Legendary Godfather

229: The key game that will determine the championship

Chelsea fans are very happy about such a big thing happening recently at Crystal Palace Football Club.

This is simply God helping Chelsea!

The probability of Chelsea winning this game is very high.

Even Chelsea fans hope that this incident will become more serious. It is best to let Crystal Palace sink completely from now on, so that no team can affect Chelsea this season, and Chelsea will definitely be able to win the championship. .??.

Chelsea people are happy and excited now.

Chelsea must win this game!

Of course, at this time there were also many media reporters who came to interview Chelsea personnel.

Chelsea forward Costa was interviewed by media reporters. He said, "I don't know Ignacio very well. I have no dealings with him. I don't know what kind of person he is, so I don't know much about him." I don’t understand what he did! But I am very familiar with my mentor Tong. He is a very upright and outstanding person. This matter has nothing to do with him or Crystal Palace. This is entirely the behavior of Ignacio alone. Ignacio should pay for this, he should be responsible!"

This was an answer that dissatisfied the media reporters. They all felt that Costa was unreasonable.

At this time, you should not arrange more arrangements for Tong Yi and Crystal Palace to drag them into the water. In this case, there will be a riot inside the Crystal Palace. In that case, the strength of the Crystal Palace will be greatly reduced. Wouldn't it be easier for Chelsea to win?

So, at this time, what are you talking about?

Costa also said, "And Coach Tong responded very quickly. They punished Ignacio immediately. I think they have done a good job. This is a very good team. I believe their current preparations should be very good, and this game will be more difficult for Chelsea."

The media reporters were really speechless. This Costa couldn't speak at all.

Brain problem.

Then, they went to interview other Chelsea players.

Hazard was also interviewed before the game. He said, "I don't care about this matter, and I don't have any concern. These behaviors are Ignacio's personal behaviors, and there is nothing to say. We only need to manage We can just do it ourselves, as for my opinion on this matter, I don’t have any opinion!”

It's none of your business, hang it high!

However, media reporters all feel that these guys are so indifferent to this matter and do not make any comments, probably because they are afraid of getting into trouble. After all, you evaluated Ignacio too harshly and criticized you too harshly at this time. What if something like this happens to you in the future? What will be the consequences?

Therefore, these guys kept silent about this matter and ignored him.

The media reporters were speechless. \u003c


Sure enough, the football world is a big dyeing vat. I'm afraid there are very few players who keep themselves clean. There really aren’t many people like Tong Yi!

Of course, the media reporters believe that the reason why Tong Yi is like this is because he is a soft ricer. If he messes around, his job will be ruined. Then where will he go to eat such soft rice in the future?

Tong Yi's self-righteousness is actually because he is afraid of losing his job.

To be honest, the ideas of these media reporters are really weird.

They also interviewed other Chelsea players and interviewed Courtois.

When Courtois faced the media reporters, he said, "What Ignacio did was obviously very immoral. He really disrespected women a little. Such slights need to be condemned. Ignacio should pay for his actions. I am ashamed to be in the company of such people!"

Courtois responded positively to this matter, but the media reporters were also a little dissatisfied. You were not harsh enough or direct enough.

Courtois also said, "I think this incident will have a huge impact on Crystal Palace. It will affect their preparation and state. In the next game against our Chelsea, they will definitely perform very poorly." This is our opportunity as Chelsea, and I believe our club can seize the opportunity. Chelsea will definitely win the Premier League title this season, and Crystal Palace will not cooperate with our Chelsea competition!"

Journalists from the media all took correspondence courses and said it well.

Now Chelsea needs this kind of momentum and must win this game.

Of course, Chelsea head coach Conte also accepted interviews from media reporters.

He said, "To be honest, this incident is a bit beyond my expectation. I didn't expect that a young man like Ignacio would have an affair with Adriana. This really surprised me!"

Indeed, this is indeed surprising.

In foreign countries, everyone is not surprised by this kind of sibling love between young and old. What surprised them was the identity between the two.

Especially Adriana's identity.

Adriana is a well-known beauty reporter in English football. She should be very aware of the consequences and influence of this matter. She had encountered this kind of thing countless times, and she actually decided to get together with Ignacio. What kind of power drove him to ignore it?

Is it the power of love?


Even knowing that she would encounter such a situation, Adriana still pounced on Ignacio, which shows that if it is not true love, there are huge interests involved.

Bullshit? Is it just because of the excitement?

Adriana is not such a reckless person.

Conte also said, "Of course, we don't know what exactly happened now, and it's not necessarily right to criticize now. After all, we don't know whether Ignacio had broken up with his girlfriend when the two were together. Well, if we’ve already broken up, there won’t be any problems with this matter.”

However, some media reporters claimed that the Crystal Palace Club punished Ignacio at this time, which in fact has already defined the matter. If Ignacio really broke up with Lilian, why would Crystal Palace punish Ignacio?

Obviously this is a redirected admission that Ignacio has cheated!

Ignacio and Lillian certainly didn't break up.

However, Conte did not mention this too much. He talked more about this game.

Conte said, "We at Chelsea are very well prepared for this game now. We are in very good shape now. I believe our club can win this game and return to the top of the Premier League. Yes, We at Chelsea are going to the top!"

Conte was also very excited when he said this.

They really saw hope.

Conte continued: "Obviously, Crystal Palace is not fully prepared for this game, and their club's problems are still quite serious. Therefore, I think it is impossible for Crystal Palace to defeat us, Chelsea, in this game." What a threat it poses.”

Despite what he said, Conte still attached great importance to this game in his heart.

He attaches great importance to Tong Yi.

Although he said so, he did not underestimate the Crystal Palace at all. On the contrary, in previous trainings, he repeatedly emphasized that Chelsea players should not take it lightly, let alone underestimate Crystal Palace because of these things. Crystal Palace is not a team that can always be encouraged by common sense. It must go all out.

Chelsea players also know the strength of Crystal Palace this season, so even though something like this happened, they really don't dare to underestimate Crystal Palace.

Chelsea players also attach great importance to this game.

However, the current situation is indeed a very good opportunity for Chelsea.

Currently they are waiting for the game to start.

This was a great opportunity for them to return to the top of the Premier League and he didn't want to miss it.

Now the outside media are more optimistic about Chelsea, and they also think this is a rare opportunity for Chelsea. If they can't win such a game, then Chelsea won't even be able to win the Premier League this season.

The champion.

Therefore, this game is actually very stressful for Chelsea people.

Because in the eyes of the outside world, Chelsea must win this game.

If Chelsea did not win this game in the end, the comments and pressure after the game would probably be unbearable for Chelsea.

Chelsea absolutely cannot lose this game!

Therefore, Conte feels a lot of pressure now. He reminded the Crystal Palace players to be careful. Don't take it lightly just because Crystal Palace has encountered such problems. You must face this game in your best condition, strive to win directly, and lead the team back to the top of the list.

The outside media are all building momentum for this game, and the most common word they say is that Chelsea must win!

Chelsea people are under a lot of pressure!

Of course, at this time, media reporters also flocked to the Crystal Palace Club, and they also wanted to interview Crystal Palace players. However, the Crystal Palace players were given a gag order by the club and were not allowed to be interviewed by any media reporters at all. This made the reporters very unhappy and in a very bad mood.

However, as the head coach of Crystal Palace Football Club, Tong Yi still accepted the interview.

However, he refused to answer any questions related to Ignacio.

Facing media reporters, Tong Yi said this: "This game is indeed difficult for our Crystal Palace. The current public opinion is not good for us. More importantly, this game is an away game. Our Crystal Palace The pressure is actually very high. Chelsea is very strong, but our Crystal Palace may not have no chance of winning. I think this game is a 50-50 split, and we will definitely go all out. Three points is what our Crystal Palace club is pursuing, and one point is acceptable to us!”

Hearing Tong Yi's words, the fans felt that Tong Yi's momentum had weakened.

They all feel that there is no chance for Crystal Palace in this game. The game has not even started yet, and they have no confidence. How can Crystal Palace play in this game?

Chelsea must win this game!

Tong Yi also said, "Of course, we at Crystal Palace will definitely go all out for this game. We have prepared for this game and this season for a long time, and we are very full. Chelsea is very strong, but we It’s not weak either. Even if it’s an away game, we still have to fight hard. I think we still have a chance at Crystal Palace in this game. As for the result of the game, we’ll see you on the field tomorrow!”

Yes, tomorrow the battle between Crystal Palace and Chelsea will officially begin. The result of this game is likely to determine the Premier League championship this season, so don’t miss it!

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