Legendary Godfather

319: Note entering the club’s honor showroom

Looking at everyone who was full of expectations, Alisson chuckled first, and then said lightly, "Actually, you have been deceived just like Chelsea. There is nothing on that little note, it is just a blank piece of paper! But, it seems Everyone feels that it is not a blank piece of paper! This is where our boss is so awesome!"


All the media reporters were stunned by Alisson's words!


No words, just a blank piece of paper?

So this little note is a smoke bomb released by Tong Yi and a psychological warfare by Tong Yida?

No, no, no, that’s absolutely not the case!

The media reporters did not believe Alisson's words. They all felt that Alisson was not telling the truth and that this guy was deceiving everyone. Alisson is definitely telling lies. Why is he doing this? Is it to help Hua Xia Tong keep Hua Xia Tong’s Oriental lion dance a secret?

Anyway, media reporters just don’t believe Alisson’s words!

How could it be a blank piece of paper?

Adriana was also in disbelief, how could this be possible?

Alisson shrugged and said calmly, "I know you don't want to believe it, but I can only say that this is the truth! I'm sorry to disappoint you!"

After saying that, Alisson left directly, leaving only a group of stunned media reporters looking at each other!

I don't know when Webster came to Adriana's side. His eyes followed Alisson's retreating back, but he asked Adriana next to him, "What he said...do you believe it?" "

Adriana was still in a daze and didn't hear.

Webster, who received no response, asked again, "Do you think that little piece of paper is really a blank piece of paper?"

Adriana finally came to her senses, pondered for a while, and then said, "I don't believe it!"

Adriana really doesn’t believe it!

Because this is not the first time that Tong Yi has used the magic weapon of a small note. In the previous penalty shootout at Crystal Palace, Tong Yi would bring out a small note and then help the team win the penalty shootout. !

Each penalty shootout is won by a small piece of paper. Do you think this small piece of paper will be blank?

You have to know that after Tong Yi took over, Crystal Palace seems to have never lost in a penalty shootout!

Do you think such a high winning rate is based on a blank piece of paper?

No one would believe it!

Webster nodded slightly and said, "I don't believe it either!"

I don't know when Delvistri came to the two of them and suddenly said, "So, there is an unknown secret in this!"


Both Webster and Adriana were startled by Delvestri's sudden interruption.

It’s really almost scary to death!

After Adriana and Webster discovered who the visitor was, they both gave Delvistri a pair of hygienic eyes!

Delvestrelli smiled and apologized.

Webster pondered for a moment, and then said, "You are right, there must be a secret in it!"


Na also nodded slightly in agreement.

Then the three of them fell silent, each with their own little plans in mind, hoping to dig out some inside information through their personal relationships and dig out all the contents on the note.

Whoever digs out this content first will be the first in traffic.

So the three of them were thinking about how to dig up insider information as soon as possible.

Of course, Delvistri and Webster are very anxious, because they know very well that Adriana has an advantage over them. If they are not anxious, I am afraid that this exclusive content will be preempted by Adriana. ah.

This is what they don't want to see.

So, they immediately said goodbye to each other and quickly left to poach content through their own channels.

Unfortunately, to their disappointment, they didn't unearth anything useful.

The content they dug out through their channels was the same as Alisson's answer, that is, a blank piece of paper!

However, they don't believe it!

They all felt that there must be a unified voice within the Crystal Palace, otherwise they would not be able to give such a unified answer!

The damn Chinese soft-boiled man is too arrogant, covering the sky with one hand!

What shocked Webster was that the content Adriana dug up was the same as them, and the reply he received was still a blank piece of paper!

They don't believe it either!

So, they released the news and reported it!

"The Great Magician of China, defeated Chelsea's championship dream with a blank piece of paper!" - "The Times"

"A blank slate is enough to break the situation, is it psychological game or Chinese magic?" - "The Sun"

The next day, major media reported on this incident, and the popularity of this incident even surpassed the popularity of Crystal Palace defeating Chelsea to win the FA Cup.

After everyone saw these reports, they started heated discussions.

They were all discussing whether this small piece of paper was blank paper? These people have expressed their opinions one after another, and even very famous players and coaches have expressed their opinions on the Internet.

Most people don’t believe that this note is blank!

Many people even cursed Tong Yi crazily, claiming that Tong Yi was fooling the public and treating the public as fools. Such a guy should be boycotted and banned, and the FA should be called upon to drive this trash Tong Yi out of England and tell him to get out!

Moreover, there are many people behind this who are adding fuel to the fire and really want to drive Tong Yi out of England.

After all, after this guy Tong Yi came to Crystal Palace, he changed the pattern of the Premier League.

We absolutely cannot allow trash like Tong Yi to stay.

Of course, more people still start from the facts, and they don’t think it is a blank slate.

After all, whoever attacked here used the small note tactic many times and it was successful. Is it a blank paper every time? look

They came to the Crystal Palace and Tong Yi to cover up the fact that Tong Yi was a great mage and knew Chinese witchcraft.

Media reporters are crazily criticizing Tong Yi, thinking that this guy is fooling the public and fabricating facts, which is hateful and shameful!

Of course, Chelsea head coach Conte was also interviewed and expressed his views.

Conte said: "I don't believe that the little piece of paper is blank, because you can see that Alisson's three penalty kick saves almost every ball were accurately judged in the direction, and some were even ahead of schedule." Judgment. I don’t think Alisson didn’t get the instructions? If you don’t believe it, you can go back and study the video! I think this little piece of paper may be the prophecy written by Huaxia Tong!”

Media reporters all agreed with Conte’s words, and they thought so too.

Moreover, there are many people on the Internet who are studying the video of the penalty kick in this game frame by frame. Indeed, when Alisson made the save, there were factors such as early judgment and early lateral movement. This shows that Alisson did know Chelsea's serving route before the Chelsea player served, and he believed in it! ??

The only person who can convince Alisson is Crystal Palace head coach Tong Yi.

Therefore, they all thought that this small piece of paper must be full of content.

There is Tong Yi’s prophecy above!

Tong Yi is the great mage, and he is really good at prophecy.

Moreover, these media reporters also found videos of Tong Yi predicting the World Cup, European Cup and other games, confirming that Tong Yi's predictions have been tested. What is Tong Yi if he is not a great magician and a great prophet?

This guy Tong Yi knows Chinese witchcraft!

Moreover, they are convinced that Tong Yi was able to bring Munich 1860 and Crystal Palace to such great heights because of his great prophecy. His 100% success rate in discovering outstanding young people is also because of his great prophecy. He can predict the future. .


Immediately, countless people on the Internet became Tong Yi's believers and supported Tong Yi, and there were even many people who wanted to learn great prophecy from Tong Yi. Tong Yi's followers instantly increased dramatically, and Tong Yi's online social account gained millions of followers overnight.

Of course, there are also many people calling for a boycott of Tong Yi, and there are even people who think that Tong Yi is an AI robot...

This thing is getting more and more magical and outrageous!

This made these media reporters feel incredible!

They really underestimated the people's imagination and divergent thinking ability!

This has also led to a lot of pedestrians near Tong Yi's home in London. Many people want to see Tong Yi's lineup, and they really want to become Tong Yi's teacher.

There are even many evil forces on the Internet who have sent invitations to Tong Yi, and some have threatened to kidnap Tong Yi and hire Tong Yi. They all think that Tong Yi, you have such a sharp magic, why can't you be better than the head coach?

There are even some religious countries that have invited Tong Yi to go to their country to be a national teacher...


It’s really outrageous!

Tong was dumbfounded when he saw this. Did they really not expect that these people's ability to think divergently expressed such a stance?

He even saw a person leaving a message for him, inviting him to go to Wall Street and make a fortune together!

Hiss, Tong Yi was speechless!

Then, he issued a statement on his social media account, stating that he had no great prophecy skills and was not a great mage. These are just random speculations by media reporters, and he once again stated that the small piece of paper during the game with Chelsea was indeed a blank piece of paper!

In order to confirm this matter, Alisson also stood up. Alisson posted a photo of the white note on his social network account. It was indeed a blank piece of paper with nothing on it. Moreover, Alisson also attached a paragraph describing what Tong Yi told him when he handed him this blank piece of paper: "You have to trust your own judgment. This is not a tool to guide you, but A tool to mislead your opponents! Make good use of it!"

After seeing Alisson's response, many people sent a unified reply: "Haha, it's really like that, I almost believed it!"

The comments below are all about this and nothing else.

Seeing this, Alisson also wanted to cry without tears!

Why is it that no one wants to believe the truth?

To be honest, too many people are unwilling to believe it.

Of course, some people believe it. They all believe in science and do not believe in any theology. They all think that Tong Yi and Alisson are telling the truth. There are even many psychologists and psychologists who believe in psychology. Let’s analyze the tricks of Tong Yi and Alisson. They all think that Tong Yi is a master of psychology. He uses a small piece of white paper to play with all Chelsea people and control the world. It is really extraordinary. Very powerful.

Some well-known universities have even sent invitations to Tong Yi to give lectures in their psychology schools, etc.!

But the people don't believe these so-called psychologists. Instead, they believe that Tong Yi is a great magician who knows great prophecy!

The world is so crazy!

In order to explain this matter, Alisson also took out this blank piece of paper. "The Times" reporters Adriana and Webster and others looked at the blank piece of paper carefully. It seemed that it might be Tong Yi's Where's Alisson's blank piece of paper? The Times also published photos of these white papers, but the public was still reluctant to believe them.

Even Webster and the others were unwilling to believe it.

This note was probably prepared later? It's not the one Tong Yi handed to Alisson in the game!

Tong Yi and Alisson were speechless!

However, at this time, Crystal Palace Club issued an announcement that this small note will be stored in the Honor Room of Crystal Palace Club and placed next to the 2016-2017 English FA Cup Championship Trophy for fans and future generations to visit and pay their respects. !

The note that Crystal Palace Club half-photographed was the note that Tong Yi handed to Alisson during the game.

Whether you believe it or not, our club believes it!

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