was a little deformed.

Moreover, all the strength of Zhan's huge body was pressed against Ignacio's legs.


It’s hard not to be seriously injured!

That's why the Crystal Palace players are so panicked now.

Therefore, Tong Yi was panicked!


Tong Yi was really scared.

Tong Yi was really afraid that Ignacio's leg would be seriously injured. You have to know that there have been many broken legs in the previous Premier League. The scene was so similar now that Tong Yi was a little frightened.


Ignacio is still so young, barely 20 years old.

If Ignacio breaks his leg at this time, the impact on his career will be inestimable.

It is even possible to retire directly.

Tong Yi was really worried.

All the Crystal Palace fans at the scene were also very worried. Their faces were also full of panic. Many people held their heads and faces with their hands, in disbelief and extremely worried.

Ignacio, nothing can happen to you!

To be honest, Zhan is also a little confused!

He himself did not expect that such a situation would result, and his face was full of worry. He wanted to see Ignacio, but Asensio pushed him away angrily. The players of Asensio and Crystal Palace were very angry, very angry, and their faces were very ugly.

If the referee hadn't been watching, they would have really wanted to teach Zhan a lesson.

The Liverpool players also immediately gathered around and pulled Zhan away for protection. At this time, James will undoubtedly anger the Crystal Palace players. In order not to intensify the conflict, the Liverpool people naturally wanted to pull Zhan away.

Wagner took one look at Ignacio's injury and frowned. He immediately reached out to signal to his assistant Dephne. Daphne immediately made a substitution to Tong Yi on the sidelines, and Ignacio could no longer hold on.

Seeing this action, Tong Yi's heart skipped a beat.


Ignacio won't be seriously injured, right?

Tong Yi immediately turned around and motioned to Beckham to let Balotelli warm up. Beckham also came to Balotelli with a serious face and motioned for Balotelli to warm up.

Balotelli quickly took off his jacket and went to warm up.

Two minutes later, Ignacio was carried directly into an ambulance and left the field, and Balotelli was replaced.

The Crystal Palace fans at the scene were madly cursing the Liverpool players and James.

The Liverpool players came to Zhan's side one after another, reached out and patted Zhan on the shoulder, telling Zhan not to think too much and just play seriously. In this game, Liverpool really relied on James, but they must not be without James.

Yes, after James goes down, the only choice is to let Lucas Leiva play as a central defender.

Yellow card!

The referee showed Zhan a yellow card.

This moment angered the Crystal Palace fans, who cursed the referee crazily and shouted a black whistle! Is it true that there are people within the FA who don't like Crystal Palace and Tong Yi and don't want to see Crystal Palace win the championship? Have you started this again?

This sent Ignacio to the hospital. Isn't this a red card?

James, this guy shoveled Ignacio from behind. He didn't shovel the football at all, but directly hit the person. Shouldn't he be given a red card? Isn't this a red card move?

Even if you don’t give a red card, do you want all the players to imitate James and tackle their opponents like crazy?

The Crystal Palace fans at the scene roared crazily, "Anyway, you don't get a red card for shoveling people, water!"

The soldiers of Crystal Palace shovel the rubbish in Liverpool to death, shovel, shovel, shovel people! "

Upon hearing this shout, the referee's face darkened instantly.

To be honest, the referee also realized at this time that his penalty was a bit wrong. This is indeed a red card that should be shown, but he has already shown a yellow card. If the decision is changed at this time, it will be a bit of a loss.

Therefore, the referee had no choice but to admit it.

Hearing such shouts, the referee was extremely angry!

He immediately signaled Crystal Palace to take the free kick and let the game begin!

But the Crystal Palace players were very dissatisfied and stared at him. The referee could only urge the Crystal Palace players to serve quickly. If they didn't serve, he would blow the whistle to end the game on the grounds that the Crystal Palace players were on strike.

The people from Crystal Palace were now ready to take the free kick.

The Crystal Palace fans gave up and cursed the referee wildly.

At this time, the Liverpool fans were dancing very happily and taunting the Crystal Palace people crazily. Debase the Crystal Palace people to nothing and humiliate them crazily. ??

Isn’t your Crystal Palace very popular?

Isn’t your Crystal Palace amazing?

No matter how powerful you are, you still have to be stepped on and rubbed under our feet by Liverpool!

This game is over for Crystal Palace! We, Liverpool, must win this game, and we, Liverpool, must win the championship! Your Ignacio has been fucked, how could you win over our Liverpool?

Without Ignacio, you Crystal Palace are nothing.

Liverpool fans became excited and arrogant when they saw Ignacio retired from injury. They believe that without Ignacio, your Crystal Palace will not have any threat and combat effectiveness. They, Liverpool, will definitely win this game.

Therefore, the Liverpool fans really seized the opportunity and crazily humiliated the Crystal Palace fans. All kinds of ugly words were poured into the Crystal Palace fans. They even flocked to the Crystal Palace players to influence the mentality of the Crystal Palace players.

After all, the feud between Liverpool and Crystal Palace is very deep, and there have been many bloody incidents between fans of the two teams. In the words of Liverpool fans, Crystal Palace is as much a mortal enemy as Everton.

Before this, Crystal Palace had been crushing them, and they had long been holding back their anger.

Today they finally found a chance to vent. Naturally, they were very excited and crazy. They released the demons that had been trapped in their hearts for a long time and wreaked havoc on the people of the Crystal Palace.

Severely humiliate the people of Crystal Palace!

In this game, the champion must be our Liverpool. Crystal Palace guys, you're screwed.

Liverpool fans also called on Liverpool players to attack crazily, crush Crystal Palace well, and grind the Crystal Palace players to the ground.

Today is their revenge day for Liverpool!

The faces of the media reporters in the stands changed drastically when they heard these vicious words. These sharp objects

Pu fans are really crazy. To be honest, this ball should be given a red card. If a red card is given, this game will really be over for Liverpool.

These Liverpool fans are really terrible.

The Crystal Palace fans were very angry. They were very angry and fought back crazily.

Even without Ignacio, we can beat you Liverpool. It's too easy to beat you, Liverpool. Don't be arrogant. Let's see how our Crystal Palace brutally tortures you, Liverpool.

This championship still belongs to our Crystal Palace.

Free kick!

Crystal Palace won a free kick at the edge of the penalty area.

De Bruyne stood in front of the football.

To be honest, this threat is still very big. After all, De Bruyne's footwork is very famous and very powerful.

Now Liverpool's goalkeeper Mignolet is very worried at this time. De Bruyne's footwork is really very powerful. He himself has no confidence that he will be able to stop De Bruyne's direct will. Ball.

However, Liverpool fans are full of confidence. In their eyes, De Bruyne is not a concern at all.

The Crystal Palace fans shouted in unison, they believed in De Bruyne.


The referee immediately blew the whistle to start the game.

De Bruyne took a deep breath and stared at the upper right corner of Liverpool's goal.

In front of the goal, Mignolet was intimidated by De Bruyne's eyes.

At this moment, De Bruyne quickly took a run-up and hit the football hard with his kick. The football shot out quickly, flew over the head of James who jumped up, and then drew an arc, directly Rounded into the upper right corner of the goal.

Mignolet flew sideways immediately. He was sure it was from this angle, but he did not touch the football at all. The football flew quickly into the upper right corner of the Liverpool goal.

All the Liverpool fans in the audience were instantly silenced!

All the Liverpool fans in the audience seemed to have been choked by someone in an instant. They had been howling crazily just now, but they could no longer make any sound in an instant.

Everyone in Liverpool was shocked!

how come?

De Bruyne, who scored the goal, was very excited. He immediately turned around and rushed towards the stands where the Liverpool fans gathered. He raised his fists and stared at the Liverpool fans fiercely. The Liverpool fans were all stunned by De Bruyne's eyes. scared.


The Liverpool fans who reacted instantly booed crazily and criticized De Bruyne crazily.

You damn guy dares to provoke us. Do you not want to live anymore?

Liverpool fans cursed De Bruyne wildly, and some even spat at De Bruyne. They were so impatient that they almost didn't rush down. Then they were taken away by the security personnel at the scene and sent to prison.

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