Legendary Godfather

369: Crystal Palace is becoming more and more like a top club!

"Shocked! Ronaldo officially joins Crystal Palace!" - "The Times"

"C. Ronaldo and Jimenez swap, the Portuguese superstar returns to the Premier League!" - "The Guardian"

"Breaking news! The former World Footballer of the Year makes his official appearance at Crystal Palace!" - "Mirror"

"Crystal Palace's main center forward for the new season has been announced, and it's him!" - "Liverpool Echo"

"C. Ronaldo transfers to Crystal Palace, the transfer fee has not been announced!" - "London Standard Time"

"I have wanted to introduce Ronaldo since Tong Yi came to Crystal Palace!" - "London Sports News"

"Jimenez transfers to Real Madrid, weekly salary unknown!" - "World Sports News" .??.

"The former World Footballer has arrived, and Crystal Palace aims to win the Premier League title!" - "London Evening Post"

"Ferguson is unbelievable, I didn't know he was going to return to the Premier League!" - "Manchester Evening Post"

"Wenger's Premier League will become even more difficult in the new season!" - "Daily Mail"

"C. Ronaldo, I came to Crystal Palace with only one goal, which is to win the Champions League!" - "Sports Weekly"

The next day, the whole world was reporting on the news of Ronaldo's transfer to Crystal Palace.

This also attracted countless people's attention and discussion.

This is the superstar effect!

Crystal Palace was originally the most popular team nowadays, but now Crystal Palace has become even more popular. Some media even claimed that after this night, Crystal Palace would definitely gain tens of millions of new fans.

In the words of The Guardian, Crystal Palace is now the Galactic Battleship of world football!

Major media figures have expressed their opinions on this.

Many people think that this signing is actually a signing with greater reputation than strength. Tong Yi's introduction of Ronaldo at this time is nothing more than using Ronaldo's reputation to enhance the foundation and star effect of Crystal Palace. To put it bluntly, it is to enhance Crystal Palace. It's just a strong style that makes them look more like a wealthy team.

Yes, that's all!

In their view, Ronaldo is now old and has begun to decline. Otherwise, how could Real Madrid send away Ronaldo at this time? The introduction of Cristiano Ronaldo should not be obvious in improving the strength of Crystal Palace, and it is not even as good as when Jimenez or Balotelli were in the team.

Anyway, some media reporters are not optimistic about Crystal Palace's introduction of Ronaldo.

They believe that introducing such a star at this time is like an ordinary company parachuting in a middle- and senior-level leader. This will inevitably cause dissatisfaction among the team's original players and create internal conflicts.

It is impossible to say that Crystal Palace will collapse early due to the introduction of Ronaldo in the new season and lose the chance to compete for the championship.


br\u003e In their view, Crystal Palace’s introduction of Ronaldo was a stupid move!

Moreover, they also listed some of the recent operations of Crystal Palace Club, including the expansion of the training base and stadium, and now they have introduced world-renowned stars. This is not stacking buffs. What is improving the quality? They are not doing this to improve the team's strength, they just want to improve their team's heritage and influence, making their Crystal Palace look more like a wealthy team!

That's all!

To put it bluntly, in their view, Crystal Palace's introduction of Ronaldo is just a sign.

These guys really belittled Ronaldo too much.

It's as if Ronaldo really fell out of his pants from his peak all of a sudden, and his strength plummeted by 80%. It really looks like these guys have taken on a mission to deliberately slander Crystal Palace and criticize Ronaldo.

No wonder Ronaldo said something like that at the press conference.

C. Ronaldo didn’t come to Crystal Palace just to hang out.

He is here to prove his strength to the Real Madrid people and let the Real Madrid people understand how blind they are.

c. Ronaldo is holding back his energy now!

This is what Tong Yi wants to see!

Tong Yi also took a fancy to his energy when he introduced Ronaldo.

c. Ronaldo needs the Champions League title so much now. In the new season, he will definitely explode into the game with 100% or even 300% of his energy.

This is what Tong Yi wants!

Nowadays, many media reporters from the outside world think that the introduction of Ronaldo by Crystal Palace is just a mascot!

Of course, there are more people who don’t think so!

Sir Alex Ferguson stood up and accepted interviews with media reporters at this time. He said, "Cristiano is already very strong now. Those who look down on him will definitely be slapped in the face by him. Crystal Palace Is the introduction of him really the introduction of a mascot? You look down on David so much! Who is David? He is the godfather of the Champions League champions. He is the first godfather of champions to lead a team to defend the Champions League after the restructuring of the Champions League. Do you think he has a good vision? Problem? There’s something wrong with your brain!”

These words are recognized and praised by countless fans!

There really isn’t a single word of truth in these junk media, they are all just trying to set the tone!

Sir Alex Ferguson also said, "You can doubt anything, but you can't doubt David's vision! Look at the players he has favored since his debut, has there been any player that has not succeeded? With such a vision, you must also doubt

? Don’t you think there’s really something wrong with your brains? They have achieved so many brilliant achievements, why are they not as good as you, a layman? For the uninitiated, what are your achievements? "

Ferguson gave these media reporters a critical blow!

Many media reporters were blushing and about to explode with anger!

Ferguson, you have no moral integrity!

Sir Alex Ferguson finally said, "I think Crystal Palace will be even more competitive in the new season. Other teams in the Premier League should pay attention, otherwise, Crystal Palace will win three consecutive Premier League championships! This is a big win for David It's a good thing for the Premier League, but it's not a good thing for the Premier League! Other teams in the Premier League, you have to work hard!"

It can be seen that Ferguson very much approves of this deal and even thinks very highly of it.

This makes many media reporters lose their dignity!

Like Webster!

Webster directly said in his column that Ferguson is already very old, and his vision and knowledge can no longer keep up with the development of modern football. Ferguson still looks at problems with old eyes and cannot see things at all. In essence, what Ferguson said was meaningless nonsense!

Then, Webster's account was flushed, causing him to urgently close the comment function.

In an instant, there were tens of thousands of posts and content criticizing and cursing Webster on the Internet. Webster really flooded the Internet with traffic.

Of course, there are also many media reporters who recognize this deal.

They all feel that even though Ronaldo is getting older and his strength has declined, he still maintains a very high level! You can imagine that Klose and Ibrahimovic, who used to be under Tongyi, are older and looked down upon by others, thinking that their strength has declined, but what happened in the end? What results did they deliver?

Now think about it, I don’t know how many media reporters were beaten in the face by them.

And you have to know that Ronaldo also scored 25 goals in La Liga last season, ranking third in the scorer list, and scored 39 goals in all competitions throughout the season. Although this data has declined, it is still a very high level.

The introduction of Ronaldo is still a good improvement for Crystal Palace.

Moreover, Ronaldo once played in the Premier League and even conquered the Premier League. He has a very good understanding of the environment and football methods here, and there is no need to adapt at all, he can just plug and play. Isn't this the best signing for Crystal Palace?

In Adriana's view, as far as the center position is concerned, the introduction of Ronaldo is the most correct and suitable signing for Crystal Palace this season. There is nothing better than this.

\u003e Adriana also said that perhaps Ronaldo’s physical fitness and strength have declined to a certain extent. However, don’t forget that Coach Tong is a head coach who is very good at training players. Imagine Klopp, Vieri, Tristan, Balotelli, Ibrahimovic and so on before. Isn’t Coach Tong very good at training?

Therefore, in Adriana's view, coming to Crystal Palace may also be the most correct choice for Ronaldo.

Perhaps with Tong Yi by his side, Ronaldo can extend his career!

After seeing Adriana's article, Crystal Palace fans were very excited and excited. They felt that Adriana was really good at talking and spoke directly to their hearts.

To be honest, Crystal Palace fans are really excited right now!

That's Ronaldo!

Crystal Palace fans feel that if they have Ronaldo in the new season, they will be invincible. Perhaps this season, Crystal Palace will definitely continue to win and win another Grand Slam!

If Crystal Palace wins another Grand Slam this season, what will it be called?

Defending Grand Slam title?


It’s really exciting to think about it!

Crystal Palace fans are really looking forward to the new season, and they even can't wait now.

There are many other media reporters who are also looking forward to this deal, such as Delvestri. This guy also said in his column that this signing from Crystal Palace should be the most anticipated signing in the new Premier League season. Everyone wants to see what will happen after Ronaldo returns to the Premier League. What kind of performance?

However, judging from the abilities of Tong Yi and Ronaldo, the Crystal Palace in the new season may really make other Premier League teams feel desperate again!

At least now when Conte is being interviewed by media reporters, he said this: "I think we should pay attention to this transaction. Ronaldo is not as unbearable as you think. He is still one of the best forwards. In the new season, Crystal Palace has c. Ronaldo, their strength will not be worse than last season. So, at this time, what should we do at Chelsea? Salah is really good, I hope to bring him to Chelsea!"

Yes, Conte still misses Salah at this time!

Because there are big problems between Chelsea and Hazard. Now that Hazard is getting closer and closer to leaving Chelsea, Conte must make up for the vacancy after Hazard's departure.

Salah is his first choice!

And Conte really wasn't just thinking about it, they made another offer to Crystal Palace.

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