Legendary Godfather

285: Our goal has always been to defend the Champions League

get out of class is over again?

Last year, when Real Madrid was eliminated by Crystal Palace, it seemed like Zidane was dismissed once, right?

It's not why Real Madrid kept him again later.

To be honest, Zidane's performance in leading the team this season is quite good. Now he is basically guaranteed to win the La Liga championship and has also reached the semi-finals of the UEFA Champions League. Logically speaking, it is still good.

However, just when he led the team to lose to Crystal Palace again, he announced his resignation.

The media reporters were all a little sad.

It can be seen that Real Madrid attaches great importance to the Champions League championship.

Now that Zidane has resigned, does this mean that Real Madrid has come to an end? Real Madrid is going to send away the BBC combination, clean up Real Madrid and these players, form a new Galaxy Battleship, and once again attack the UEFA Champions League championship?

Anyway, there have been rumors about this before.

Let's see how the incident develops in the next few days.

To be honest, the media reporters at the scene really wanted to find out these things now and interview Ronaldo and the others. Unfortunately, these people did not appear at the post-match press conference.


To be honest, if Real Madrid really wants to clean up the entire team and replace it, the entire football world will be shocked. Maybe it will create a new football pattern, but not necessarily!

Who will the BBC combination headed by Ronaldo become?

Of course, there are also many media reporters who believe that the rumors before the game are false. How could Real Madrid sell Ronaldo? This is impossible!

It is impossible for the BBC combination to withdraw from the historical stage of Real Madrid.

These rumors are all false.

For this reason, the media reporters at the scene asked Zidane questions about this aspect.

Zidane frowned slightly and said, "I'm not very clear about this matter. And I will leave Real Madrid soon. These have nothing to do with me. How can we know this news? You should interview the players." I may be a senior member of the club. I don’t know about these things and I don’t pay attention to them! I’m going to take a break!”

All media reporters were shocked. Zidane is really going to resign!

It seems like this is different from what happened last year.

Tong Yi couldn't help but turn his head and look at Zidane, who was also a little surprised.

Is Zidane really going to be kicked out of class by himself?

After answering this question, Zidane stood up and left.

No sloppiness.

Tong Yi curled his lips slightly. It seemed that Zidane was really going to take a break for a while.

Tong Yi said to the media reporters, "This game is really thrilling. Real Madrid's strength is indeed very good."

Very strong, they are indeed one of the best teams in the world. There was a certain amount of luck in our victory in this game, but the result was good and I am still very satisfied. "

After pondering for a while, Tong Yi also said, "Of course, winning this game is inseparable from the hard work of my players. These are all their contributions. I hope they can maintain this state, after all. This season is not over yet, there are still very, very crucial games waiting for them."

Yes, Tong Yi has now turned his attention to the remaining games of this season.

At this point, the season is really coming to an end, and it is also the most critical moment.

In fact, every game after this will be very difficult.

Crystal Palace has finally reached this point. They must grasp every game and there must be no problems in any game.

It will be more difficult later.

Tong Yi also said, "Of course, the players of Real Madrid are very good. They are top players. We can defeat them in this game. My players are good on the one hand and on the other hand." It’s still luck. It’s really good luck in this game!”

The media reporters all pouted. They all felt that Tong Yi was too perfunctory.

You can say that it was luck to eliminate Real Madrid once. You can also say that it is luck to eliminate Real Madrid in the knockout rounds of the UEFA Champions League for two consecutive years?

Tong Yi, you are really too unreasonable and look down on us too much.

They all felt that Tong Yi was too hypocritical.

At this time, some media reporters suddenly asked, "Mr. Tong Yi, what do you think about Real Madrid's upcoming sale of the BBC portfolio? Do you think this is true?"

All the media reporters looked at Tong Yi with burning eyes.

Tong Yi glanced at these people, and then said, "I am not a senior executive of Real Madrid, and I don't know their internal plans. But from my perspective as a head coach, I feel that selling the BBC portfolio and upgrading it is not the best option now." The best time. After all, there are not many stars in football who can replace the BBC combination. It is difficult for Real Madrid to find an attacking combination of the same level in a short time, let alone a better one. I think it is still suitable for Real Madrid at this stage. BBC combination. I think Real Madrid will not sell them."

Yes, the BBC team is now the top team in world football. Why do you want to change?

Are you sure you can get a better one now?

This is impossible.

Therefore, Tong Yi also feels that these rumors are not reliable at all, and Real Madrid's top management is not so stupid. Can they put Mei

Going to Real Madrid? Can you bring the sn combination to Real Madrid?

Therefore, in Tong Yi's view, Real Madrid will not sell the BBC portfolio at this time.

At this time, Adriana suddenly asked, "Excuse me, Coach Tong, was it you who gave Alisson the little note during the penalty shootout? It was you who predicted the direction of the Real Madrid man's serve and allowed Alisson to save it successfully." Real Madrid's penalty kick, right? In other words, you helped Crystal Palace beat Real Madrid in the penalty shootout, right?"


All the media reporters at the scene took a breath of cold air. Is there such a thing?

Everyone turned to look at Adriana, and then turned to look at Tong Yi on the stage.

Is there any such inside story? Why didn't they notice?

Did Adriana's current boyfriend Ignacio tell him this detail? Sure enough, there are people inside who are awesome and can get a lot of inside information.

It seems that Adriana has finally taken care of Ignacio once and for all.

All the media reporters were staring at Tong Yi.

Tong Yi was also a little surprised. How did Adriana know? Is it really the little guy Ignacio who leaked the secret? If this is the case, this is a big problem.

It must be eliminated.

Otherwise, if any troubles within the team are leaked in the future, it will be a big problem.

Adriana saw Tong Yi's expression. She immediately realized the problem and said immediately, "I caught it through the camera lens. I saw that before the penalty shootout started, you gave Alisson a small note." . Alisson looked at it very carefully and even looked at the note during the penalty shootout."

When saying this, Adriana even showed off her camera.

Everyone said "Oh", but still didn't believe Adriana's words.

However, Adriana didn't care about everyone's reaction. What she cared about was Tong Yi's reaction. After all, Tong Yi is the man who can decide the future of her boyfriend Ignacio.

She hoped that Tong Yi could believe what she said, and that what she said was the truth.

Tong Yi looked at the camera in Adriana's hand, nodded slightly, and said calmly, "Being able to defeat Real Madrid in the penalty shootout is the result of our entire team's efforts and Becker's own ability. It was him who saved two A crucial penalty kick. He made all the decisions at that time, and he led us to victory at Crystal Palace. As for the little note you mentioned, it is not that important."

Yes, Tong Yi still puts all the credit on Alisson.

To be honest, he really doesn't need to compete with the players for these so-called credits now.

As long as Tong Yi leads the team to achieve better results, everything else doesn't matter.

And this kind of words can also inspire the players of Crystal Palace, so why not do it.

However, Adriana and the media reporters at the scene did not have such questions. They even wanted to dig out the entire contents of these notes. After all, Tong Yi is known as the "Great Magician" and "The Great Prophet". Did he really predict the direction of the Real Madrid penalty kick?

If this is the case, then who will dare to play a penalty shootout with Crystal Palace in the future?

Isn’t this a 100% loss?

Everyone stared at Tong Yi in surprise, wanting to dig out the contents on the note and let the truth be revealed to the world.

However, no matter how they asked, Tong Yi stopped talking too much about this note.

This made everyone feel that the note was even more mysterious, and they wanted to find out more.

Even at this time, many media reporters were preparing to interview Alisson and ask him what was on the note?

These guys even wanted to use their connections to contact the Crystal Palace players and ask them to find out what was on the note. Many media reporters looked at Adriana with envy. Adriana is such a powerful woman, so foresighted, she even took care of Ignacio early.

They all felt that Ignacio should be able to easily get the contents of the note.

At this time, Tong Yi faced reporters and continued, "Of course, we have reached the finals, and our goal is definitely to win the Champions League. To be honest, from the beginning of the season, we have said After that, our goal at Crystal Palace is to defend the title! This defense is not only about the Premier League, but also the UEFA Champions League!"


The media reporters all think that Tong Yi is really arrogant!

If, as Tong Yi said, Crystal Palace's call to defend the title at the beginning of the season really meant this, then Tong Yi and the Crystal Palace people are really very arrogant!

If they had clearly stated at that time that their goal was to defend the UEFA Champions League, they would have been criticized, labeled as arrogant, and even ridiculed by people all over the world. object.

But now, they actually did it!

The media reporters were all shocked!

This soft-boiled guy from China is really awesome!

After saying this, Tong Yi didn't say anything more, stood up and left. Even though the media reporters behind him loudly begged him to stay and they still had many questions to ask, Tong Yi did not stop. Because the league is not over yet, he still has a lot to do. Next, he is going to prepare for the weekend's Premier League match between Crystal Palace and Hull City. Now the Premier League is also at its peak. Every game cannot be taken lightly. Every game is a final!

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